What is a suspected Chinese spy balloon doing above the US?

Seoul, South Korea

News that the Pentagon is monitoring a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon in the skies over the continental United States raises a series of questions – not least among them, what exactly it might be doing.

US officials have said the flight path of the balloon, first spotted over Montana on Thursday, could potentially take it over a “number of sensitive sites” and say they are taking steps to “protect against foreign intelligence collection.”

But what’s less clear is why Chinese spies would want to use a balloon, rather than a satellite to gather information.

This is not the first time a Chinese balloon has been spotted over the US, but this seems to be acting differently to previous ones, a US defense official said.

“It is appearing to hang out for a longer period of time, this time around, [and is] more persistent than in previous instances. That would be one distinguishing factor,” the official said.

On Friday, Beijing claimed the balloon was a “civilian airship” used mainly for weather research that deviated from its planned course. The statement, by a spokeperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, is the first admission that the airship originated in China since the Pentagon revealed it was tracking the balloon on Thursday.

Malcolm Davis suspected china spy balloon

See expert’s warning about shooting down suspected spy balloon

Using balloons as spy platforms goes back to the early days of the Cold War. Since then the US has used hundreds of them to monitor its adversaries, said Peter Layton, a fellow at the Griffith Asia Institute in Australia and former Royal Australian Air Force officer.

But with the advent of modern satellite technology enabling the gathering of overflight intelligence data from space, the use of surveillance balloons had been going out of fashion.

Or at least until now.

Recent advances in the miniaturization of electronics mean the floating intelligence platforms may be making a comeback in the modern spying toolkit.

“Balloon payloads can now weigh less and so the balloons can be smaller, cheaper and easier to launch” than satellites, Layton said.

Blake Herzinger, an expert in Indo-Pacific defense policy at the American Enterprise Institute, said despite their slow speeds, balloons aren’t always easy to spot.

“They’re very low signature and low-to-zero emission, so hard to pick up with traditional situational awareness or surveillance technology,” Herzinger said.

And balloons can do some things that satellites can’t.

“Space-based systems are just as good but they are more predictable in their orbital dynamics,” Layton said.

“An advantage of balloons is that they can be steered using onboard computers to take advantage of winds and they can go up and down to a limited degree. This means they can loiter to a limited extent.

“A satellite can’t loiter and so many are needed to criss-cross an area of interest to maintain surveillance,” he said.

According to Layton, the suspected Chinese balloon is likely collecting information on US communication systems and radars.

“Some of these systems use extremely high frequencies that are short range, can be absorbed by the atmosphere and being line-of-sight are very directional. It’s possible a balloon might be a better collection platform for such specific technical collection than a satellite,” he said.

Retired US Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton, a CNN military analyst, echoed those thoughts.

“They could be scooping up signals intelligence, in other words, they’re looking at our cell phone traffic, our radio traffic,” Leighton told CNN’s Erin Burnett.

Intelligence data collected by the balloon could be relayed in real time via a satellite link back to China, Layton said.

Analysts also noted that Montana and nearby states are home to US intercontinental ballistic missile silos and strategic bomber bases.

US officials say they have taken actions to ensure the balloon cannot collect any sensitive data. They decided against shooting it down because of the risk to lives and property by falling debris.

And if the US could bring down the balloon within its territory without destroying it then the balloon might reveal some secrets of its own, Layton added.

But maybe there are no secrets or spying involved. This could be just an accident, with the balloon blown off course or Chinese operators losing control of it somehow.

“There’s at least some possibility that this was a mistake and the balloon ended up somewhere Beijing didn’t expect,” Herzinger said.


Indiana priest says he's cured of brain tumor after trip to Lourdes: 'Thanks be to God'

A priest in Indiana says he was cured of a brain tumor after he made a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, in June 2022. 

“I just wanted to make a video really quickly to let everybody know that I actually was healed of my brain tumor in Lourdes,” Fr. John Hollowell said in a video he posted on his YouTube channel on Monday, Jan. 30. 

Lourdes is a popular pilgrimage site for many believers. While the Catholic Church has recognized 70 healings from Lourdes as miraculous, thousands of other people have reported inexplicable cures of their ailments, the Lourdes shrine’s website notes.


