CDC needs a reset requiring support from the federal level, new think tank report finds


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in “a moment of peril” and a “strong, effective, and more accountable” agency is an urgent matter of national security, according to a new report from the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS) Commission on Strengthening America’s Health Security.

“This report argues that a significant reset of the CDC is necessary – and possible – if carried out through building actionable recommendations across branches of government and across party lines,” Katherine Bliss, a senior fellow at CSIS, a Washington think tank, said during an event on Tuesday marking the report’s release. The event included CSIS experts, elected officials and public health experts, including past leaders of the CDC.

Reshaping the CDC will need to be a joint effort with the agency’s leaders and the federal government, the report says. It outlines a number of recommendations for the CDC to regain the public’s trust and to become more flexible and accountable, Bliss said.

According to the report, the CDC needs to strengthen its global work in order to detect and prepare for new epidemic threats, improve its data collection process, and it needs to be able to move money in its budget to respond to crises.

“The big picture here is, we all see the need for a reset of the agency. Some of the reset has to be structural, some of it needs to be activity that only Congress can really manage and that has to do with how the budget is structured, the size and scope of the budget and the flexibilities or lack thereof,” said Julie Gerberding, who was the CDC director from 2002 to 2009, and is co-chair of the CSIS Commission on Strengthening America’s Health Security. “And some of it has to do with, I think, modernization – really looking at how the CDC can take advantage of data science and the opportunities to build better data systems, more interoperable data systems and really complete the trajectory that they’ve already started with the data modernization act.”

In August, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walenksy laid out plans to overhaul the agency and create a “public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness” after a sweeping review of the agency’s structures and systems.

She said she would ask Congress to grant the agency new powers, including mandating that jurisdictions share their data and for new flexibilities in the agency’s funding, which would allow the CDC to better respond to public health emergencies.

Walensky and other CDC senior leaders met with the CSIS commission’s working group to help explain what they learned from their own internal review, Gerberding said.

CNN has reached out to the CDC for comment about the report.

The working group also took issue with the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters, saying it limits access to policymakers.

Gerberding said a bigger presence in Washington, D.C., is important.

“If you want to play, you gotta be in the game and the game is not played in Atlanta, unless, you know, you’re a fan of the baseball team there,” she said.

But ultimately, the working group said, the CDC has faced a lot of pressure and challenges over the last three years during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I do really want to emphasize that while there is substantial opportunity here for evolution, modernization and performance improvement at the CDC, it has also done a lot of things well and we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that in the midst of a pandemic there were many other public health activities going on. CDC teams were deployed all over the United States and internationally to assist with local response efforts. The CDC Foundation stepped up and engaged some 3,000 or more people to help the workforce shortages and so forth,” Gerberding said. “So there were a lot of very positive things that happened and we need to make sure that we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater here when we’re looking at the really critical things that need to be fixed, but also to appreciate and respect what our public health system has been able to accomplish for the past three years.”

“There’s a lot of incredible talent, passion and capability at the CDC and, you know, I’ve seen them do miracles,” she added.


Fugees' Pras Michel plans subpoenas for Obama and Trump

Former Justice Department attorney George Higginbotham, former Republican National Committee deputy fundraising chair Elliott Broidy, and California businesswoman Nickie Lum Davis have already pleaded guilty in connection with the investigation into the influence-peddling effort. However, before leaving office, Trump granted Broidy a full pardon.

Kenner did not elaborate on what testimony Trump or Obama could offer about the effort, but said the value of their accounts should be evident to prosecutors. “I believe it’s all relevant,” Kenner said.

“The government is not intending to call any former presidents,” Justice Department lawyer John Keller told Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly during the half-hour-long court session Tuesday. However, Keller said the government does plan to call two high level officials from the Trump White House: former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and one of his deputies, Ricky Waddell. Neither is expected to resist testifying, Keller said.

Kollar-Kotelly expressed concern that efforts to draw the former presidents and other high-profile individuals into the case could complicate plans for Michel’s long-delayed jury trial to go forward in March. The judge was adamant Tuesday that, even if the former presidents seek to quash the subpoenas for their testimony, the trial will begin as scheduled on March 27.

“I do not have any time to push this case back, so you’re going on the dates you’ve got,” said Kollar-Kotelly, an appointee of President Bill Clinton.

Michel — who has pleaded not guilty in the case — has been free pending trial, but his legal troubles appear to have contributed to a decision to cancel an international reunion tour last year for the American hip-hop group best known for the songs “Ready or Not” and “Killing Me Softly.”


