Newfound part of the brain acts as shield and watchdog

Researchers have discovered a previously unknown part of brain anatomy that acts as both a protective barrier and platform from which immune cells monitor the brain for infection and inflammation.

From the complexity of neural networks to basic biological functions and structures, the human brain only reluctantly reveals its secrets.

Advances in neuro-imaging and molecular biology have only recently enabled scientists to study the living brain at a level of detail not previously achievable, unlocking many of its mysteries.

The new study comes from the labs of Maiken Nedergaard, co-director of the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at University of Rochester and the University of Copenhagen and Kjeld Møllgård, a professor of neuroanatomy at the University of Copenhagen.

Nedergaard and her colleagues have transformed our understanding of the fundamental mechanics of the human brain and made significant findings in the field of neuroscience, including detailing the many critical functions of previously overlooked cells in the brain called glia and the brain’s unique process of waste removal, which the lab named the glymphatic system.

“The discovery of a new anatomic structure that segregates and helps control the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in and around the brain now provides us much greater appreciation of the sophisticated role that CSF plays not only in transporting and removing waste from the brain, but also in supporting its immune defenses,” says Nedergaard.

The study focuses on the series of membranes that encase the brain, creating a barrier from the rest of the body and keeping the brain bathed in CSF. The traditional understanding of what is collectively called the meningeal layer identifies the three individual layers as dura, arachnoid, and pia matter.

The new layer discovered by the US and Denmark-based research team further divides the space between the arachnoid and pia layers, the subarachnoid space, into two compartments, separated by the newly described layer, which the researchers name SLYM, an abbreviation of Subarachnoidal LYmphatic-like Membrane.

While much of the research in the paper describes the function of SLYM in mice, they also report its presence in the adult human brain as well.

SLYM is a type of membrane that lines other organs in the body, including the lungs and heart, called mesothelium. These membranes typically surround and protect organs, and harbor immune cells. The idea that a similar membrane might exist in the central nervous system was a question first posed by Møllgård, the first author of the study, whose research focuses on developmental neurobiology, and on the systems of barriers that protect the brain.

The new membrane is very thin and delicate, consisting of only a few cells in thickness. Yet SLYM is a tight barrier, allowing only very small molecules to transit and it also seems to separate “clean” and “dirty” CSF.

This last observation hints at the likely role played by SLYM in the glymphatic system, which requires a controlled flow and exchange of CSF, allowing the influx of fresh CSF while flushing the toxic proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases from the central nervous system.

This discovery will help researchers more precisely understand the mechanics of the glymphatic system.

The SLYM also appears important to the brain’s defenses. The central nervous system maintains its own native population of immune cells, and the membrane’s integrity prevents outside immune cells from entering. In addition, the membrane appears to host its own population of central nervous system immune cells that use SLYM as an observation point close to the surface of the brain from which to scan passing CSF for signs of infection or inflammation.

Discovery of the SLYM opens the door for further study of its role in brain disease. For example, the researchers note that larger and more diverse concentrations of immune cells congregate on the membrane during inflammation and aging. Furthermore, when the membrane was ruptured during traumatic brain injury, the resulting disruption in the flow of CSF impaired the glymphatic system and allowed non-central nervous system immune cells to enter the brain.

These and similar observations suggest that diseases as diverse as multiple sclerosis, central nervous system infections, and Alzheimer’s might be triggered or worsened by abnormalities in SLYM function. They also suggest that the delivery of drugs and gene therapeutics to the brain may be affected by SLYM, which will need to be considered as new generations of biologic therapies are being developed.

The research appears in the journal Science. Additional coauthors are from the University of Copenhagen.

Support for the study came from the Lundbeck Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the US Army Research Office, the Human Frontier Science Program, the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Medical Research Foundation, and the Simons Foundation.

Source: University of Rochester


3D imaging tracks cancer radiation in real time

Precise 3D imaging makes it possible to track radiation, used to treat half of all cancer patients, in real time.

By capturing and amplifying tiny sound waves created when X-rays heat tissues in the body, medical professionals can map the radiation dose within the body, giving them new data to guide treatments. It’s a first-of-its-kind view of an interaction doctors have previously been unable to “see.”

Dose accumulation in an imitation patient made of lard over a delivery time of around 19 seconds, as continuously monitored by the iRAI system. (Credit: U. Michigan Optical Imaging Laboratory)

“Once you start delivering radiation, the body is pretty much a black box,” says Xueding Wang, professor of biomedical engineering and professor of radiology who leads the Optical Imaging Laboratory at the University of Michigan.