Hollowell, a priest in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, was diagnosed with a brain tumor in Feb. 2020, he shared in his video.

 He underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to treat the tumor.

Tumor ‘starting to grow back’

Despite the extensive treatments, Hollowell said that things were trending downward for him before he made his trip to France

Fr. John Hollowell of Indianapolis, Indiana, announced his recovery from a brain tumor in a YouTube video. 

Fr. John Hollowell of Indianapolis, Indiana, announced his recovery from a brain tumor in a YouTube video. 
(Fr. John Hollowell)

“I had a pretty negative MRI about two-and-a-half months before I left for Lourdes,” he said in the video (SEE his YouTube video, just below)

“The MRI showed that [the tumor] was starting to grow back … The MRI that I had also had found a tumor on my pituitary gland, as well,” he said. 

Hollowell first announced that he had been healed in a homily he delivered to his parish following his trip to Lourdes.

“Like Naaman the Syrian in our first reading, who washed and was cleansed from leprosy in the Jordan, I washed in the river at Lourdes and was cured,” said Hollowell in an Oct. 28, 2022 homily that was published on his blog. 

“And like the leper who returns to give thanks, I want to publicly thank Jesus for healing me,” he wrote.

Hollowell told Fox News Digital that he first began noticing physical changes immediately upon his return from France.

“I felt a lot stronger when I got back from Lourdes,” he said via email. “Friends, family and parishioners told me that I looked a lot healthier.” 


Additionally, his cognitive ability improved, he said.

“When I got back from Lourdes, I could preach without a prepared text again,” he continued, sharing that he had needed written texts before his trip to France.

A statue of the Virgin Mary stands in the niche where Catholics believe she appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. Fr. John Hollowell of Indiana believes he was healed of his brain tumor after he visited Lourdes.

A statue of the Virgin Mary stands in the niche where Catholics believe she appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. Fr. John Hollowell of Indiana believes he was healed of his brain tumor after he visited Lourdes.
(Christine Rousselle/Fox News Digital)

Following an MRI on Nov. 3, 2022, Hollowell said he was told that his tumor “may never grow back” and that “all that is showing up on the MRI is scar tissue from your initial brain surgery.”  

‘Some cross I could carry’

At the time of his diagnosis, Hollowell made news for proclaiming that he would be offering up the pain he endured during his treatment as a form of redemptive suffering for victims of clerical sexual abuse. 

“I want to thank Jesus for the gift not just of my healing but also the gift of the tumor surgeries, radiation and chemo as well.”

“When the scandals of 2018 broke out, most of you know that they have affected me deeply, as they have most of the church,” Hollowell wrote in a blog posted on Feb. 16, 2020, in which he announced his diagnosis. 

“I prayed in 2018 that if there was some suffering I could undertake on behalf of all the victims, some cross I could carry, I would welcome that. I feel like this is that cross, and I embrace it willingly,” he said in the blog. 


Hollowell requested that survivors of priestly abuse contact him so that he could pray for them by name during his recovery process. 

Approximately 170 survivors of Catholic clergy sexual abuse reached out to him, he told Fox News Digital.

Fr. Hollowell remembered victims of clergy abuse by name as he went into his brain surgery, he said.

Fr. Hollowell remembered victims of clergy abuse by name as he went into his brain surgery, he said.

“I was able to take all the names in with me to that surgery,” he continued. 

“So I made the video mostly for the victim survivors of Catholic clergy sexual abuse, just to let them know that I had been healed.”

Hollowell said that his brain tumor “was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me.” 

He said in an October blog post, “I want to thank Jesus for the gift not just of my healing but also the gift of the tumor surgeries, radiation and chemo as well.”


“Almost nothing in my life is the same since my surgeries, radiation and chemo,” he also wrote, “and I have realized that all those differences in my life since the surgeries, radiation and chemo have been blessings.”

“I was OK if I died – I was willing to make the sacrifice for victims of Catholic clergy abuse.”

And while Hollowell was offering up his suffering during treatment for the victims of Catholic clerical sexual abuse, he “realized that the number-one person God used my suffering to help has been me.” 