Arizona says developers don't have enough groundwater to build in desert west of Phoenix

home is being built in in Rio Verde Foothills, Arizona, U.S. on January 7, 2023.

The Washington Post | Getty Images

Developers planning to build homes in the desert west of Phoenix don’t have enough groundwater supplies to move forward with their plans, a state modeling report found. 

Plans to construct homes west of the White Tank Mountains will require alternative sources of water to proceed as the state grapples with a historic megadrought and water shortages, according to the report.

Water sources are dwindling across the Western United States and mounting restrictions on the Colorado River are affecting all sectors of the economy, including homebuilding. But amid a nationwide housing shortage, developers are bombarding Arizona with plans to build homes even as water shortages worsen.

The Arizona Department of Water Resources reported that the Lower Hassayampa sub-basin that encompasses the far West Valley of Phoenix is projected to have a total unmet demand of 4.4 million acre-feet of water over a 100-year period. The department therefore can’t move to approve the development of subdivisions solely dependent on groundwater.

“We must talk about the challenge of our time: Arizona’s decades-long drought, over usage of the Colorado River, and the combined ramifications on our water supply, our forests, and our communities,” Gov. Katie Hobbs said in a statement last week. 

Developers in the Phoenix area are required to get state certificates proving that they have 100 years’ worth of water supplies in the ground over which they’re building before they’re approved to construct any properties. 

The megadrought has generated the driest two decades in the West in at least 1,200 years, and human-caused climate change has helped to fuel the conditions. Arizona has experienced cuts to its Colorado River water allocation and now must curb 21% of its water usage from the river, or roughly 592,000 acre-feet each year, an amount that would supply more than 2 million Arizona households annually. 

Despite warnings that there isn’t enough water to sustain growth in development, some Arizona developers have argued that they can work around diminishing water supplies, saying new homes will have low flow fixtures, drip irrigation, desert landscaping and other drought-friendly measures. More than two dozen housing developments are in the works around Phoenix.

Rising Risks: Building through the great western drought


Dad refusing to pay daughter for babysitting divides Reddit: 'Felt that wasn't necessary'

An anonymous father on Reddit asked users if he’s in the wrong for refusing to pay his college-enrolled daughter for babysitting and completing chores – and people appear to be divided in the comments section.

Reddit user Throwaway476905, who couldn’t immediately be reached for comment since his account was suspended at the time of publication, submitted a post to the “Am I the A——” subreddit on Monday, Jan. 16, where he shared his apparent familial dispute.

The father wrote that he asks his 20-year-old daughter to babysit his 5-year-old twin sons about three times a week without pay. In addition, he wrote that he believes his request is a reasonable one because he’s paying his daughter’s college tuition and she lives with him rent-free.


“Occasionally she has to watch over her younger brothers since I may be busy with work or when I need a break to hang out with my girlfriend,” Throwaway476905 wrote.

An anonymous father of a 20-year-old woman and two twin boys (not pictured) asked Reddit users if he's wrong for refusing to pay his daughter for babysitting and doing chores.

An anonymous father of a 20-year-old woman and two twin boys (not pictured) asked Reddit users if he’s wrong for refusing to pay his daughter for babysitting and doing chores.

Throwaway476905’s daughter asked him to lessen her babysitting duties, according to the post.

“She told me she’s okay with cooking and cleaning around the house, but having to watch over her siblings was annoying & stressful and that it’s taking away from her studies,” Throwaway476905 wrote.

“That p****d me off because I myself went to school while having to pay bills & take care of her as a baby alongside my ex-wife,” he continued. “I told her she was acting very privileged and that if I could do it, so could she. She didn’t like that very much and stormed off into her room.”

The dispute reportedly escalated when Throwaway476905’s daughter told her aunt [Throwaway476905’s sister] about the exchange she had with her father, he wrote.


Throwaway476905 described his sister as “very kind” and “gullible at times,” and wrote that he didn’t like that his sister suggested he pay his daughter an allowance.

Throwaway476905, an anonymous father on Reddit, shared he doesn't think he should have to pay his 20-year-old daughter for babysitting and doing chores because he's paying her college tuition and lets her live with him rent-free.

Throwaway476905, an anonymous father on Reddit, shared he doesn’t think he should have to pay his 20-year-old daughter for babysitting and doing chores because he’s paying her college tuition and lets her live with him rent-free.

