A mom with a license plate that reads 'PB4WEGO' wins a battle with the state to keep it


If you’re a parent, heading out the door before a car ride with the kids probably goes a little like this:

Parent: “Did you go to the bathroom?”

Child: “No, I don’t have to go.”

Parent: “Go now, you may not get the chance later.”

At least for one New Hampshire woman, that was pretty much the ongoing conversation she had with her four kids … so much that she made it her vanity license plate for 15 years.

Wendy Auger is proud of her “PB4WEGO” plate and told CNN she’s never had any issues with it. Until now.

New Hampshire asked Auger, in a letter she received August 16, to surrender her plate because it includes a phrase relating to “sexual or excretory acts or functions,” said Auger.

The recall letter from the Department of Safety Division of Motor Vehicles addressed to Wendy Auger.

I’m not a political activist,” she said. “But this is a non-offensive thing that I’ve had and it’s part of who we are as a family and who I am and there was zero reason for them to take it away.”

The recall letter said Auger had 10 days to surrender her plate with the option to choose another vanity plate at no extra cost or have one assigned to her.

If Auger chose to get a regular plate, a portion of her vanity plate fee would be refunded to her, according to the letter.

After hearing about Auger’s situation from a mutual friend, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu got involved.

“Upon this being brought to my attention, I reached out to the Division of Motor Vehicles and strongly urged them to allow Wendy to keep the license plate she has had for the last 15 years,” Sununu told CNN in a statement.

“I recently left a message on her phone to share the good news that her plate will not be recalled.”

Auger said she was happy she got to keep a piece of who her family is with her.

“I wasn’t going to go down without a fight,” she said.

For New Hampshire residents, the cost of a vanity license plate includes the price of your town/city and state registration fees, plus $40 for the Vanity Plate fee, plus a one time $8 fee, according to the New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles.

CNN reached out to the New Hampshire DMV for comment but has not heard back.


3 alleged gang members and an associate charged in the fatal shooting of an off-duty LAPD officer

Editor’s Note: (7/19/24) Since this story was published in January 2022, Rios, Contreras, and Cisneros pleaded guilty to one count each of conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Rios and Cisneros were both sentenced to 50 years in federal prison and Contreras was sentenced to 35 years in federal prison, according to the US Attorney’s Office. Grisham pleaded guilty to violent crime in aid of racketeering and is expected to be sentenced in September.


Federal prosecutors charged three alleged gang members and one alleged gang associate Thursday in the fatal shooting of off-duty Los Angeles Police Department officer Fernando Arroyos during an attempted robbery.

Luis Alfredo De La Rosa Rios, 29, Ernesto Cisneros, 22, and Jesse Contreras, 34, are allegedly members of the F-13 gang, according to a US Justice Department release. Rio’s alleged girlfriend Haylee Marie Grisham, 18, was also charged.

According to the complaint, Arroyos was house-hunting on Monday with his girlfriend when a black pickup truck drove up. Rios and Cisneros pointed guns at Arroyos and his girlfriend and removed items from both, including chains from Arroyos’ neck.

There was an exchange of gunfire between Arroyos and the two suspects, after which Arroyos collapsed and the two suspects fled, the release said. Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies responded to the scene and took Arroyos to a hospital where he died.

The four defendants were in the vehicle and allegedly were at the scene of the robbery and the shooting, the complaint said. They are charged with violent crime in aid of racketeering, which carries a potential death penalty and a minimum sentence of life in federal prison without the possibility of parole.

CNN has reached out to the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s office in an attempt to contact legal representation for the defendants and is awaiting a response.

Arroyos, 27, “was starting a very promising career,” LAPD Chief Michel Moore said Tuesday. He was with the department for three years and assigned to the Wilshire Division.

“He found himself, after working a series of days in patrol, to have a day off, enjoying it with his girlfriend on a hunt for a house, a place to live, a place to buy and invest in this city and the future of this region,” Moore said.

Arroyos is survived by his mother and stepfather.

“He was the only child, he had a promising future, a bright future that was taken away, viciously, over a street robbery,” the chief said.