Meaningful date of diagnosis

Hollowell admitted he “didn’t have much devotion to” Our Lady of Lourdes before his diagnosis — but the two would become linked throughout his cancer journey. 

He was diagnosed on Feb. 11, 2020. That’s the anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette Soubirous. 

In 1858, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared multiple times before a 14-year-old girl, St. Bernadette Soubirous, at the Massabielle grotto on the left bank of a steam, according to Britannica. 

Pope Pius IX in 1862 declared the vision authentic.

"I felt a lot stronger when I got back from Lourdes," Fr. Hollowell of Indianapolis said. "Friends, family and parishioners told me that I looked a lot healthier." 

“I felt a lot stronger when I got back from Lourdes,” Fr. Hollowell of Indianapolis said. “Friends, family and parishioners told me that I looked a lot healthier.” 
(Fr. Hollowell/iStock)

The evening of his diagnosis, Hollowell told Fox News Digital that he “was able to have Mass up at the Mayo Clinic in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes.”

‘I was there, and I was healed’

Ahead of his trip to Lourdes, Hollowell did not necessarily expect to be healed in the physical sense. Yet he hoped that his suffering would be able to do some spiritual good. 

“I was OK if I died — I was willing to make the sacrifice for victims of Catholic clergy abuse. But I thought, ‘Well, if I go to Lourdes, and I’m healed there, then that might have an impact on some of my fallen-away family and friends,'” he said in the January video. 

Pilgrims in Lourdes, France, are shown lining up at the grotto where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.

Pilgrims in Lourdes, France, are shown lining up at the grotto where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
(Christine Rousselle/Fox News Digital)

“I went there, and I was healed — and yes, just thanks be to God,” Hollowell continued in the video.

Medical insights

One New York-based doctor offered his professional medical opinion — and his belief in the power of prayer.

“I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe in miracle cures and I believe in Lourdes,” Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News contributor and a professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News Digital.

“Great surgery, great chemo — and the power of prayer.”

“But [with] this particular tumor, there is about a 74% five-year survival rate, depending on what grade it is,” Dr. Siegel added. 

“And Hollowell] had surgery and chemotherapy, so it’s not surprising to me that [the tumor] is gone.”


Noting that the type of tumor Hollowell had is not “the most severe of all brain tumors,” Siegel also said that it “can be cured.”

X-ray or MRI brain scan (unrelated to Fr. Hollowell's case) with glitch effect shown above. The type of tumor that Hollowell was diagnosed with "can be cured," said Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News medical contributor.  

X-ray or MRI brain scan (unrelated to Fr. Hollowell’s case) with glitch effect shown above. The type of tumor that Hollowell was diagnosed with “can be cured,” said Dr. Marc Siegel, a Fox News medical contributor.  

“If you ask me if being someone [whom] God smiles on plays a role in recovery — it does,” he also said.

However, added Dr. Siegel, who did not treat Fr. Hollowell, “I don’t think it’s all Lourdes in this case. But I do think doctors have the hands of God — that’s a well-known saying. Great surgery, great chemo — and the power of prayer.”

Faith voices weigh in

Other faith leaders shared their thoughts on the possibility of a miraculous healing from God.

“Jesus’ healing of our physical bodies is rooted in his crucifixion.”

“As we read through the gospels, we find that every place that Jesus went, he did three things,” Ohio-based Rabbi Kirt Schneider, author of “Messianic Prophecy Today” and host of the television program, “Discovering the Jewish Jesus,” told Fox News Digital via email.

“He preached the gospel, he healed the sick and he cast out tormenting spirits,” Rabbi Schneider added.


“Matthew 8:17 says that Jesus healed them to fulfill the book of Isaiah 53:4, which is about Yeshua’s crucifixion,” he also said.  

“In other words, Jesus’ healing of our physical bodies is rooted in his crucifixion, which provides a solution for both our sin and our sickness.”

"I rejoice that God is manifesting his supernatural power in ways that are, quite simply, undeniable," said Alex McFarland of Alex McFarland Ministries in Greensboro, North Carolina.