“We don’t know exactly where the X-rays are hitting inside the body, and we don’t know how much radiation we’re delivering to the target. And each body is different, so making predictions for both aspects is tricky,” says Wang, corresponding author of the study in Nature Biotechnology.

Radiation is used in treatment for hundreds of thousands of cancer patients each year, bombarding an area of the body with high energy waves and particles, usually X-rays. The radiation can kill cancer cells outright or damage them so that they can’t spread.

These benefits are undermined by a lack of precision, as radiation treatment often kills and damages healthy cells in the areas surrounding a tumor. It can also raise the risk of developing new cancers.

With real-time 3D imaging, doctors can more accurately direct the radiation toward cancerous cells and limit the exposure of adjacent tissues. To do that, they simply need to “listen.”

When X-rays are absorbed by tissues in the body, they are turned into thermal energy. That heating causes the tissue to expand rapidly, and that expansion creates a sound wave.

The acoustic wave is weak and usually undetectable by typical ultrasound technology. The new ionizing radiation acoustic imaging system detects the wave with an array of ultrasonic transducers positioned on the patient’s side. The signal is amplified and then transferred into an ultrasound device for image reconstruction.

With the images in-hand, an oncology clinic can alter the level or trajectory of radiation during the process to ensure safer and more effective treatments.

“In the future, we could use the imaging information to compensate for uncertainties that arise from positioning, organ motion, and anatomical variation during radiation therapy,” says first author Wei Zhang, a research investigator in biomedical engineering. “That would allow us to deliver the dose to the cancer tumor with pinpoint accuracy.”

Another benefit of the new technology is it can be easily added to current radiation therapy equipment without drastically changing the processes that clinicians are used to.

“In future applications, this technology can be used to personalize and adapt each radiation treatment to assure normal tissues are kept to a safe dose and that the tumor receives the dose intended,” says Kyle Cuneo, associate professor of radiation oncology at Michigan Medicine.

“This technology would be especially beneficial in situations where the target is adjacent to radiation sensitive organs such as the small bowel or stomach.”

The University of Michigan has applied for patent protection and is seeking partners to help bring the technology to market. The National Cancer Institute and the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research supported the work.

Source: University of Michigan


Coral bleaching makes it hard for fish to spot foes

Mass coral bleaching events make it harder for some species of reef fish to identify competitors, new research reveals.

Scientists studying reefs across five Indo-Pacific regions found that the ability of butterfly fish individuals to identify competitor species and respond appropriately was compromised after widespread loss of coral caused by bleaching.

This change means they make poorer decisions that leave them less able to avoid unnecessary fights, using up precious limited energy. The scientists believe this increases the likelihood of coral loss.

“By recognizing a competitor, individual fish can make decisions about whether to escalate, or retreat from, a contest—conserving valuable energy and avoiding injuries,” says lead author Sally Keith, a senior lecturer in marine biology at Lancaster University.

“These rules of engagement evolved for a particular playing field, but that field is changing. Repeated disturbances, such as bleaching events, alter the abundance and identity of corals—the food source of butterfly fish. It’s not yet clear whether these fish have the capacity to update their rule book fast enough to recalibrate their decisions.”

“The impacts of global change on biodiversity are increasingly obvious,” says coauthor Nate Sanders, a professor in the ecology and evolutionary biology department at the University of Michigan. “This work highlights the importance of studying the behavioral responses of individuals in light of global change.”

For the study in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the researchers took more than 3,700 observations of 38 species of butterfly fish on reefs before and after coral bleaching events and compared their behaviors.

After coral mortality caused by the bleaching event, signaling between fish of different species was less common, with encounters escalating to chases in more than 90% of cases—up from 72% before the event. Researchers also found the distance of these chases increased following bleaching, with fish expending more energy chasing away potential competitors than they would have done previously.

The researchers believe the environmental disturbances are affecting fish recognition and responses because the bleaching events, in which many corals die, are forcing fish species to change and diversify their diets and territories. Therefore, these large-scale environmental changes are disrupting long-established and co-evolved relationships that allow multiple fish species to coexist.

“We know that biodiversity is being lost—species are vanishing and populations are declining,” Sanders says. “Perhaps by focusing more on how the behavior of individuals responds to global change, we can start to predict how biodiversity might change in the future. And better yet, try to do something about it.”