F-13 is a “large, multi-generational street gang that previously has been the subject of federal prosecutions, including two large racketeering cases,” the US Attorney’s office said in a news release.

The news release did not mention any connection between Arroyos and the suspects.


June 18 2024: US heat wave news

As temperatures rise, so does the risk of power outages. Home generators can help — but there are also some risks.

Incorrectly using a generator can lead to dangerous consequences, such as electric shock or electrocution, fire, or carbon monoxide poisoning from engine exhaust, according to the US Consumer Product and Safety Commission.

If you’re without power and thinking of using a portable generator, here are several tips for doing it safely.

Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms: Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced when a fossil fuel — coal, crude oil or natural gas — is burned by furnaces, portable heaters or generators, vehicles, stoves, grills, gas ranges, or fireplaces. Depending on a generator’s power capacity, it can emit as much carbon monoxide as a hundred idling cars, according to the Maine governor’s office.

Breathing in too much carbon monoxide can cause symptoms including headache, upset stomach, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, chest pain and confusion, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Depending on how much you inhale and your health status, you could also faint or die.

Know where to position them: Generators are for outdoor use only, far away from any physical structures. The National Weather Service said you should keep a generator at least 20 feet away from doors, windows and vents, and never run one inside a home or garage, even if doors and windows are open.

Take care of your fuel: If you need to store fuel, consider how much you can store and for how long, since gasoline or diesel fuel saved for more than a month may need additional chemicals added to remain usable. Store fuel in containers approved by the American National Standards Institute or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, away from all potential heat sources.


Jury begins deliberations in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial

Hunter Biden watches as his daughter Naomi Biden testifies in court on Friday in Wilmington, Delaware.

It was clear that speaking about her father was a very painful subject for Naomi Biden. And even though she is a graduate of Columbia Law School, she appeared very uncomfortable on the stand after the defense called her to testify Friday in the trial against Hunter Biden. 

Naomi Biden entered the court on Friday with her husband, and first lady Jill Biden immediately motioned for him to come sit next to her among the Biden family and friends who make up at least the first two rows of the courtroom.  

Naomi Biden’s testimony focused on two instances in 2018 when she saw her father.  

The first was in August or September, when she went to visit her dad in Los Angeles. Hunter Biden had reached out to her to come visit him amid his stint in rehab. He offered to arrange the trip, and Naomi Biden said she agreed to go, even though she had not seen him in quite some time.  

On the stand, Naomi Biden came across as genuine and compelling as the child of an addict.  

She then testified about a trip to New York City, where Hunter Biden came to pick up a car. She described seeing him at the end of October, and said she felt “hopeful.” Naomi Biden said her father seemed the same as when she had seen him in Los Angeles. 

On cross-examination by prosecutor Leo Wise, she again testified about how she had not seen her father recently because “after my uncle died, things got bad,” around 2015.  

Prosecutors got her to concede that she really did not know what he was like when he was using drugs, because she had not seen him for quite some time.  

Prosecutors seemed to catch Naomi and defense attorney Abbe Lowell off guard when they introduced her to a series of texts she exchanged with her father during the trip to New York.    

Naomi Biden seemed a little confused and reticent when confronted with texts appearing to show her father to be somewhat erratic and non-communicative when trying to arrange the hand off of his car.  

She did not remember the exchange and started to appear increasingly uncomfortable when talking about texts her father sent her in the wee hours of the morning about exchanging his car.  

As she left the stand, Naomi Biden gave her dad a cool embrace, a kiss on the cheek, and was seen trembling and wiping away tears as she exited the courtroom. 


The planet is getting hotter fast. This is what happens to your body in extreme heat


Human-caused climate change has already made heat waves around the world more frequent and intense.

Scientists who study the role of global warming on weather say that every heat wave today bears the fingerprints of the climate crisis.

Climate change, driven primarily by humans burning fossil fuels, is worsening global extreme weather in general, but much of that change is related to heat.

In the US, heat kills more Americans than any other weather-related disaster, and it will only continue to worsen as the world heats up from burning fossil fuels.

