Yee-haw! Dodge Challenger Takes Flight And Sinks Into Florida Canal

The cause of the accident is unknown but it makes for a scene straight out of the Dukes of Hazzard

Security cameras are seemingly everywhere these days and as a result, we often get to see things that would’ve otherwise been unbelievable. In this case, a Dodge Challenger takes to land, air, and then to the sea after what appears to be a series of bad decisions by the driver. The video below shows what ended up being the last drive for an American muscle car in Florida.

Muscle cars in general have never been known for their supreme handling ability but in this case, it cost the driver their car. Security camera footage from a local resident shows the entire incident. At first, we see the Dodge driving ahead of another vehicle. The two come to a right-hand curve and the Challenger simply doesn’t track the road.

Instead, it drives through a bit of grass, doesn’t appear to slow down much, hits a small tree, and then launches off of the ground and into a canal. The once-mighty muscle car floats atop the water’s surface for quite a while as the driver attempts to escape. He fails at that too though and a bystander has to jump into the polluted water to help.

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Once the two make it back to shore the Challenger sinks completely underneath the surface as though it was never there. What caused the incident is still undetermined. It appears that the driver is speeding as they approach the curve but regardless of how fast they were driving, they simply fail to slow the car enough.

There are some interesting clues that might give away what really happened here. First, it appears almost as if the Dodge comes around the sedan at the very beginning of the clip as though they intentionally drove around it at high speed. Second, we don’t see any clear evidence that the front wheels turn into the corner at all. It’s possible then that the Dodge driver tried to overtake the sedan but didn’t have enough room to slow down after that maneuver.

If the sedan was also speeding or trying to prevent a pass it might further explain the situation. When contacted by NBC2 News, Police didn’t have any information to share on the situation.

Image Credit: Lorraine Holder