“I rejoice that God is manifesting his supernatural power in ways that are, quite simply, undeniable,” said Alex McFarland of Alex McFarland Ministries in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Alex McFarland, leader of Alex McFarland Ministries in Greensboro, North Carolina, also shared a faith perspective. 

“Fr. John Hollowell reports that God has miraculously healed him from a brain tumor — this is cause for rejoicing and should be a source of hope for all people,” McFarland told Fox News Digital via email.


“I believe the American church must get reacquainted with the supernatural power of God,” he added. 

“The God of Christianity is the God who can heal. Our God is the source of life, and also the one to whom we turn for physical and spiritual healing.”


McFarland also said, “At a time when skepticism and atheism are reported to be growing, I rejoice that God is manifesting his supernatural power in ways that are, quite simply, undeniable.”


Inside the 'Bentley' of luxury residential towers, opening in Miami

Written by Jacqui Palumbo, CNN

The coastline of Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, will be getting a new addition in 2026: the sparkling exterior of Bentley Motors’ first residential building, rising above a skyline full of luxury condos and hotels.

At approximately 749 feet tall, Bentley Residences is currently set to be the tallest US oceanfront building, according to a spokesperson for the project. Designed by Sieger Suarez Architects, which is also delivering the forthcoming Waldorf Astoria Residences Miami, the 63-story building will feature 216 units with sweeping ocean views, a slew of amenities, and an elevator designed to take residents up to their doorstep while seated inside their cars.

“People buy single-family homes so they can have their car parked in their garage, so they can get up and walk into their unit,” said the architecture firm’s president, Charles Sieger, in a video call. “You really can’t do that with high-rises. So we’re trying to break that mold.”

04 bentley residences architecture

The new Bentley Residences is set to open in 2026 on Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. Credit: Courtesy Bentley Residences Miami

The “Dezervator” — the patented vehicular elevator system named after the building’s developer Dezer Development — first appeared in the nearby Porsche Design Tower, which was also designed by Sieger Suarez Architects.

The four lifts, which rise at 800 feet per minute, each feature a hydraulic system that uses RFID tags to automatically load each vehicle onto the elevator — with the driver and passengers inside — and then directly to their floor.

02 bentley residences architecture

Each unit of Bentley Residences comes with a private garage. Credit: Courtesy Bentley Residences Miami

At first, Sieger said, they thought the elevator ride would feel like a roller coaster due to the speed, but that wasn’t the case when he tried it himself. “It was actually disappointing because you’re sitting in a comfortable car… and you hardly even sense you’re moving that quick.” he added.

Translating automobiles to homes

In many ways, the Porsche Design Tower, which opened in 2016, laid the blueprint for this project, Sieger said. Both adapt the finer aesthetic details of the brand’s vehicles to residential complexes and aim to replicate the benefits of single-family homes in a sky-high tower, from ample private outdoor space to in-unit garages. In Bentley Residences, each apartment’s “garage” has room for up to four cars, as well as electric-vehicle charging capabilities.

05 bentley residences architecture

Units also have enormous outdoor spaces with a private heated swimming pool and full kitchen. Credit: Courtesy Bentley Residences Miami

The design of the building itself takes inspiration from the recessed diamond patterning in the car interiors, with the tower’s exterior made of reflective glass triangle panels that mimic the diamond shape, each one set 3 inches deep. (The panels will all face different directions, Sieger pointed out, to avoid the scorching effect of the reflective glass on London’s “Walkie Talkie” skyscraper, which melted some parts of cars before it was fitted with shading to deflect the sun).

Meanwhile the condo’s interiors also nod to Bentley’s distinctive style. The grippy texture of the cars’ metal shift knobs, for instance, are applied to bathroom faucets, while deep walnut shades, high-polish finishes and textured leathers are used throughout the property.

“A lot of it has to do with bringing the nature of the finished materials that they use in the cars, scaling them differently,” Sieger said of adapting the brand aesthetic. (Bentley has already experimented in the interior design space, with its own home furnishings line).