Here’s what happens to your body in extreme heat, what you need to watch out for and how to stay safe.

What happens to your body

Normally, your body is used to a certain range of temperatures, usually between 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit. When your brain senses a change – either lower or higher than that – it attempts to help your body cool down or heat up, according to Dr. Judith Linden, executive vice chair of the department of emergency medicine at Boston Medical Center and a professor in the emergency medicine department at Boston University’s school of medicine.

“There are a number of different ways in which (the brain) attempts to cool the body down. One way, the most common way we think of, is that you sweat,” Linden said. “The pores open, the body sweats and the sweat evaporates, that cools the body.”

The second way your body cools itself down is by dilating vessels and upping your heart rate, which helps bring heat and blood to the surface of your body and helps releases that excess heat.

When you’re exposed to high temperatures, it becomes harder for your body to try and keep up with cooling itself down. And if your environment is hot and humid, sweat doesn’t evaporate as easily – which pushes your body’s temperature even higher, according to the Mayo Clinic.

“The higher the humidity, the lower temperatures you need for extreme heat,” Linden said.

High body temperatures can lead to damage to the brain and other vital organs, the CDC says. They can also lead to several heat-related illnesses.

Mild-heat related illnesses, including heat cramps, are most common, Linden said. Heat cramps can develop in people who sweat a lot, including during exercising. The excessive sweating uses up all of the body’s salt and moisture and can lead to muscle pains or spasms, usually in the abdomen, arms or legs, according to the CDC.

A heat rash can also develop. That’s a skin irritation caused by too much sweating in hot and humid weather, and is most common in young children, the CDC says. It is usually a red cluster of pimples or blisters, and tends to be in places including the neck, upper chest or in elbow creases.

When your body’s beginning to exceed its ability to cool itself down, you can develop what’s known as heat exhaustion.

“In this case you’re going to see excessive sweating because your body is really going to try and keep up with that extra heat. You’re going to feel light-headed, you may feel dizzy, often people present with nausea, headaches and their skin often looks pale and clammy and their pulse is often fast,” Linden said.

“This is the body’s last attempt to cool itself before it really goes into a point of no return.”

A heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness, and, if left untreated, can lead to death.

“That’s where your body’s temperature goes above 104 to 105 degrees or so, and this is where your mechanisms are starting to fail,” Linden said.

Warning signs may include extremely high body temperatures, red and dry skin, a rapid pulse, headache, dizziness, nausea or loss of consciousness, according to the CDC.

The hallmark of a heat stroke is confusion and agitation, Linden said.

“So when somebody’s in the heat and they become confused and agitated, that’s heat stroke until proven otherwise and you need to call 911 for that or get help immediately and get the person out of the heat.”

Elderly, people with chronic medical conditions as well as children are at higher risk for severe heat-related illnesses.

The elderly and people with chronic medical conditions may be less likely to sense and respond to temperature changes and may be taking medication that make the heat effects worse, the CDC said.

“Very young (people) as well, because they’re less likely to recognize heat-related illness and they’re less likely to get out of the heat if they’re starting to feel overheated,” Linden said.

Student-athletes and pets are also at higher risk, she added.

“In this weather, you must never, ever, ever leave a child or a pet in the car for even a minute,” Linden added.

When your community is facing extreme heat, there are several things you can do to keep yourself and others safe.

First, keep an eye out for symptoms of heat exhaustion or other illnesses. “If somebody starts feeling light-headed, dizzy, nausea or headache, that is the time to act immediately,” Linden said. “That means getting them out of the heat and into a cool environment.”

Putting water on someone who may be experiencing symptoms and giving them fluids can help cool them down. If someone is starting to lose consciousness or has nausea or vomiting, call 911.

“If you see anybody with any type of confusion, that’s an immediate red flag,” Linden added.

When it’s hot outside, try to avoid outdoor activities – especially between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., according to Linden. If you have to go outside, wear light-colored clothing, cover your head and drink plenty of fluids.

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water – as that can be a sign of dehydration. Linden recommends drinking at least one glass of water – or more – an hour.