“I explained why I felt that wasn’t necessary and she told me not to compare my situation to my Daughter’s since apparently I put myself in the position I was in back then which I guess is a fair argument,” Throwaway476905 wrote.

He reiterated that he doesn’t think an allowance should be necessary since his daughter lives in their shared home and is having her college tuition paid, but he was open to hearing from strangers on the internet about whether he’s “wrong for not wanting to pay her extra money to do basic chores.”

More than 9,000 people upvoted Throwaway476905’s post and he was ultimately labeled an “A——” by Reddit voters, but the post started a debate in the 5,400-plus comments left under his query.


The post’s commenter, a user who received more than 30,900 upvotes from the “Am I the A——” Reddit community, said Throwaway476905 was in the wrong – referencing how the father of three argued how he “went to school while having to pay bills & take care of her as a baby alongside.” 

“That was your own baby and your own decision, same as now,” the top commenter wrote. “[Your] daughter has no kids, it’s not her responsibility.”

A 20-year-old college student is reportedly being asked to care for her 5-year-old twin brothers about three times a week in addition to other household chores, her father explained in an anonymous Reddit post.

A 20-year-old college student is reportedly being asked to care for her 5-year-old twin brothers about three times a week in addition to other household chores, her father explained in an anonymous Reddit post.

In response to the top comment, one Reddit user initially sided with the dad, and wrote, “She’s living there rent free…that’s her allowance for these chores.”

The user revised their original response to the following – “You should be paying her for babysitting, you don’t need to pay her for the other chores though.” 


A Reddit user agreed with the revised comment and wrote that they don’t think an allowance is needed for household chores.

“…but she absolutely should get paid for watching children she didn’t choose to have – since they’re her siblings, not children,” the commenter wrote, which earned more than 9,200 upvotes.

Throwaway476905, an anonymous father on Reddit, wrote that his sister has suggested he pay his college-aged daughter for babysitting and completing household chores while he works and takes time to see his girlfriend.

Throwaway476905, an anonymous father on Reddit, wrote that his sister has suggested he pay his college-aged daughter for babysitting and completing household chores while he works and takes time to see his girlfriend.

“I think if she’s asked to babysit once every few weeks, that is the equivalent of a chore,” another Reddit user wrote. “If it’s multiple times a week, that changes things.”

Some commenters expressed that they think the father could be seen as selfish since he noted that he asks his daughter to watch his young sons when he wants to spend time with his girlfriend.

“I see that this person ‘NEEDS’ to ‘hang out with his girlfriend’ and not care for his children quite a bit and that is odd phrasing,” one user wrote, which garnered more than 1,100 upvotes.


Other Reddit users asked if the daughter is already handling the majority of the household chores since the father acknowledged he asks her to cook, clean and do “typical things you’re expected to do on a daily basis anyways” in addition to watching her young brothers.

Suspended Reddit user Throwaway476905 wrote that he asks his college-aged daughter to cook, clean and do other household chores in addition to babysitting her elementary-aged twin brothers.

Suspended Reddit user Throwaway476905 wrote that he asks his college-aged daughter to cook, clean and do other household chores in addition to babysitting her elementary-aged twin brothers.

Many commenters shared that they think there’s cause for concern if the father’s babysitting requests are truly getting in the way of the daughter’s schoolwork.

One Reddit user wrote that they believe it’s “not reasonable” to ask a college student to watch children under the age of nine for three or four days per week.


“I fully expect that older children can and should on occasion help care for younger siblings when necessary – in emergencies or once in a while situations,” the Reddit user elaborated. “It’s just what families do. But if it’s frequent or regular there needs to be some compensation [in my opinion], and if it’s interfering with school? That’s a problem.”


Charles Taylor Fast Facts


Here’s a look at the life of Charles Taylor, former president of Liberia and convicted war criminal.

Birth date: January 28, 1948

Birth place: Arthington, Liberia

Birth name: Charles Taylor

Father: Nelson Taylor, judge

Mother: Zoe Taylor

Marriages: Victoria Addison-Taylor (unknown-present); Jewel (Howard) Taylor (1997-2006, divorced)

Children: with Victoria Addison-Taylor: three girls; with Jewel (Howard) Taylor: McArthur Taylor. It is reported that Taylor has several other children.

Education: Bentley College, Massachusetts, BA Economics,1977

Taylor stole or diverted nearly $100 million of Liberia’s funds while in power, according to the New York Times. Taylor used the money to buy houses, cars and illegal weapons while fighting the civil war.