Additional coauthors are from Lancaster University and the University of Queensland. The Natural Environment Research Council, the Australian Research Council, and the Villum Foundation funded the work.

Source: University of Michigan


Impulse Space announces first orbital transfer vehicle mission

WASHINGTON — Impulse Space announced Jan. 4 it will launch its first orbital transfer vehicle late this year on a SpaceX rideshare mission.

Impulse Space said its LEO Express-1 mission, using a transfer vehicle it is developing called Mira, is manifested for launch on SpaceX’s Transporter-9 rideshare mission currently scheduled for launch in the fourth quarter of 2023. LEO Express-1 will carry a primary payload for an undisclosed customer.

Barry Matsumori, chief operating officer of Impulse Space, said in an interview that the mission can accommodate additional payloads, like cubesats. The mission profile is still being finalized, but he said the vehicle, after making some initial deployments, may raise its orbit, then lower it to demonstrate operations in what’s known as very low Earth orbit, around 300 kilometers.

The performance of Mira depends on how much payload it is carrying, but he estimated that the vehicle can provide about 1,000 meters per second of delta-v, or change in velocity, with a payload of 300 kilograms. Its propulsion system, using storable propellants, has been extensively tested, with more than 1,000 seconds of runtime, while other elements of the vehicle are in various stages of design and manufacturing.

Impulse Space plans additional missions in 2024, he said. The company will take advantage of future SpaceX Transporter missions as well as opportunities on other vehicles like Relativity Space’s Terran.

Matsumori said the company is seeing growing demand for in-space transportation services. “The market for customers for either LEO transfers or other orbit transfers is developing at about the same pace as the in-space transportation capabilities are developing,” he said. “In the last three months, we’ve seen many more customers than we did in the prior six months.”

The number of options for in-space transportation services is also growing. On the Transporter-6 mission SpaceX launched Jan. 3, D-Orbit flew two of its ION satellite carriers that will deploy nine cubesats and support three hosted payloads. Momentus flew Vigoride-5, its second transfer vehicle carrying one cubesat and one hosted payload. Launcher flew its first Orbiter vehicle, with eight customers on board.

Matsumori said that Impulse Space plans to stand out from competitors based on performance. “Most everyone out there has fairly low delta-v’s for the mass they’re carrying,” he said. “We’re pretty much on the high end of the capabilities of the vehicles.”

Mira is the first in a series of vehicles Impulse Space is developing, with future vehicles capable of placing payloads into geostationary transfer orbits or direct insertions into geostationary orbit. “In-space is an infrastructure of capabilities, just like on Earth,” he said. “We have pickups, we have larger vans, and then we have 18-wheelers to be able to do logistics on Earth. Space is going to be no different.”


Raytheon selects Lockheed Martin bus for U.S. Space Force missile-tracking satellite

Raytheon’s infrared sensing payload will be integrated on a Lockheed Martin LM400

WASHINGTON — Raytheon Intelligence & Space announced Jan. 4 it selected a Lockheed Martin bus to build a missile-tracking satellite for the U.S. Space Force.

The U.S. Space Systems Command selected two satellite designs — one by Raytheon and the other by Millennium Space Systems — for a planned constellation of sensors in medium Earth orbit (MEO) to detect and track ballistic and hypersonic missiles. Both companies’ proposals last year cleared Space Force design reviews.

The Pentagon is adding a layer of MEO satellites to the nation’s missile-defense architecture to provide extra eyes on enemy hypersonic missiles. Compared to current sensors in geostationary satellites, sensors in medium orbits would see closer to Earth and track a wider area than satellites in low Earth orbit.  

Raytheon won a contract of undisclosed value to develop a prototype satellite, ground systems and data processing applications. 

“This is an advanced solution to counter emerging missile threats facing our country,” said Roger Cole, executive director of strategic systems at Raytheon Intelligence & Space. 

Raytheon’s infrared sensing payload will be integrated on a Lockheed Martin LM400, a new medium-size satellite bus the company introduced in 2021 with security features aimed at the military market.

“Lockheed Martin is excited to provide our mid-sized, rapidly-producible LM400 bus to Raytheon,” said Mike Corriea, vice president of Lockheed Martin’s overhead persistent infrared mission area. 

A “system critical design review” is scheduled for 2023, and the goal is to deliver the satellite for a 2026 launch. Work for this program will be performed at Raytheon’s facilities in El Segundo, California, and Lockheed Martin’s in Aurora, Colorado. 


