Discovery in India reveals intimate details about lives of some of the largest dinosaurs

A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here.


To pry open the mysteries of our planet’s past, scientists typically study rocks and fossilized bones.

Eggs are an often overlooked but extremely rich source of information, with birds, reptiles, dinosaurs and a few oddball mammals laying them on land for more than 200 million years.

Rare fossilized eggshells can illuminate the behavior and diet of ancient creatures, expose changes in climate, and shed light on how our prehistoric relatives lived and communicated.

And now, an “eggciting” discovery in India announced this week has revealed intimate details about the lives of some of the biggest dinosaurs to walk the Earth.

The discovery of 250-plus fossilized eggs in India suggests giant dinosaurs weren't attentive parents.

Paleontologists in central India have unearthed a fossilized dinosaur hatchery with 92 nests and 256 eggs belonging to colonies of giant plant-eating titanosaurs.

Judging by the nests’ proximity to one another, researchers inferred the dinosaurs laid eggs together in colonies or rookeries, as many birds do today.

However, unlike most bird species, titanosaurs weren’t doting parents. Researchers think these creatures likely laid their eggs and then left their offspring to fend for themselves.

“Since titanosaurs were huge in size, closely spaced nests would not have allowed them to visit the nests to maneuver and incubate the eggs or feed the hatchlings … as the parents would step on the eggs and trample them,” said lead study author Guntupalli Prasad, a paleontologist at the University of Delhi.

Planting a tree is a fitting memorial to a loved one, but how about “becoming” a tree after death?

Transcend, a New York-based green burial start-up, is one company offering a way for people to make a positive environmental impact when they shuffle off this mortal coil.

Customers will select a tree species to be planted over the body, which will be prepared with biodegradable flax linen and buried with wood chips, local soil and fungi to facilitate composting. The site is marked, and the tree left to grow.

Advocates hope green burials can help slow the climate crisis, but the industry is new — Transcend hasn’t planted any people yet — and there is little research on how much better human composting is for the environment compared with traditional burials.

Want more ideas on how to tackle the climate crisis and reduce your eco-anxiety? Sign up for CNN’s Life, But Greener limited newsletter series.

The short-beaked echidna is native to Australia.

Australia’s echidna, like the platypus, belongs to an odd group of mammals that lay eggs, known as monotremes. But the spiky creature’s egg-laying ability isn’t its only unusual characteristic.

Despite being one of the world’s oldest surviving species, echidnas are also thought to be sensitive to heat. Researchers, however, have discovered the echidna uses a unique method to cool down and stay active at much higher temperatures than previously known.

Infrared footage of 124 echidnas shot over the space of a year revealed how they beat the heat of global warming: The creature blows mucus bubbles, which burst over its nose tip and wet it. As the moisture evaporates, it cools the echidna’s blood, with the nose tip acting as an “evaporative window.”

When the Artemis I mission lifted off in November, NASA’s Space Launch System performed as advertised. The most powerful rocket ever flown provided the propulsion needed to send the Orion spacecraft on a journey around the moon and back.

But SLS has long been considered controversial, and NASA and Boeing, which was responsible for the rocket’s core stage, have both received criticism for delays and whopping price tags.

The complicated history of SLS has left some industry insiders with conflicting feelings about the rocket and its place in the Artemis program, which is designed to land humans on the moon and eventually reach Mars.

Meanwhile, astronomers have now documented the cosmic drama that is the Milky Way in unprecedented detail during the Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey — and it produced a breathtaking image.

The runestone was uncovered at a burial ground in eastern Norway.

Runes are the oldest known form of writing in Scandinavia and are closely associated with the Viking Age between 793 and 1066 — a time from which thousands of stones with runic inscriptions have been found.

Older runestones are much rarer, and archaeologists in Norway have recently discovered the most ancient known example — thought to be around 2,000 years old.

Researchers at the University of Oslo’s Museum of Cultural History spotted the stone while investigating a burial ground in the municipality of Hole in eastern Norway in 2021.

Eight runes on the front face of the reddish-brown sandstone boulder spell “idiberug” when converted into Roman letters. According to one of the archaeologists, it could be the name of a woman.

Immerse yourself in these engrossing stories:

— Scientists have discovered a foot-long snake in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It shares a key trait with its much larger cousin — the boa constrictor.

— NASA and Boeing are teaming up to design a new type of emission-reducing, single-aisle aircraft. Air travelers could benefit in the 2030s.