1972 – Moves to the United States to study.

1980 Returns to Liberia and joins the administration of Samuel Doe, who comes into power after a coup.

May 1983 Flees to the United States after Doe accuses Taylor of corruption and stealing over $900,000 from the Liberian government.

May 1984 – Is arrested in Boston. The court holds him to wait for extradition orders from the Liberian government.

1985 – Escapes from jail. Authorities believe he crosses into Mexico and then heads to Libya where Colonel Moammar Gadhafi gives him asylum.

1989 While in Libya, Taylor forms the militia group National Patriotic Front of Liberia.

1990-1996 – A civil war is fought in Liberia. More than 150,000 people are killed and more than half of the population become refugees.

1996A peace pact brokered by the international community calls for elections.

July 19, 1997Taylor is elected president of Liberia in a special election.

2000 Rebels in Liberia begin a struggle against Taylor’s government.

June 4, 2003 – Taylor is indicted for crimes against humanity by a United Nations court. Charges include murder, enslavement and the recruitment of child soldiers.

June 6, 2003Rebels advance into Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.

June 2003 – US President George W. Bush makes a statement asking Taylor to step down for the good of the Liberian people.

August 7, 2003Taylor submits his letter of resignation.

August 11, 2003 – Steps down as president, hands over power to Vice President Moses Blah and leaves for Nigeria, where he is granted asylum.

December 4, 2003 Interpol puts out a global arrest warrant for Taylor.

March 16, 2006The indictment against Taylor is amended and reduced to 11 counts.

March 29, 2006 – Taylor is recaptured and taken into custody by border guards in northern Nigeria as he tried to leave the country with his wife.

April 3, 2006 – Taylor appears at a UN-backed tribunal in Sierra Leone and pleads not guilty to 11 war crimes charges.

June 20, 2006 – Taylor is transferred to The Hague in the Netherlands for trial.

June 4, 2007 – Taylor boycotts the opening of his trial, calling it a “charade” in a letter read by his attorney.

January 7, 2008Taylor appears in court as his war crimes trial resumes.

June 2010 – The prosecution, which rested its case against Taylor in 2009, asks to reopen its case. This is done to allow for the testimony of model Naomi Campbell and actress Mia Farrow regarding “blood diamonds” that Taylor may have given Campbell in 1997.

March 11, 2011Taylor’s trial concludes.

April 26, 2012 – Taylor is found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes in Sierra Leone.

May 16, 2012 – At a sentencing hearing, Taylor says that terrible things happened in Sierra Leone, for which there can be no justification, but his role in the conflict was much different than represented. “I pushed the peace process hard, contrary to how I have been portrayed in this court.”

May 30, 2012 – Taylor is sentenced to 50 years in prison.

January 22, 2013Taylor’s lawyers argue an appeal of Taylor’s conviction for war crimes.

September 26, 2013 – Taylor’s appeal is dismissed, his sentence stands.

September 8, 2020 – Taylor’s request to transfer to a prison outside of the UK over Covid-19 fears is denied.

October 2021 – Taylor files a lawsuit against the Liberian government over its refusal to pay his retirement and pension benefits since he resigned in 2003.


Leslie Jones set to debut as guest host of 'The Daily Show'


Leslie Jones is taking a seat at “The Daily Show” desk.

The “Saturday Night Live” alum will start a temporary stint as host of “The Daily Show” this week, saying she’ll bring her trademark “vulnerable honesty” to the job.

“I’m not Jon Stewart. I’m not Trevor Noah, I’m Leslie Jones. So I’ll be bringing that vulnerable honesty,” Jones quipped about the gig. “No assignment to me is ever different. It’s always them asking for me. Pretty much what I come to deliver is me. So it’s not really too much different than when I used to do, updates at ‘SNL’ or doing standup, you know? It’s all talking.”

Jones will host Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday on the Comedy Central show. She also hosts ABC’s game show reboot of “Supermarket Sweep.”

Others set to guest host are Al Franken, Chelsea Handler, D. L. Hughley, Leslie Jones, John Leguizamo, Hasan Minhaj, Kal Penn, Sarah Silverman, Wanda Sykes and Marlon Wayans.

Trevor Noah announced he was departing “The Daily Show” last year. Before Noah, the show was first hosted by Craig Kilborn, then Jon Stewart.

A new permanent host has not yet been named.