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Finishings in the condos are meant to evoke the details of the brand’s luxury cars. Credit: Courtesy Bentley Residences Miami

While shared amenities cover a sprawling 20,000 square feet and include restaurants, bars, a fitness center, spa, game room and movie theater — with seats resembling a Bentley car interior — each condo has plenty of creature comforts, too. There’s a sauna in the master bathroom, Atlantic-ocean views, and a massive balcony space that includes a private heated swimming pool and outdoor kitchen.

“Most apartments don’t have balconies that are particularly usable,” Sieger said, noting that, in this case, some of the outdoor spaces are “about half the size of the unit.” It’s also partially enclosed by glass to help keep the wind out even at the highest floors.

Though the building won’t welcome residents for another three years, the units are already being sold, with prices currently starting at $5.25 million, and two penthouses priced at over $30 million each (or around $60 million as one combined unit). Construction is expected to start this spring.


Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young welcome son: 'Our baby boy is here'

Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young welcomed their first child together this week.

The couple made the announcement on Thursday, sharing a photo on Instagram of them holding their newborn.

“Our baby boy is here,” El Moussa wrote in the caption, adding that he was born on Tuesday. “Mama & baby are happy, healthy, tired but doing well. Our hearts are so happy.”

The “Flip or Flop” and “Selling Sunset” stars received plenty of well-wishes over the announcement, including HGTV’s account, which commented: “Welcome to the HGTV family little one!”


Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young announced their pregnancy last summer.

Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young announced their pregnancy last summer.
(Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic / File)

The El Moussas, who were married in 2021, announced their pregnancy last summer. El Moussa already shares Taylor, 12, and Brayden, 7, with ex-wife Christina Hall. 

The couple told People magazine they were happily surprised last year when they conceived naturally while in the middle of IVF treatments. 


“It was a huge shock,” Young told the magazine. “We just weren’t expecting this. We had just gone through IVF. We had embryos on ice. We had a plan. I think when you least expect it and there’s no stress in your life, the world just brought us what was meant to be. I’m so excited that it happened like this.”

Young calls herself a “bonus mom” to her stepchildren.


“I’m just obsessed with my kids,” El Moussa told People last year. “They’re my everything, so having another one is just icing on the cake. I’m so excited.”


Appeals court rules government can’t stop people with domestic violence restraining orders from owning guns

People with domestic violence restraining orders have a constitutional right to own firearms, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday. 

The three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals ruled Thursday that banning people under domestic violence restraining orders from owning firearms “embodies salutary policy goals meant to protect vulnerable people in our society.” 

FILE: Then-Rep. Cory Wilson, R-Madison, discusses a transportation issue during a House Transportation Committee meeting at the Capitol in Jackson, Miss. 

FILE: Then-Rep. Cory Wilson, R-Madison, discusses a transportation issue during a House Transportation Committee meeting at the Capitol in Jackson, Miss. 
(AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis, File)

Police in Texas found a rifle and a pistol at the home of a man who was the subject of a civil protective order that banned him from harassing, stalking or threatening his ex-girlfriend and their child. The order also banned him from having guns.

A federal grand jury indicted the man, who pled guilty. He later challenged his indictment, arguing the law that prevented him from owning a gun was unconstitutional. At first, a federal appeals court ruled against him, saying that it was more important for society to keep guns out of the hands of people accused of domestic violence than it was to protect a person’s individual right to own a gun.


But then last year, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a new ruling in a case known as New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, set new standards for interpreting the Second Amendment by saying the government had to justify gun control laws by showing they are “consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”

The appeals court withdrew its original decision and on Thursday decided to vacate the man’s conviction and ruled the federal law banning people subject to domestic violence restraining orders from owning guns was unconstitutional.

The decision came from a three-judge panel consisting of Judges Cory Wilson, James Ho and Edith Jones. Wilson and Ho were nominated by former Republican President Donald Trump, while Jones was nominated by former Republican President Ronald Reagan.

A customer holds a Glock 17 pistol for sale at Redstone Firearms, in Burbank, California, US, on Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. 

A customer holds a Glock 17 pistol for sale at Redstone Firearms, in Burbank, California, US, on Friday, Sept. 16, 2022. 
(Kyle Grillot/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Following the decision, Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department “will seek further review of the Fifth Circuit’s contrary decision.”