Animals that carry seeds help regenerate forests

Animals are crucial to reforestation, research finds.

And yet, the world’s wildlife populations have declined by almost 70% in the last 50 years as humans have destroyed and polluted habitats.

Efforts to restore forests have often focused on trees, but a new study in the journal Philosophical Transactions that animals play a key role in the recovery of tree species by carrying a wide variety of seeds into previously deforested areas.

Sergio Estrada-Villegas, a postdoctoral associate at the Yale School of the Environment, led the study with Liza Comita, professor of tropical forest ecology. The project examines a series of regenerating forests in central Panama spanning 20 to 100 years post-abandonment.

“When we talk about forest restoration, people typically think about going out and digging holes and planting seedlings,” Comita says. “That’s actually not a very cost-effective or efficient way to restore natural forests. If you have a nearby preserved intact forest, plus you have your animal seed dispersers around, you can get natural regeneration, which is a less costly and labor-intensive approach.”

The research team analyzed a unique, long-term data set from the forest in Barro Colorado Nature Monument in Panama, which the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute oversees, to compare what proportion of tree species in forests were dispersed by animals or other methods, like wind or gravity, and how that changes over time as the forest ages. The team focused on the proportion of plants dispersed by four groups of animals: flightless mammals, large birds, small birds, and bats.

Because the area has been intensely studied by biologists at the Smithsonian for about a century, the research team was able to delve into data stemming back decades, including aerial photographs taken in the 1940s-1950s. The area also presents a unique view into forests where there is very little hunting or logging. The results offer the most detailed data of animal seed dispersal across the longest time frame of natural restoration, according to the study.

The role of flightless animals in seed dispersal across all forest ages, from 20 years to old growth, and the variety of animal species involved were among the most important findings of the study and point to the importance of natural regeneration of forests, Comita and Estrada-Villegas say. In tropical forests, more than 80% of tree species can be dispersed by animals.

The researchers say the findings can serve as a road map for natural regeneration of forests that preserve biodiversity and capture and store carbon at a time when the UN Decade of Restoration is highlighting the need for land conservation, and world leaders are working to mitigate climate change stemming from fossil fuel emissions.

Forests soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in biomass and soils. Tropical forests, in particular, play an important role in regulating global climate and supporting high plant and animal diversity, the researchers note.

Estrada-Villegas, an ecologist who studies both bats and plants, says the study highlights how crucial animals are to healthy forests.

“In these tropical environments, animals are paramount to a speedy recovery of forests,” says Estrada-Villegas.

Coauthors are from the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior; the Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Columbia; the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Balboa, Panama; and Clemson University.

Source: Yale University


NASA faces budget crunch for extended Earth science missions

WASHINGTON — NASA will allow three aging Earth science missions to participate in an upcoming senior review of extended missions even as the agency warns of budget pressures on its overall portfolio of missions.

During a town hall Dec. 15 at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, NASA officials said they agency had invited the Aqua, Aura and Terra missions to submit proposals in the 2023 senior review of Earth science missions that are in their extended phases.

The three spacecraft, launched between 1999 and 2004, remain functional but are running low on stationkeeping propellant. The spacecraft have started to drift from their original operational orbits, which prompted concerns about impacts on the science they can perform and data continuity.

Julie Robinson, deputy director of NASA’s Earth science division, said the agency collected feedback about those missions through a request for information and a virtual workshop in November attended by more than 500 people. “One outcome of that is that Terra, Aqua and Aura will be invited to the senior review,” she said. In a senior review, missions that have completed their original prime missions make the case for continued funding to extend their missions.

Being invited to the senior review, though, is no guarantee that the missions will be able to secure funding. Robinson said the upcoming senior review will be particularly challenging given limited funding available for mission extensions.

“The senior review is not going to be an easy one this year,” she said. “We don’t have the money in the budget to extend every mission that comes to the senior review.” The agency will ask the panel that reviews the mission to advise it on various trades it can make among the missions.

NASA requested more than $2.4 billion for Earth science in its fiscal year 2023 budget proposal. However, the omnibus spending bill enacted in late December provided just under $2.2 billion for Earth science. While that is an increase of $130 million from 2022, it comes as NASA is ramping up work on its line of Earth System Observatory missions and other projects.

At the town hall, one scientist said it was “pretty shocking” that NASA would even consider not extending those three missions given their performance and the community of researchers using data from them. Robinson again turned to financial challenges facing the overall Earth science program.