“The Daily Show” airs weeknights at 11:00 p.m. EST on Comedy Central and is available the following morning on Paramount+.


Athena Brownfield: Oklahoma authorities examine ID of child's remains found near murder suspect's former home


Oklahoma authorities have discovered a child’s remains in Rush Springs, Oklahoma — the same town where 4-year-old Athena Brownfield‘s suspected murderer said he buried the toddler,, according to court documents.

 “The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) has recovered the remains of a child in rural Grady County outside of Rush Springs. At this time, the OSBI cannot confirm the remains are those of Athena Brownfield. The remains will be transported to the Medical Examiner’s Office in Oklahoma City for positive identification,” OSBI said in a Tuesday afternoon Facebook post.

Investigators say 35-year-old Ivon Adams — one of two caretakers for Athena and her 5-year-old sister — allegedly killed her on Christmas and buried her body before fleeing to Arizona.

Ivon Adams is charged with first-degree murder and child neglect in connection with Athena’s disappearance from Adams’ home in Cyril, Oklahoma, and the girl’s death. His wife, 35-year-old Alysia Adams, is charged with two counts of child neglect.


Athena Brownfield, 4, of Cyril, Oklahoma, has been missing since at least Tuesday.

Athena Brownfield, 4, of Cyril, Oklahoma, has been missing since at least Tuesday.
(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)

“Alysia confessed that on Dec. 25, 2022, around midnight that night, Ivon beat [Athena] and held her by her arms, [Athena] was not moving and her eyes were barely open,” Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) Special Agent Brenna Alvarez wrote in a probable cause affidavit filed in Caddo County. “He then laid her on the ground and punched her chest at least more three times after that. [Athena] never moved after that.”

The alleged abuse occurred at the Adams’ home at 225 West Nebraska Avenue in Cyril, Oklahoma.


Ivon left the residence with Athena afterward and later told Alysia that he buried her near the fence line of their old property in Rush Springs, Oklahoma, according to Alvarez.

Athena and her older sister called Alysia “Mom” and “Aly.” They called Ivon “Dad” and “Uncle Ivon,” the court filing states. Their biological mother, Jasmin Brownfield, left the girls in the Adams’ care approximately one to two years prior to Athena’s disappearance. The Adams did not take the girls to the doctor or enroll Athena in school, according to the affidavit.


Athena was initially reported missing last week after a postal carrier found her 5-year-old sister wandering around alone on Nebraska Avenue in Cyril, Oklahoma, around 2 p.m.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents on Thursday arrested Alysia Adams on two counts of child neglect in connection with the disappearance of 4-year-old Athena Brownfield.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents on Thursday arrested Alysia Adams on two counts of child neglect in connection with the disappearance of 4-year-old Athena Brownfield.

The postal carrier knew the 5-year-old girl “wasn’t where she was supposed to be and notified police,” at which point law enforcement realized that Athena was missing, said OSBI public information officer Brook Arbeitman during a press conference posted to Facebook last week.


Athena’s older sister told a Cyril officer that she had “been home alone and was tired of being alone,” the affidavit states.

Athena Brownfield, 4, has been missing since at least Tuesday and authorities are continuing to search for her.

Athena Brownfield, 4, has been missing since at least Tuesday and authorities are continuing to search for her.
(Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation)

The officer then received a phone call from Alysia Adams asking where Athena Brownfield was located. At that time, authorities determined that the 4-year-old was missing.


Officials with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office arrested Ivon in Phoenix on a charge of acting as a fugitive from justice.

Anyone with information about Athena’s whereabouts is asked to contact OSBI at 405-879-2591 or local police.


Deadly Yeti Airlines crash highlights dangers of flying in Nepal


A search and rescue operation has been underway in Nepal following a deadly plane crash that once again highlights the dangers of air travel in a country often referred to as one of the riskiest places to fly.

Of 72 people on board, at least 69 were killed and their bodies recovered after a Yeti Airlines flight crashed near the city of Pokhara Sunday.

Hundreds of emergency personnel on Monday took part in the search and recovery mission, which has been paused and will resume on Tuesday morning, Nepal Army spokesperson Krishna Prasad Bhandari said.

Kaski District Police Chief Superintendent Ajay KC said earlier Monday that the chance of finding survivors was “extremely low” as workers used a crane to pull bodies from the gorge.

Forty-one victims have now been identified, according to the airline. Their remains will be handed over to their family members, airline officials and local police said.