Among those critical of the judges was California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who suggested the judge’s ruling gives “domestic abusers the right to carry firearms. 

“Will they be allowing guns in their courtrooms too?” Newsom tweeted. “This deranged vision of guns for all is a direct threat to safety – and it will only accelerate.” 

The ruling has prompted California lawmakers to overhaul their law regarding permits to carry concealed weapons.


On Wednesday, Newsom endorsed a bill in the state Legislature that would ban people from carrying concealed guns in nearly all public places, with an exception for churches and businesses who put up a sign saying guns are OK.

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 


Bodies found in apartment building believed to be those of 3 Michigan rappers missing almost two weeks, city official says


Three bodies found Thursday in the Detroit area are believed those of three rappers who have been missing for almost two weeks, a spokesperson for the city of Highland Park said.

The bodies were found in Highland Park, roughly 6 miles northwest of Detroit, Highland Park spokesperson LaKisha Brown said.

Michigan State Police, who are leading the investigation into the bodies, have not confirmed their identities. Victims were found in an abandoned Highland Park apartment complex, they said Thursday evening.

“As of now we haven’t confirmed the identity of any victims inside or a manner of death,” officials with Michigan State Police Second District tweeted. “Please remember all victims have families and we don’t have the luxury of guessing on their identity and then retracting if we didn’t get it right. Once information is confirmed we will update (on Twitter).”

State police said a homicide task force, troopers, and workers from their forensic lab were part of the investigation team at the complex.

Forensic scientists from the state police lab were making their way into the building and beginning to gather evidence, state police said Thursday evening. “The building is in very poor condition and rat invested which is slowing progress.”

Michigan State Police personnel walk outside a building where multiple bodies were found Thursday.

Armani Kelly, 28; Dante Wicker, 31; and Montoya Givens, 31, who are all associates, were supposed to perform at a club in Detroit on January 21, but the performance was canceled, police have said. Activity on their cell phones stopped early on January 22, according to authorities.

A car connected to at least one of the three was found in the city of Warren, which is only a few miles from Highland Park, on January 23, Detroit police had said.


Chinese military aircraft enter Taiwan's airspace as US tracks surveillance balloon

More than a dozen Chinese military aircraft and four naval vessels were detected around Taiwan on Friday morning, defense officials said. 

The incursions by Chinese warplanes have become almost a daily occurrence in recent months, but Friday’s show of aggression comes ahead of a visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. 

FILE PHOTO: Chinese military helicopters fly past Pingtan island, one of mainland China's closest point from Taiwan, in Fujian province.

FILE PHOTO: Chinese military helicopters fly past Pingtan island, one of mainland China’s closest point from Taiwan, in Fujian province.
(HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images)

A high-altitude Chinese surveillance balloon was also spotted in the skies above Montana on Thursday, prompting some senators to call on Blinken to cancel his trip. 


Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., requested a full security briefing from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the balloon, saying that Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB) and the United States’ intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) fields could be the targets of the intelligence operation. 

A balloon flies in the sky over Billings, Montana, U.S. February 1, 2023, in this picture obtained from social media. 

A balloon flies in the sky over Billings, Montana, U.S. February 1, 2023, in this picture obtained from social media. 
(Chase Doak/via REUTERS )

Austin, who was visiting Camp Navarro in the Philippines when the news broke, convened a meeting with senior Department of Defense leaders and decided not to take military action due to “the risk to safety and security of people on the ground from the possible debris field,” according to a senior defense official. 

Taiwan’s military, meanwhile, activated aircraft, naval vessels, and land-based missile systems on Friday morning to monitor China’s incursion. 

FILE PHOTO: Taiwan military forces conduct anti-landing drills during the annual Han Kuang military exercises near New Taipei City in Taiwan on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. 

FILE PHOTO: Taiwan military forces conduct anti-landing drills during the annual Han Kuang military exercises near New Taipei City in Taiwan on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. 
(Taiwan Ministry of National Defense via AP, File)


Bi-khim Hsiao, Taiwan’s envoy to the U.S., said last month that the island has learned important lessons from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

“Everything we’re doing now is to prevent the pain and suffering of the tragedy of Ukraine from being repeated in our scenario in Taiwan,” she told the Associated Press. “So ultimately, we seek to deter the use of military force. But in a worst-case scenario, we understand that we have to be better prepared.” 