“If you do start to feel light-headed, dizzy, sweating, fast pulse, get out of the heat immediately,” Linden said.

Try to find air conditioning, or places in your area where you can go to stay cool, according to Ready.gov. Even spending a few hours in a shopping mall or public library can help.

When you’re home, fans can help, but don’t rely on them as your only way of cooling down – while it may feel more comfortable, they won’t help prevent heat-related illness.

“If you’re in a super hot room, if you’ve got a fan, is it helpful? No. I think, if you’ve got a fan, and you’re able to mist yourself … then fans can be helpful,” Linden said. “Fans are not foolproof.”

Finally, make sure you’re checking on your neighbors, parents and friends – especially older individuals who may be living alone or are isolated, Linden said.


US job growth slowed in June, latest employment data shows

A "Help Wanted" sign is seen at a Golden Krust location on June 7 in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City. 

Last week, there were an estimated 238,000 first-time claims filed for unemployment benefits, an increase of 4,000 from the week before, according to Department of Labor data released Wednesday. The latest uptick brought the four-week average of initial claims to its highest level since August 2023.

Also, Americans are staying unemployed for longer: Continuing claims, which are filed by people who have received benefits for at least a week or more, rose to their highest level since November 2021.

Luke Tilley, Wilmington Trust’s chief economist, told CNN he is closely watching an underlying datapoint of the monthly jobs report: Unemployed persons by reason for unemployment.

“On a three-month average basis, it’s up about 200,000 people from last year,” Tilley said. “And that metric of permanent job losers, year-over-year, is almost never positive in an expansion. It was never positive between 2010 and 2019; it was not positive in between the tech crash recession of 2001 and then 2008.”

He added: “So when you sort of peel back the onion from what looks like very strong job growth in a raw number count and look at it a little closer … that paints a labor market that has normalized and is at risk of slipping.”

Still, other measures of layoff activity haven’t shown a worrisome spike.

US-based employers announced fewer job cuts last month than they did in May; however, those layoff reports are trending well above last year’s, according to data released Wednesday by Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

The outplacement and workplace research firm counted 48,786 cuts announced in June. That’s down nearly 24% from the 63,618 cuts announced in May, but 19.8% higher than the 40,709 cuts announced in June last year.


June 12, 2024 Israel-Hamas war

The United Nations first in-depth investigation into the October 7 attacks and ensuing conflict in Gaza has found both Israel and Hamas committed war crimes and grave violations of international law. The reports, released Wednesday, cover events up to the end of 2023.

What war crimes did the inquiry find?

The commission found that Hamas committed war crimes on October 7, the day it and other Palestinian armed groups launched a murder and kidnapping spree in southern Israel which killed more than 1,200 people and saw some 250 people taken hostage. Those crimes included intentionally directing attacks against civilians, murder or wilful killing, torture, inhuman or cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity, and taking hostages, including children.

The commission found that Israel also committed war crimes, as well as crimes against humanity in the first 2.5 months of the conflict. A crime against humanity is defined as a widespread, systemic attack directed at a civilian population. Israel’s alleged war crimes include starvation, arbitrary detention, and killing and maiming “tens of thousands of children.”

Both Israel and Hamas committed sexual violence and torture, and intentionally attacked civilians, according to the reports, which span more than 200 pages.

How did the inquiry reach this conclusion?

The commission said its findings were based on interviews with victims and witnesses, thousands of open-source items verified through forensic analysis, hundreds of submissions, satellite imagery, forensic medical reports and media coverage, including several key CNN investigations.

How have both parties responded?

CNN has reached out to Hamas for comment.

Israel has accused the fact-finding mission of “attempting to justify” Hamas’ actions, of showing “systematic anti-Israeli discrimination,” and contextualizing the attacks “through the lens of the Palestinian narrative.” The Israeli mission to the UN said the report failed to mention continuous rocket fire on the country and claimed that it “outrageously and repugnantly attempts to draw a false equivalence between IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers and Hamas terrorists with regards to acts of sexual violence,” adding that the Israeli military conducts itself in accordance to international law, including international humanitarian law.