The autopsies were delayed because a team of forensic experts didn’t reach Pokhara until Monday afternoon local time.

Two South Korean citizens are presumed to be among those killed in the crash, based on their belongings, according to South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nepali authorities said the bodies presumed to be foreigners would be taken to Kathmandu where they will go through the necessary inspections and be identified.

The crash is the worst air disaster in the Himalayan nation in 30 years. It is also the third-worst aviation accident in Nepal’s history, according to data from the Aviation Safety Network.

Experts say conditions such as inclement weather, low visibility and mountainous topography all contribute to Nepal’s reputation as notoriously dangerous for aviation.

The Yeti Airlines flight Sunday had nearly finished its short journey from the capital Kathmandu to Pokhara when it lost contact with a control tower. Some 15 foreign nationals were aboard, according to the country’s civil aviation authority.

The pilot of the downed flight had lost her husband – a co-pilot for the same airline – in a similar crash in 2006, according to a Yeti Airlines spokesperson.

Anju Khatiwada had decided to become a pilot after the death of husband, Dipak Pokhrel, and used the insurance payout money to travel to the US for her training, Sudarshan Bartaula told CNN. She had been with the airline since 2010 and had more than 6,300 hours of flight experience.

“She was a brave woman with all the courage and determination. She’s left us too soon,” he said.

Khatiwada was a captain and was flying with an instructor pilot for additional training at the time of the crash, Bartaula added.

Pokhara, a lakeside city, is a popular tourist destination and gateway to the Himalayas. It serves as the starting point for the famous Annapurna Circuit trekking route, with more than 181,000 foreigners visiting the area in 2019.

A government committee is now investigating the cause of the crash, with assistance from French authorities. The Yeti Airlines plane was manufactured by aerospace company ATR, headquartered in France.

The plane’s black box, which records flight data, was recovered on Monday and would be handed to the civil aviation authority, officials said.

Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority said all ATR-42 and ATR-47 aircraft in the country were inspected following the Yeti Airlines crash and no mechanical issues were found.

Fickle weather patterns aren’t the only problem for flight operations. According to a 2019 safety report from Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority, the country’s “hostile topography” is also part of the “huge challenge” facing pilots.

Nepal, a country of 29 million people, is home to eight of the world’s 14 highest mountains, including Everest, and its beautiful rugged landscapes make it a popular tourist destination for trekkers.

But this terrain can be difficult to navigate from the air, particularly during bad weather, and things are made worse by the need to use small aircraft to access the more remote and mountainous parts of the country.

Aircraft with 19 seats or fewer are more likely to have accidents due to these challenges, the Civil Aviation Authority report said.

Kathmandu is Nepal’s primary transit hub, from where many of these small flights leave.

The airport in the town of Lukla, in northeastern Nepal, is often referred to as the world’s most dangerous airport. Known as the gateway to Everest, the airport’s runway is laid out on a cliffside between mountains, dropping straight into an abyss at the end. It has seen multiple fatal crashes over the years, including in 2008 and 2019.

A lack of investment in aging aircraft only adds to the flying risks.

In 2015, the International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency, prioritized helping Nepal through its Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership. Two years later, the ICAO and Nepal announced a partnership to resolve safety concerns.

While the country has in recent years made improvements in its safety standards, challenges remain.

In May 2022, a Tara Air flight departing from Pokhara crashed into a mountain, killing 22 people.

In early 2018, a US-Bangla Airlines flight from Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka to Kathmandu crashed on landing and caught fire, killing 51 of the 71 people on board.

And in 2016, a Tara Air flight crashed while flying the same route as the aircraft that was lost Sunday. That incident involved a recently acquired Twin Otter aircraft flying in clear conditions.


Biden, Harris photo-op with Warriors team takes awkward turn: 'I'm not doing that'

President Biden, Vice President Harris and the Golden State Warriors were involved in a cringe-worthy moment as the group took a photo during the team’s visit to the White House on Tuesday.

Biden and Harris appeared to be discussing how the photo was going to be taken. The president then bent down on one knee, and coach Steve Kerr can be seen saying, “No,” and shaking his right hand to wave him off. The president smiled, and the vice president laughed as he was on one knee.

“I’m not doing that,” Harris said with a smile.


President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris hold up team jerseys as they welcome the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, to the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris hold up team jerseys as they welcome the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, to the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Harris then moved in between Warriors superstar Steph Curry and veteran Andre Iguodala as the photos were taken.