Fox News’ Adam Sabes contributed to this report. 


New Jersey councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour shot and killed, authorities say


A 30-year-old councilwoman in the borough of Sayreville, New Jersey, was found shot to death in her car on Wednesday, according to authorities.

Eunice Dwumfour, a Republican councilwoman, was found by police with multiple gunshot wounds just after 7 p.m. Wednesday and was pronounced dead on scene, according to Middlesex County officials.

Dwumfour was inside her car near her home when she was shot, according to CNN affiliate WABC. The vehicle then took off down the road and crashed into other parked vehicles, the affiliate reported.

Sayreville Mayor Victoria Kilpatrick said she was “shocked and saddened” to learn of Dwumfour’s death, saying she was “taken from us by a despicable criminal act.” She and Dwumfour worked closely together on the council, she wrote.

“Beyond her dedication to our community, I can share that she was a woman of deep faith and worked hard to integrate her strong Christian beliefs into her daily life as a person and a community leader,” the mayor said. “On a personal note, I can’t adequately express my feeling of sorrow at the loss of a friend.”

Officials said the investigation is ongoing and they do not have a motive at this time. CNN has reached out to the prosecutors and police for more details.

Dwumfour was elected to a three-year term on the six-member borough council in November 2021, according to election results. She also served as a member of the Human Relations Commission, according to the Sayreville website.

Sayreville, located in central New Jersey, has a population of about 45,000 people, according to the US Census.

On the Sayreville GOP website from 2021, Dwumfour asked the public to support her run for the council.

“Like you, Sayreville is my home, I love and cherish this town and it is my desire to help improve the lives of its residents,” she wrote. “In the past few years, we have seen many changes including a worldwide pandemic, but despite all, Sayreville still stands strong because of residents like you.”

“I am fully dedicated to building a better, stronger Sayreville, and with your support, we can create a brighter future for our wonderful town.”

New Jersey Republican Party Chairman Bob Hugin issued a statement expressing his “horror and deepest sorrow” at her killing.

“We will remember Eunice for her steadfast dedication to the community, as well as her deep and abiding Christian faith,” he said.

Gov. Phil Murphy said in a statement Thursday morning he was “stunned” by the news of her killing.

“Her career of public service was just beginning, and by all accounts she had already built a reputation as a committed member of the Borough Council who took her responsibility with the utmost diligence and seriousness,” he said. “I send my condolences to Councilwoman Dwumfour’s family and friends, her governing body colleagues, and the entire Sayreville community.”

The governor later added that “we’ll do anything we can to track down this murderer.”

He urged the public to come forward and connect with authorities if they know anything, “even if it’s a little thing.”


Cavs' Donovan Mitchell, Grizzlies' Dillon Brooks ejected after brouhaha breaks out

A shot downstairs led to some pushing and shoving between the Memphis Grizzlies and Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday night.

Dillon Brooks appeared to strike Donovan Mitchell below the belt, leading the Cavs guard to launch the basketball at him from point-blank range.


Donovan Mitchell #45 of the Cleveland Cavaliers looks to pass the ball during the game against the Memphis Grizzlies on February 2, 2023 at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio.

Donovan Mitchell #45 of the Cleveland Cavaliers looks to pass the ball during the game against the Memphis Grizzlies on February 2, 2023 at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland, Ohio.
(David Liam Kyle/NBAE via Getty Images)

It’s unclear if punches were thrown, but the two wrestled each other to the floor, however not before fellow players and coaches tried to separate the two.


Both players were ejected from the game.

The game had been physical all night, and words were exchanged again a few minutes later. But Cavs head coach J.B. Bickerstaff said he didn’t want to get involved in the Grizzlies’ “games.”

“The Dillon Brooks play is what it is. Guys have to stand up for themselves,” Bickerstaff told the TNT broadcast after the third quarter. “We have to make sure we keep our composure and keep fighting through it.”