— Analysis of DNA extracted from the skeletal remains of more than 100 individuals has revealed that, in ancient Greece, marrying your cousin was not just allowed — but encouraged.


Shootings rise on unusually hot days in US cities

Any unseasonably hot day—no matter the time of year—can lead to a rush of gun violence, research finds.

When temperatures sizzle, so do tempers. Across the United States, headlines lamenting a summer spike in shootings—a “gun violence emergency” in Portland, Oregon, “another summer of mayhem” in Philadelphia—have become a depressing feature of the season.

According to the researchers, mitigating the impacts of climate change and helping residents adjust to rising temperatures could help curb shootings.

Published in the journal JAMA Network Open, the study finds a consistent relationship between higher temperatures and higher risk of shootings in 100 of the country’s most populated cities.

The comprehensive study reveals that nearly 7% of shootings can be attributed to above-average daily temperatures, even after adjusting for seasonal patterns. The paper’s findings—the first to show that heat-attributable shootings are a nationwide problem—indicate that the Northeast and Midwest regions experience the sharpest increases in gun violence on hotter-than-normal days. Gun violence is the leading cause of death among children and teens—a situation that only worsened during the pandemic.

“Our study provides strong evidence that daily temperature plays a meaningful role in gun violence fluctuations,” says study senior author Jonathan Jay, assistant professor of community health sciences and director of Boston University’s Research on Innovations for Safety and Equity (RISE) Lab. “Even though some regions showed larger or smaller effects, the general pattern is remarkably consistent across cities.”

As climate change threatens to raise daily temperatures even more, the researchers say their findings underscore the need for ongoing policies and programs that acclimate communities to heat and mitigate the risk of heat-attributable gun violence.

“Our study really highlights the importance of heat adaptation strategies that can be used all year, as well as a need for specific regional awareness and attention in regions where this relationship is strongest,” says Vivian Lyons, study lead author and a research scientist in the Social Development Research Group at the University of Washington’s School of Social Work.

For the study, the research team used publicly available data from the Gun Violence Archive, a national repository of gun violence information. They analyzed daily temperatures and more than 116,000 shootings, from 2015 to 2020, in 100 of the most populous US cities with the highest number of assault-related shootings. Accounting for seasonality and regional climate differences, they found that 7,973 shootings were attributable to above-average temperatures.

The temperatures associated with increased gun violence varied considerably across cities. For example, both Seattle and Las Vegas experienced the highest elevated risk of gun violence during days when the temperature soared within the 96th percentile range of average daily temperatures—but for Seattle, that temperature was 84 degrees, while in Las Vegas, it was 104 degrees.

“Cities with high rates of firearm violence should continue to implement firearm-prevention strategies broadly, including credible messenger programs and hospital-based violence intervention programs,” Lyons says. “What our study suggests is that for cities with more heat-attributable shootings, implementing heat adaptation strategies at the community level—such as greening efforts that have been effective at reducing urban heat islands and have some association with reductions in firearm violence—may be particularly important.”

So, what might be driving this association between heat and gun violence? “It could be that heat causes stress, which makes people more likely to use aggression,” says Jay, who’s also a partnering faculty member at the BU Center for Climate and Health. “Or it could be that people are more likely to get out on warmer days and have more interactions, which creates more opportunities for conflict and violence. Most likely, it’s a combination of both.”

Regionally, heat-attributable gun violence may be most pronounced in the Northeast and Midwest due to sharper fluctuations in temperature in those areas, even within seasons, or because cities in those regions are less acclimated to heat, the researchers say. But those regions are also more racially segregated than other parts of the country. The study findings should be interpreted within the context of structural racism and racial inequities in exposure to gun violence and heat, says Jay.

“The Northeast and Midwest regions are where we see some of the starkest differences in the built environment and other resources, according to race—to me, these inequities are the most interesting and important direction of this work,” Jay says. “We know that segregation and disinvestment lead communities of color, especially Black communities, to have greater exposure to adverse environmental conditions that contribute to gun violence risk, such as abandoned buildings, liquor stores, lack of green space, and more intense urban heat islands.”

Healthy tree canopy and other heat mitigation strategies can serve as part of a mission that’s “part racial justice, part climate change mitigation, and part gun violence prevention,” he says. “These are all urgent issues where we need to continue to partner with communities and work across disciplines.”

The researchers will next study differences in heat-related gun violence among neighborhoods in a project funded by the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research.

The study had funding from Washington state; Jay also had support from the Boston University Clinical & Translational Science Institute.