“In the case of Terra, Aqua and Aura, one of the challenges we have is that these systems, because they’ve been operating so long, they’re really expensive,” she said. NASA’s fiscal year 2023 budget request projected spending $30.7 million each on operations of Terra and Aqua and $20.5 million on Aura. One part of the senior review will be to look at reducing those operating costs, but she did offer an estimate of the range of potential reductions.

Those efforts come as NASA grapples with potential cost increases with the Earth System Observatory, notably the Atmosphere Observing System (AOS). An independent review found that AOS as currently designed is likely to cost $2.4 billion, $500 million more than NASA’s own estimate. That could force NASA to scale back or replace two AOS instruments.

“There are really painful trades in Earth System Observatory. There are also painful trades in deciding how much money to put on extended missions and how to operate them,” she said. “I can promise we will never make everybody happy with those trades.”


Independent review warns of cost growth on key Earth science mission

WASHINGTON — An independent review warned of potential cost overruns on a future major NASA Earth science mission, prompting NASA to consider removing some instruments from it.

NASA is in the process of conducting reviews known as Key Decision Point (KDP) A for three elements of its Earth System Observatory line of missions: Atmosphere Observing System (AOS), Mass Change, and Surface Biology and Geology. The KDP-A reviews would allow the proposed missions to move into Phase A of initial development.

NASA, though, delayed the KDP-A review for AOS, which had been scheduled for December, after receiving an independent review of the Earth System Observatory effort commissioned by NASA in June and completed in October. That review concluded that AOS, which will include satellites both in polar and mid-inclination orbits, would cost $2.4 billion, $500 million more than the project’s own estimate.

“That is a warning that got a lot of attention at the agency level,” said Julie Robinson, deputy director of NASA’s Earth science division, during a town hall meeting about the mission at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union Dec. 16. “It’s a red flag.”

A major factor for the cost growth in the opinion of the independent review board (IRB) is the low technical maturity of two instruments planned for it, a dual-band Doppler radar that would operate at Ka and W bands, and a high spectral resolution (HSRL) lidar. The radar would enable measurements of clouds and precipitation, while the lidar would characterize aerosols in the atmosphere.

While the independent review suggested saving money by replacing the dual-band with a single-band one, and the HSRL lidar with a more conventional lidar, Robinson said it was too early in the development of AOS to make that decision.

“We really need more time to study it,” she said, something that can be done during Phase A of AOS. That includes studies on building the instruments in-house versus procuring them, and requests for information to assess industry’s capability to provide those instruments.

NASA now plans to hold the KDP-A review in January, a delay she said was primarily intended to coordinate work among centers involved in AOS as well as international partners. Canada and Japan are providing their own spacecraft for AOS, along with instruments from France.

The prospect of removing the dual-band radar and HSRL lidar had alarmed scientists, who worried it would significantly reduce the scientific productivity of AOS. Robinson agreed, but noted the agency had not made any decisions about those instruments. “The IRB report did discuss that these descopes are significant, and we recognize that as well. This is not what you were hoping to get out of this mission,” she said. “We have to do these Phase A studies.”

However, she said that the agency needed to find some way to reduce the cost of AOS to avoid cuts elsewhere in the overall Earth System Observatory. “If it would really be half a billion dollars more than is budgeted to do AOS,” she said, “then we would need to drop another mission.”

The independent review concluded the costs of the other two missions, Mass Change and Surface Biology and Geology, were close to project estimates: $454 million for Mass Change and $752 million for Surface Biology and Geology. The review, though, warned that Mass Change, which it described as a “near-copy” of the current GRACE-FO mission, carries risks from using that design and doesn’t improve on resolution and sampling as recommended by the Earth science decadal survey.

NASA initiated the Earth System Observatory effort in 2021, using it as the umbrella for the missions that will implement the five “designated observables” from the decadal survey: aerosols; clouds, convection and precipitation; mass change in snow, ice and water; surface biology and geology; and surface deformation and change. AOS will handle the aerosols and clouds, convection and precipitation observables.

The agency has not started formal planning yet for the mission to implement the fifth designated observable, surface deformation and change. Instead, NASA will use data from the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) mission scheduled for launch in 2024 to support science involving surface deformation and change.


Climate change will make Atlantic tropical storms worse

A warming climate will increase the number of tropical cyclones and their intensity in the North Atlantic, potentially creating more and stronger hurricanes, according to simulations using a high-resolution, global climate model.