Glastonbury Festival fashion history: Remember when Kate Moss wore rain boots?

Editor’s Note: Delving into the archives of pop culture history, “Remember When?” is a new series offering a nostalgic look at the celebrity outfits that defined their eras.


Remember when Kate Moss wore wellies (that’s rain boots for those outside the UK) to Glastonbury?

As the historic festival once again returns to Worthy Farm, we look back at one of its most memorable fashion moments. After all, no British summer would be complete without copious amounts of mud.

And no one has conquered it quite like Moss.

Some 19 years ago, Britain’s best-known supermodel broke fashion’s proverbial fourth wall and joined the mortals in their muddy squalor. Sure, she’d probably spent the weekend glamping in the festival’s VIP zone. But a filthy field is England’s great leveler – and during those brief, well-photographed walks through the Glastonbury grounds, cigarette in hand, she was just like us.

Until, that is, her choice of practical footwear transformed festival fashion and helped save a heritage boot maker from the brink of obsolescence.

It was the summer of 2005 and Moss was near the height of her powers. Media interest in her festival whereabouts was amplified by a fixation with her then-nascent dalliance with Pete Doherty. But while The Libertines’ frontman certainly looked more at home in the conditions, it was Moss who grabbed the limelight.

Pete Doherty and Kate Moss are seen at the Glastonbury Music Festival 2005.

Matching a pair of classic black Hunter rain boots with a waistcoat, short shorts and studded belt (and later a glittering tunic), the model was a picture of understated glamor. Below the knee her look was interchangeable with that of a Somerset pig farmer. But above it, she could just have easily emerged from a Chelsea mansion to a well-placed paparazzi ambush.

The images quickly went viral (or as viral as they could in the pre-social media age). The bastion of mid-1990s so-called “heroin chic” had become the face of its slightly older, more respectable cousin: mid-2000s festival chic.

In the process, wellies secured their place in the popular imagination. No longer the preserve of agriculture, they had become a rubbery status symbol best matched with trilby hats, cravats and other questionable noughties accessories. This once-practical boot had morphed into bourgeois badge of honor indicating that the wearer was prepared to “rough it” and still look fabulous (the drug-afflicted rockstar boyfriend remained an optional part of the look).

Suddenly, festival wear became its own category of clothing, something far greater than an amalgam of items you didn’t mind ruining. But an even more profound transformation was also taking place – that of the then-struggling Hunter Boot Limited.

The Scottish brand’s true heyday may have been during the World Wars, when it produced huge quantities of waterproof boots for the front lines. But never before in the company’s then 149-year history had its sensible footwear been so desirable. While one shouldn’t overstate the power of the Moss effect (her endorsement couldn’t save the boot maker from entering administration in 2006), it helped set in motion a remarkable turnaround in the company’s fortunes.

By 2007, the firm was under new ownership and reporting an 85% increase in year-on-year sales. It has since become a bona fide festival fixture, producing rainwear, outerwear and boots in all manner of colors and styles.

Once prized for keeping gangrene at bay in the trenches, Hunter has completed the ultimate 21st-century transformation to become the rainy-day boot de jour for celebrities from Rita Ora to Rihanna, Cara Delevingne to Alexa Chung.

And to think that all Kate wanted was a pair of snug, dry feet.


Case dismissed against teenage cousin of Uvalde school shooter for allegedly threatening school shooting

Editor’s Note: (6/27/24) Since this story was published in August 2023, the case against Nathan James Cruz was dismissed due to a missing witness, according to court records in Bexar County, Texas.


The teenage cousin of the gunman responsible for the 2022 Uvalde, Texas, school shooting was arrested Monday on suspicion of threatening to “do the same thing” to a school, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

Nathan James Cruz, 17, was arrested on a felony charge of making a terroristic threat to a public place and a misdemeanor charge of making a terroristic threat against a family member, according to Bexar County Central Magistrate records.

Nathan James Cruz

Cruz is the cousin of Salvador Ramos, the 18-year-old who fatally shot 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in May 2022, San Antonio police Sgt. Washington Moscoso told the New York Times on Monday.