Source: Boston University


Hilaria Baldwin ripped for 'beyond offensive' accent while talking to paparazzi

Social media reactions ripped Hilaria Baldwin for continuing to use an “offensive” Spanish accent after she spoke with paparazzi this week.

Twitter users immediately seized on fresh video to once more lambaste Baldwin for her accent, with one user writing, “It’s beyond offensive at this point that she continues with this Spanish accent.” 

“Regardless of the chaos of her mind and this situation – you’re not Spanish,” the user wrote.

The 37-year-old yoga/wellness expert faced widespread criticism in Dec. 2020 when it came to light that she was born in Boston, and not Spain, as she had implied. Many also criticized her for allegedly faking a Spanish accent – a criticism that continues to follow her to this day.


Following the initial scandal, Baldwin wrote on Instagram that her parents “raised my brother and me with two cultures, American and Spanish, and I feel a true sense of belonging to both.” She said she should have “been more clear” and apologized for the controversy, but she maintained she had a “deep connection to two cultures.” 

Baldwin courted further criticism this week when she spoke up in defense of her husband, actor Alec Baldwin, after the New Mexico courts announced a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of “Rust.” Baldwin told the paparazzi to leave her family alone and “let this play out.” 

“I’m going to tell you what I’m going to say, you’re not going to ask me questions,” Baldwin told paparazzi Friday. “I want you guys to realize we have seven kids, and you being here to escort them to school and to be there when they come home is not good.”


“So on a human level, you know I’m not going to say anything to you. You know that,” she continued, speaking with a Spanish accent. “So please, leave my family in peace, and let this all play out, okay?” 

Another user criticized Baldwin for her accent even as they expressed sympathy for the family

“I saw people feeling badly for her being stalked by [paparazzi], and of course that’s valid, but the AAAAACCENT my GOD,” the user wrote, adding that others “are completely correct” in criticizing Baldwin. 

Another user who was stunned that “she’s still doing it” even after it was “revealed” that she wasn’t from Spain. 


Daily Blast Live cohost Tory Shulman mockingly asked, “How do you say – you’re from Boston?” in reference to when Baldwin said she couldn’t remember the word for cucumber during a cooking segment on The Today Show. 

One user, claiming to be Spanish, said that Baldwin had a “pretty convincing Madrid accent,” adding, “Not saying that it’s 100% fake, just that, as a Spaniard, it would have 100% fooled me lol.” 


But another user chimed in that Baldwin and actor Austin Butler, who recently won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Elvis, “need some kind of support group for people who can’t turn off the fake voice.” 

Baldwin, who goes by Hilaria but revealed her real name is Hillary, previously apologized for the scandal and tried to correct some of the “misconceptions” that she said people had picked up about her, saying that she “spent time in Boston and Spain,” but that her family “now lives in Spain.” 


“I moved to New York when I was 19 years old, and I have lived here ever since. For me, I feel like I have spent 10 years sharing that story over and over again,” Baldwin told The New York Times. 

Representatives for Hilaria Baldwin did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment by time of publication. 

Fox News Digital’s Mariah Haas contributed to this report.


The Year of the Rabbit: An illustrated guide to Lunar New Year

(CNN) — Grab your favorite red shirt; it’s time to celebrate the Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival.

Saying goodbye to the Tiger, we enter the Year of the Rabbit on January 22, 2023.

Millions of families worldwide are preparing celebrations for one of the year’s biggest festivals.

If you’re a Lunar New Year newbie, here’s a quick guide to the most common traditions and superstitions associated with the occasion.

The Legend of Monster Nian

There are countless folktales attached to Lunar New Year, but the myth of “Nian” stands out as the most iconic and fun.

Legend has it Nian was a ferocious underwater beast with sharp teeth and horns. Every Lunar New Year’s Eve, it crawled onto the land and attacked a nearby village.

On one such occasion, as the villagers rushed into hiding, a mysterious old man showed up and insisted on staying in the village despite being warned of impending doom.

To the villagers’ surprise, the old man and the village survived utterly unscathed.

The man claimed to have scared Nian away by hanging red banners on the door, lighting firecrackers and wearing red clothes.

This is how wearing the fiery color — right down to undergarments — along with hanging red banners with auspicious phrases and lighting firecrackers or fireworks became Lunar New Year traditions, all of which are still followed today.

Fun aside, Lunar New Year can actually be a lot of work.

Festivities often last for 15 days — or even more — with different tasks and activities taking place over that period.

It all begins about a week ahead of the new year.