“Unfortunately, it’s not great news for people living in coastal regions,” says Christina Patricola, an Iowa State University assistant professor of geological and atmospheric sciences, an affiliate of the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, and a study leader.

“Atlantic hurricane seasons will become even more active in the future, and hurricanes will be even more intense,” Patricola says.

The researchers ran climate simulations using the Department of Energy’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model and found that tropical cyclone frequency could increase 66% during active North Atlantic hurricane seasons by the end of this century.

Those seasons are typically characterized by La Niña conditions—unusually cool surface water in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean—and the positive phase of the Atlantic Meridional Mode—warmer surface temperatures in the northern tropical Atlantic Ocean.

The projected numbers of tropical cyclones could increase by 34% during inactive North Atlantic hurricane seasons. Inactive seasons generally occur during El Niño conditions with warmer surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and the negative phase of the Atlantic Meridional Mode with cooler surface temperatures in the northern tropical Atlantic Ocean.

In addition, the simulations project an increase in storm intensity during the active and inactive storm seasons.

“Altogether, the co-occurring increase in (tropical cyclone) number and strength may lead to increased risk to the continental North Atlantic in the future climate,” the researchers write.

Patricola adds: “Anything that can be done to curb greenhouse gas emissions could be helpful to reduce this risk.”

What are North Atlantic tropical cyclones? “Tropical cyclone is a more generic term than hurricane,” Patricola says. “Hurricanes are relatively strong tropical cyclones.”

Exactly, says the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Tropical cyclone is a general reference to a low-pressure system that forms over tropical waters with thunderstorms near the center of its closed, cyclonic winds. When those rotating winds exceed 39 MPH, the system becomes a named tropical storm. At 74-plus MPH, it becomes a hurricane in the Atlantic and East Pacific oceans, a typhoon in the northern West Pacific.

Patricola and another group of collaborators have also published a second research paper about tropical cyclones, also in Geophysical Research Letters. The paper examines a possible explanation for the relatively constant number of tropical cyclones observed globally from year to year.

Could it be that African Easterly Waves, low pressure systems over the Sahel region of North Africa that take moist tropical winds and raise them up into thunderclouds, are a key to that steady production of storms?

Using regional model simulations, the researchers were able to filter out the African Easterly Waves and see what happened.

As it turned out, the simulations didn’t change the seasonal number of Atlantic tropical cyclones. But, tropical cyclones were stronger, peak formation of the storms shifted from September to August, and the formation region shifted from the coast of North Africa to the Gulf of Mexico.

So African Easterly Waves many not help researchers predict the number of Atlantic tropical cyclones every year, but they do appear to affect important storm characteristics, including intensity and possibly where they make landfall.

Both papers call for more study.

“We are,” Patricola says, “chipping away at the problem of predicting the number of tropical cyclones.”

Source: Iowa State University


To prevent HIV, ease intimate partner violence

Women in Sub-Saharan Africa who experience recent intimate partner violence are three times more likely to contract HIV, according to new research.

“Worldwide, more than one in four women experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime,” says McGill University Professor Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, a Canada Research Chair in Population Health Modeling.

“Sub-Saharan Africa is among one of the regions in the world with the highest prevalence of both IPV and HIV. We wanted to examine the effects of intimate partner violence on recent HIV infections and women’s access to HIV care in this region,” he says.

Their study, published in The Lancet HIV, shows considerable overlap between violence against women and the HIV epidemics in some of the highest burdened countries. Among women living with HIV, those experiencing intimate partner violence were 9% less likely to achieve viral load suppression—the ultimate step in HIV treatment.

“The 2021 UN General Assembly, attended and supported by the Government of Canada, adopted the Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS with bold new global targets for 2025. This encompasses a commitment to eliminate all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including IPV, as a key enabler of the HIV epidemic. Improving our understanding of the relationships between IPV and HIV is essential to meet this commitment,” says Maheu-Giroux.

The researchers found that physical or sexual intimate partner violence in the past year was associated with recent HIV acquisition and less frequent viral load suppression. According to the researchers, IPV could also pose barriers for women in getting HIV care and remaining in care while living with the virus.

“Given the high burden of IPV worldwide, including in Canada, the need to stem the mutually reinforcing threats of IPV and HIV on women’s health and well-being is urgent,” says Salome Kuchukhidze, a PhD candidate studying epidemiology and the lead author of the research.

Source: McGill University