CNN has sought comment from San Antonio police.

Ramos stormed into Robb Elementary last year armed with an assault rifle and tactical vest and opened fire on two adjoining classrooms – perpetrating one of the deadliest school shootings in modern US history. Law enforcement’s response has been heavily scrutinized, as officers waited outside the classrooms for more than an hour before entering and fatally shooting Ramos.

Cruz’s mother contacted police on Monday after her daughter reported that Cruz said he planned to “do the same thing” as his cousin, according to an affidavit obtained by CNN.

His mother told investigators she was “especially concerned because the suspect is currently on probation, was intoxicated at the time” and because the family lives across the street from an elementary school, the affidavit states.

Cruz’s sister told investigators that while she was giving her brother a ride, he “threatened to shoot her in the head and stated he would ‘shoot the school,’” according to the affidavit.

The mother allegedly overheard a phone conversation in which Cruz was attempting to illegally acquire an AR-15-style assault rifle – the same style used by Ramos to carry out the Uvalde shooting, according to the affidavit.

Following his arrest, Cruz “denied making any threats” when interviewed by a detective, the document states.

CNN has been unable to confirm whether Cruz has an attorney. His charges carry a combined $160,000 bond, according to the magistrate records.


What a medication abortion is like, according to a doctor


Mifepristone, one of two drugs used for medication abortions, can continue to be mailed to patients without an in-person visit with a doctor following the US Supreme Court rejection of a lawsuit challenging regulation of the abortion pill.

“While many women obtain medication abortion from a clinic or their OB-GYN, others obtain the pills on their own to self-induce or self-manage their abortion,” said Dr. Daniel Grossman, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.

“A growing body of research indicates that self-managed abortion is safe and effective,” he said.

Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which is needed for a pregnancy to continue. The drug is approved to end a pregnancy through 10 weeks’ gestation, which is “70 days or less since the first day of the last menstrual period,” according to the US Food and Drug Administration.

In a medication abortion, a second drug, misoprostol, is taken within the next 24 to 48 hours. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, creating cramping and bleeding. Approved for use in other conditions, such as preventing stomach ulcers, the drug has been available at pharmacies for decades.

Together, the two drugs are commonly known as the “abortion pill,” which is now used in more than half of the abortions in the United States, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights.

“Some people do this because they cannot access a clinic — particularly in states with legal restrictions on abortion — or because they have a preference for self-care,” said Grossman, who is also the director of Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health, a research group that evaluates the pros and cons of reproductive health policies and publishes studies on how abortion affects a woman’s health.

What happens during a medication abortion? To find out, CNN spoke with Grossman. This conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.

CNN: What is the difference between a first-trimester medication abortion and a vacuum aspiration in terms of what a woman experiences?

Dr. Daniel Grossman: A vacuum aspiration is most commonly performed under a combination of local anesthetic and oral pain medications or local anesthetic together with intravenous sedation, or what is called conscious sedation.

An injection of local anesthetic is given to the area around the cervix, and the cervix is gently dilated or opened up. Once the cervix is opened, a small straw-like tube is inserted into the uterus, and a gentle vacuum is used to remove the pregnancy tissue. Contrary to what some say, if the procedure is done before nine weeks or so, there’s nothing in the tissue that would be recognizable as a part of an embryo.

The aspiration procedure takes just a couple of minutes. Then the person is observed for one to two hours until any sedation has worn off. We also monitor each patient for very rare complications, such as heavy bleeding.

A medication abortion is a more prolonged process. After taking the pills, bleeding and cramping can occur over a period of days. Bleeding is typically heaviest when the actual pregnancy is expelled, but that bleeding usually eases within a few hours. On average people continue to have some mild bleeding for about two weeks or so, which is a bit longer than after a vacuum aspiration.

Nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, diarrhea and headache can occur after using the abortion pill, and everyone who has a successful medication abortion usually reports some pain.