Before we get started, a quick note: while there are different ways to say “Happy new year!” depending on where you are, we’re sticking with Mandarin and Cantonese in this story. We have included the romanized versions of both languages in our descriptions of the various traditions.

January 15: The preparation

The week before Lunar New Year, festive cakes and puddings are made on the 24th day of the last lunar month.

The word for cakes and puddings is “gao” in Mandarin or “gou” in Cantonese, which sounds the same as the word for “tall.”

As a result, eating them is believed to lead to improvements and growth in the coming year. (If you haven’t prepared your own “gou” yet, here’s an easy recipe for turnip cake, a beloved Lunar New Year dish.)

But no Lunar New Year preparation would be complete without hanging red banners bearing auspicious phrases and idioms (called fai chun in Cantonese, or chunlian, in Mandarin) at home — beginning with one’s front door.

January 19: The ultimate cleanup

A big cleanup is done in homes on the 28th day of the last lunar month, which fell on January 19 this year.

The aim is to rid your home of any bad luck that’s accumulated over the past year.

Plenty of other rules and superstitions are attached to the Lunar New Year.

For instance, don’t wash or cut your hair on the first day of the new year.

Why? The Chinese character for hair is the first character in the word for prosper. Therefore washing or cutting it off is seen as washing your fortune away.

You’ll also want to avoid purchasing footwear for the entire lunar month, as the term for shoes (haai) sounds like losing and sighing in Cantonese.

January 21 (Lunar New Year’s Eve): The big feast

A big family reunion dinner is usually held on Lunar New Year’s Eve, which falls on January 21 this year.

The menu is carefully chosen to include dishes associated with luck, including fish (the Chinese word for it sounds like the word for “surplus”), puddings (symbolizes advancement) and foods that look like gold ingots (like dumplings).

In China, the foods served at these classic dinners vary from north to south. For instance, northern Chinese tend to have dumplings and noodles, whereas southern Chinese can’t live without steamed rice.

But no matter which dishes you prefer, Lunar New Year foods are a feast of wordplay.

January 22 (Lunar New Year): Family visits

The first few days of the Lunar New Year, especially the first two days, are often a test of one’s stamina, appetite and social skills, as many people have to travel and visit immediate family, other relatives and friends.

Bags are stocked with presents and fruits for each of the elders’ and friends’ homes visited, who will shower the visitor with gifts and snacks in return after exchanging conversations over Lunar New Year treats.

Married people also have to give out red packets to those who haven’t yet tied the knot — both children and unmarried juniors.

It’s believed these red envelopes could protect children from evil spirits called xie sui. The packets are known as yasui qian/Ngaat seoi cin and intended to ward off those spirits.

January 24: Chi kou/Cek hau, or Red Mouth

Day three of the Lunar New Year (which falls on January 24 this year) is named “chi kou/cek hau,” or red mouth. It’s believed that arguments are more likely to happen on this day, so people will visit temples and avoid social interactions.

Every year, certain Chinese zodiac signs clash with the stars negatively. A temple visit is a good way to resolve those conflicts and bring peace in the coming months.

January 28: The people’s birthday

The seventh day (January 28) of the Lunar New Year is said to be the day when the Chinese mother goddess, Nuwa, created humanity. Thus, it’s called renri/jan jat (the people’s birthday).

Different communities in Asia will serve various birthday foods on that day.

For instance, people in Malaysia enjoy yeesang, or a “Prosperity Toss” of raw fish and shredded vegetables, whereas Cantonese people will eat sweet rice balls.

February 5: Lantern festival

The highlight of the whole Spring Festival happens on the 15th and final day (February 5 in 2023).

In ancient Chinese society, it was the only day when young girls were allowed to go out to admire the lanterns and meet boys. As a result, it’s also been dubbed Chinese Valentine’s Day.

Nowadays, cities worldwide still put on massive lantern displays and fairs on the festival’s final day.


Zoom users beware: Malware decoy could steal your private information

A recent malware attack on Zoom users that aimed to steal private banking information has been shut down. 


The malware was identified by experts at Cyble Research & Intelligence Labs, and while Fox News Digital is told the website hosting the malicious download is no longer available experts are warning Zoom users to watch out for future attacks. 

Make sure you don't fall victim to malware online.

Make sure you don’t fall victim to malware online.


What does this malware do?

The malware known as IcedID has been put into action through threat actors actively spreading it by using modified versions of the Zoom application. This has affected tons of businesses, as Zoom has grown immensely in popularity, especially among companies that transitioned to working from home at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The malware acts as a loader (a type of malware that is used to install other malware onto a computer) by stealing private information from these companies and dumping additional malware onto their employees’ computers.