The awkward moment generated plenty of Twitter reactions.

The Warriors celebrated their latest NBA championship after spurning President Trump in 2017 and 2018.

“On behalf of the Warriors, I want to thank President Biden and Vice President Harris for the invitation to come to the White House today to celebrate our championship from a year ago,” Kerr said at a White House press briefing. “It’s a great reminder of how lucky we are to be Americans, to live in a country where we can chase our dreams and enjoy the fruits of our labor and the celebration of all those around us.”


Vice President Kamala Harris shakes hands with 4-time NBA Champion and 2-time NBA Most Valuable Player Stephen Curry as President Joe Biden has his hand out during an event in the East Room of the White House for the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.

Vice President Kamala Harris shakes hands with 4-time NBA Champion and 2-time NBA Most Valuable Player Stephen Curry as President Joe Biden has his hand out during an event in the East Room of the White House for the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Kerr said he participated in a roundtable discussion at the White House about gun violence and gun safety, a topic Kerr has been outspoken about in the past. 

“Over the last hour or so, we learned a lot about what this administration is doing to help create a safer environment in our country,” Kerr added. “Something that’s very close to my heart. And it’s wonderful for me to learn a lot more than I knew.” 

Curry, who was voted as the NBA Finals MVP for the first time, thanked the administration for getting WNBA star Brittney Griner back to the United States after her February arrest at a Moscow airport.

“A great opportunity for us from the basketball community to thank President Biden and his staff for all their hard work and diligence on getting Brittney Griner home,” Curry said Tuesday. 

President Joe Biden kneels during a group photo with Vice President Kamala Harris and members of the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, during an event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.

President Joe Biden kneels during a group photo with Vice President Kamala Harris and members of the 2022 NBA champions, the Golden State Warriors, during an event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)


“It means a lot to know that she’s here, at home safe with her family. And all the work that went on behind the scenes to make that a reality.” 

Fox News’ Joe Morgan contributed to this report.


Michael Cohen meets with NY prosecutors looking into Trump Org. and Stormy Daniels payments

New York

Michael Cohen, the former personal attorney to ex-President Donald Trump, met Tuesday with the Manhattan district attorney’s office, the clearest sign that prosecutors are zeroing in on the Trump Organization’s involvement in hush-money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

As he arrived at the building Cohen said he was complying with a request to meet with prosecutors.

“Called. Asked to come in. That’s what we’re doing,” he said.

About 90 minutes later, Cohen left with his attorney, Lanny Davis, and said, “The meeting went very well.” He added that prosecutors asked him not to disclose the substance of what was discussed but, Cohen said, “It appears that I’ll probably be meeting with them again.”

Davis said he believed prosecutors were “serious” about the investigation.

Cohen previously met with Manhattan prosecutors 13 times over the course of their sweeping investigation into the Trump Org. Their meeting on Tuesday is the first in more than a year.

The focus of the DA’s investigation has returned to the $130,000 payment made to Daniels to stop her from going public about an affair with Trump just before the 2016 election, people familiar with the matter said. Trump has denied the affair.

The district attorney’s office has also reached out to Keith Davidson, who represented Daniels in the hush money deal, in recent weeks but he has not been scheduled for an interview, a person familiar with the matter said.

Cohen was a key player in the hush-money scheme. He facilitated the payments and was reimbursed by the Trump Org. for advancing the money to Daniels. Cohen pleaded guilty to nine federal charges, including campaign finance violations, and was sentenced to three years in prison.

Prosecutors are also looking into potential insurance fraud after new material came to light from the New York attorney general’s civil investigation into the accuracy of the Trump Organization’s financial statements, the people said.

On Friday, the Trump Organization was sentenced to a $1.6 million fine after it was convicted last month of a running a decade-long tax fraud scheme.

Bragg told CNN on Friday that the sentencing represented the closing of one chapter in the office’s investigation, but they are moving onto the next phase.

“It’ll go as long as the facts and the law require,” Bragg said when asked how much longer the yearslong investigation will continue. “But as I said today, we ended a very important chapter. So, a good part of the year was focused on this very, very consequential chapter and now we move on to the next chapter.”

Bragg inherited an investigation focused on the accuracy of the Trump Organization’s financial statements, but he did not authorize prosecutors to move forward to seek an indictment. At the time, he said when the investigation is over he would either publicly announce charges or that the probe had closed.

This story has been updated with additional details.