Thursday marked the second meeting between the two teams – the Grizzlies won back on Jan. 18, 115-114.

Mitchell was a conference rival of Memphis when he was a member of the Utah Jazz, and he has certainly had the Grizzlies’ number – Mitchell is 10-4 against Memphis in his career, and 8-2 in games where Brooks has played.

Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell, right, shoots against Memphis Grizzlies forward Dillon Brooks during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, in Cleveland. 

Cleveland Cavaliers guard Donovan Mitchell, right, shoots against Memphis Grizzlies forward Dillon Brooks during the first half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, in Cleveland. 
(AP Photo/Ron Schwane)


Brooks had nine points, two rebounds, and an assist before getting ejected, while Mitchell had six points, four boards, and three assists.


Democrats in Connecticut want to ban state agencies from using 'Latinx'


Several state Democratic lawmakers in Connecticut are seeking to ban state agencies from using “Latinx,” – the latest example of political backlash against the term.

Members of the Connecticut state House introduced a bill last month that would prohibit state agencies and employees acting on behalf of state agencies from using “Latinx” in official communications.

Rep. Geraldo Reyes, one of the primary sponsors of the bill, told CNN on Thursday that he and his colleagues behind the bill are Puerto Rican and consider the term offensive.

“It’s a term that we believe is unnecessary because the Spanish language, which is 1,500-plus years old, already identifies male, female and neutral,” Reyes said on “CNN Newsroom,” adding that “Latin” and “Latino” were both gender-neutral options.

Reyes told CNN that a state House committee is screening the bill, and that he hopes it will soon receive a public hearing. If the committee approves the bill, it would need to pass the state House and Senate and be signed by the governor before it becomes law. Democrats have full government control in Connecticut.

Some activists, academics, companies and progressive groups have adopted “Latinx” in an effort to include those who fall outside the male/female gender binary. But many Hispanics and Latinos take issue with the term, calling it clunky and nonsensical for Spanish speakers.

The term has also been swept up into the nation’s culture wars. In one of her first acts as Arkansas governor, Republican Sarah Huckabee Sanders barred the use of “Latinx” in official state documents and ordered a review of state agencies’ past usage of the term. GOP Rep. Monica De La Cruz of Texas, meanwhile, mocked the term during her victory speech last November, characterizing her win as “a victory for every single Hispanic who loves the Spanish language and does not want to be called Latinx.”

While “Latinx” is often derided by those on the right, politicians from both parties have expressed opposition to the term. Aside from the state lawmakers in Connecticut, Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona said in 2021 that he had instructed his office not to use the term in official communications.

“Look y’all. Hispanic, Latin American are gender neutral. So we have already gender neutral options to describe the Latino community. Adding an x and creating a new word comes off as performative,” Gallego tweeted at the time. “It will not lose you an election but if your staff and consultants use Latinx in your mass communication it likely means they don’t understand the Latino community and is indicative of deeper problems.”

Data suggests that “Latinx” is not widely used among the people it is meant to describe.

A Pew Research Center survey published in 2020 found that only about one in four adults in the US who identify as Hispanic or Latino have heard the term “Latinx,” while just 3% say they use it to describe themselves. Those who used the term tended to be younger, US-born and Democratic-leaning. They were also more likely to be bilingual or predominately English speakers and were more likely to have gone to college.

Similarly, a 2021 Gallup poll found that just 4% of Hispanic and Latino Americans prefer the term “Latinx” over “Hispanic” and “Latinx,” though a majority of respondents said it didn’t matter to them which term was used.

Other surveys point to divides along cultural lines. An Axios-Ipsos Latino poll in partnership with Telemundo from last year found that a majority of Mexican Americans surveyed were comfortable with the term “Latinx,” while around just one in three Central Americans were.

Critics of “Latinx” have noted that the term falls outside the bounds of Spanish grammar and is difficult for Spanish speakers to pronounce. And given its popularity among predominately English speakers, some also feel that the term imposes English conventions upon Spanish speakers.

In recent years, others have opted for new alternatives such as “Latiné,” which is gender-neutral and more consistent with the way Spanish is spoken.