This means that it is stealing sensitive information and also potentially installing other harmful software that can cause further damage. This can cause significant harm to the affected businesses, as they may lose valuable information and suffer from additional security breaches or system disruptions. 

Aside from being a loader, IcedID can also download additional modules from the internet and deliver other malware families, making it significantly difficult for the user to get rid of the malware once it’s planted into a computer. Once downloaded, its primary purpose is to steal private banking credentials. 

How does the malware spread?

The most common way IcedID had been spread among users is by appearing via spam emails. The malware is hidden in email attachments found within malicious office files. However, these Zoom hackers tried a new technique that many were unprepared for this time around.  


They use a phishing website called to deliver the malware. This is a fake  website disguised as an official Zoom domain whose sole purpose is to deliver the IcedID malware. The page tells users that to use Zoom, they must download a file called ZoomInstallerFull.exe. The file will download the actual Zoom application to distract the user from realizing that IcedID malware is also being downloaded onto their device. 

How can I protect myself from IcedID?

The best way to protect yourself from any type of malware is by installing quality antivirus protection onto your device. You can install this on your phone, tablet and laptop.  It would be a good idea for you to suggest this to your company if you’re someone who works from home and uses a device provided by your employer. 

Best Antivirus Protection

It’s critical that all of your devices are protected from ongoing threats online. See my expert review of the best antivirus protection for your Windows, Mac, Android & iOS devices by searching “Best Antivirus” at by clicking the magnifying glass icon at the top of my website.   

Related: Free antivirus: should you use it? 

Go here to learn more about locking up your technology.

Go here to learn more about locking up your technology.


Have you or someone you know been attacked by this malware called IcedID? If so, we’d like to hear from you. 

For more of my security tips, head over to and be sure to subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by clicking the “Free newsletter” link at the top of my website.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story has been updated to reflect the malware attack is not currently underway. 

Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. articles and content may contain affiliate links that earn a commission when purchases are made.


New record set for world's biggest pizza


And you think you helped scarf down a really big pizza recently? You’ve got nothin’ on this one.

When Pizza Hut decided to bring back its “big New Yorker” pizza – a cheese and pepperoni pie with foldable slices designed to be eaten on the go in true Manhattan style – the company wanted to find a way to celebrate the news.

The idea: Take New York to Los Angeles and collaborate with YouTube star Airrack (aka Eric Decker).

So they went to the Los Angeles Convention Center, whose space would be big enough to hold a 13,990-square-foot pizza, with the aim of breaking Guinness World Record for the world’s biggest pizza.

They went to work on the gigantic pizza on Wednesday. And on Friday, Pizza Hut sent out the official word: An onsite Guinness rep said it was indeed the world’s biggest pizza.

Guinness confirmed the record-breaking designation with CNN Travel in an email late Friday afternoon.

To complete the enormous task, workers put down layers of dough first, tomato sauce were painted on, then toppings were added. Once everything was set, it was baked in pieces, according the the news release from Pizza Hut.

In total, 13,653 pounds (6,193 kilograms) of dough, 4,948 pounds of pizza sauce, more than 8,800 pounds of cheese and roughly 630,496 pieces of pepperoni went into making the record-breaking pie.

Pizza Hut’s CEO, David Graves, told Reuters that the pizza would not go to waste – as soon as the pizza was done and documented for Guinness, its 68,000 slices would be donated to local food banks.

The previous Guinness record for the world’s largest pizza was set in 2012 by a group of Italian chefs. Their pizza was 1,261.65 square meters, gluten-free, and given the name Ottavia.


New Titans GM recalls when wife almost dumped him for wanting to join a front office: 'La La Land'

Ran Carthon was introduced as the Tennessee Titans‘ general manager on Friday, a life goal at least 20 years in the making.

Carthon was a running back at the University of Florida in the spring of 2003 when he told his girlfriend (now his wife) he wanted to be a general manager of an NFL team eventually.

Well, those dreams were a little too far-fetched for her, says Carthon.

In fact, his career goals alone almost cost the couple their entire relationship.


New Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manager Ran Carthon speaks during a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 

New Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manager Ran Carthon speaks during a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 
(AP Photo/Mark Zaleski)

“She later told me she almost stopped dating me because she never met somebody that lived in La La Land,” Carthon recalled to reporters.

“But honey, today that dream comes true, and we’re realizing that world that we’ve put in.”