In fact, the pain of medication abortion can be quite intense. In the studies that have looked at it, the average maximum level of pain that people report is about a seven to eight out of 10, with 10 being the highest. However, people also say that the pain can be brief, peaking just as the pregnancy is being expelled.

The level of cramping and pain can depend on the length of the pregnancy as well as whether or not someone has given birth before. For example, a medical abortion at six weeks or less gestation typically has less pain and cramping than one performed at nine weeks. People who have given birth generally have less pain.

CNN: What can be done to help with the pain of a medication abortion?

Grossman: There are definitely things that can be used to help with the pain. Research has shown that ibuprofen is better than acetaminophen for treating the pain of medication abortion. We typically advise people to take 600 milligrams every six hours or so as needed.

Some people take tramadol, a narcotic analgesic, or Vicodin, which is a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Recent research I was involved in found medications like tramadol can be helpful if taken prophylactically before the pain starts.

Another successful regimen that we studied combined ibuprofen with a nausea medicine called metoclopramide that also helped with pain. Other than ibuprofen, these medications require a prescription.

Another study found that a TENS device, which stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator, helps with the pain of medication abortion. It works through pads put on the abdomen that stimulate the nerves through mild electrical shocks, thus interfering with the pain signals. That’s something people could get without a prescription.

Pain can be an overlooked issue with medication abortion because, quite honestly, as clinicians, we’re not there with patients when they are in their homes going through this. But as we’ve been doing more research on people’s experiences with medication abortion, it’s become quite clear that pain control is really important. I think we need to do a better job of treating the pain and making these options available to patients.

CNN: Are there health conditions that make the use of a medication abortion unwise?

Grossman: Undergoing a medication abortion can be dangerous if the pregnancy is ectopic, meaning the embryo is developing outside of the uterus. It’s rare, happening in about 2 out of every 100 pregnancies — and it appears to be even rarer among people seeking medication abortion.

People who have undergone previous pelvic, fallopian tube or abdominal surgery are at higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy, as are those with a history of pelvic inflammatory disease. Certain sexually transmitted infections can raise risk, as does smoking, a history of infertility and use of infertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization.

If a person is on anticoagulant or blood thinning drugs or has a bleeding disorder, a medication abortion is not advised. The long-term use of steroids is another contraindication for using the abortion pill.

Anyone using an intrauterine device, or IUD, must have it removed before taking mifepristone because it may be partially expelled during the process, which can be painful.

People with chronic adrenal failure or who have inherited a rare disorder called porphyria are not good candidates.

CNN: Are there any signs of trouble a woman should watch for after undergoing a medication abortion?

Grossman: It can be common to have a low-grade fever in the first few hours after taking misoprostol, the second drug in a medication abortion. If someone has a low-grade fever — 100.4 degrees to 101 degrees Fahrenheit — that lasts more than four hours, or has a high fever of over 101 degrees Fahrenheit after taking the medications, they do need to be evaluated by a health care provider.

Heavy bleeding, which would be soaking two or more thick full-size pads an hour for two consecutive hours, or a foul-smelling vaginal discharge should be evaluated as well.

One of the warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy is severe pelvic pain, particularly on one side of the abdomen. The pain can also radiate to the back. Another sign is getting dizzy or fainting, which could indicate internal bleeding. These are all very rare complications, but it’s wise to be on the lookout.

We usually recommend that someone having a medication abortion have someone with them during the first 24 hours after taking misoprostol or until the pregnancy has passed. Many people specifically choose to have a medication abortion because they can be surrounded by a partner, family or friends.

Most people know that the abortion is complete because they stop feeling pregnant, and symptoms such as nausea and breast tenderness disappear, usually within a week of passing the pregnancy. A home urine pregnancy test may remain positive even four to five weeks after a successful medication abortion, just because it takes that long for the pregnancy hormone to disappear from the bloodstream.

If someone still feels pregnant, isn’t sure if the pregnancy fully passed or has a positive pregnancy test five weeks after taking mifepristone, they need to be evaluated by a clinician.

People should know that they can ovulate as soon as two weeks after a medication abortion. Most birth control options can be started immediately after a medication abortion.