Ran Carthon, new Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manger, smiles with his wife Heaven as they both listen to head coach Mike Vrabel speak during a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 

Ran Carthon, new Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manger, smiles with his wife Heaven as they both listen to head coach Mike Vrabel speak during a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 
(AP Photo/Mark Zaleski)


Carthon was undrafted out of Florida and played nine NFL games with the Indianapolis Colts, but his front office career has been very successful.

Just two years after hanging up the cleats, he joined the Atlanta Falcons as a pro scout. He then went to the St. Louis Rams to be their director of player personnel for five years. He joined the San Francisco 49ers in 2017 and was most recently their director of player personnel.

The Titans were in the playoff hunt for much of the season in 2022. In fact, they started 7-3 and were well on their way to their fourth consecutive playoff appearance. 

New Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manager Ran Carthon, left, poses with owner Amy Adams Strunk, and head coach Mike Vrabel after a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 

New Tennessee Titans NFL football team general manager Ran Carthon, left, poses with owner Amy Adams Strunk, and head coach Mike Vrabel after a news conference Friday, Jan. 20, 2023, in Nashville, Tenn. 
(AP Photo/Mark Zaleski)


However, they lost seven games in a row to end the season and were knocked out of contention in Week 18 when they Jacksonville Jaguars won the AFC South over them.


Egg shortage sends New Zealanders rushing to buy their own hens

Hong Kong

Eggs have soared in cost around the world over the past year as avian flu decimated chicken flocks and fallout from Russia’s war with Ukraine raised the prices of energy and animal feed.

In the United States, egg prices have far surpassed the increase in other grocery items, soaring nearly 60% in the 12 months to December compared to the year before. In Japan, wholesale prices have reached a record high.

In New Zealand, which consumes more eggs per person than most countries, the squeeze has been exacerbated by a change in farming regulations. And rising costs have sparked a frenzy, with people hunting for hens online so they can secure their own supplies of the pantry staple.

On Tuesday, popular local auction site Trade Me told CNN that searches for chickens, and equipment related to caring for them, had spiked 190% so far this month, compared to the same period a month ago.

“Since the start of January, we have seen over 65,000 searches for chickens and other chicken-related items, like feeders, coops and food,” said Millie Silvester, a spokesperson for the company.

The shortage has also caused a particularly acute headache for bakers in the country.

“All the public are now trying to buy chickens for home because they can’t get eggs,” said Ron van Til, a bakery owner near the city of Christchurch, who has had to adjust how he makes his cakes and muffins.

Van Til said his sister was selling “four brand new chickens” on auction through Trade Me, fetching more than double the usual price.

The trend has prompted animal welfare advocates to warn against making impulse buys.

“Chickens live for a long time,” said Gabby Clezy, CEO of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) in New Zealand. “They live from eight to 10 years, sometimes even longer depending on the breed.”

Clezy also noted that hens do not produce eggs their entire lives, and their laying habits are dependent on factors including their age and local climate.

“So if people are getting chickens solely because [they think] they’ll have a permanent supply of eggs, that just isn’t the case,” she said. “We’re asking people to consider them as companion animals, which they are.”

Trade Me has also urged customers on its marketplace to think through any purchases.

“It’s important that our members are aware of the responsibilities that come with owning chickens, and are well set up to care for them,” Silvester said in a statement.

Health experts are weighing in, too. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anyone signing up for a backyard coop should take special care when handling the animals and their eggs, particularly because of the risk of germs associated with salmonella.

New Zealand’s egg shortage has been linked to a long anticipated change in farming law, which took effect on January 1 this year.

The law prohibits the production of eggs from chickens kept in conventional or “battery cages” — typically cramped metal spaces that do not provide adequate welfare for hens, according to SPCA.

That’s why in 2012, the government announced a ban on such facilities.

But “a 10-year transition period away from conventional cages was introduced, to allow egg producers time to shift farming practices,” Peter Hyde, a representative for New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries, told CNN in a statement when asked about the current shortage.

 “Egg producers had the option to move to colony cages, barns and free-range systems,” added Hyde, the ministry’s acting national manager of animal welfare and national animal identification and tracing compliance.

Hyde said that over the last 18 months, the ministry had “been in regular contact with operators, and visited farms needing to transition.”

Even with the long lead time, however, the ban has caused supply snags, according to some businesses.

Foodstuffs, a New Zealand supermarket chain, recently placed temporary limits on how many eggs each customer can buy.

“It’s a significant change for the egg supply industry,” Emma Wooster, the company’s head of public relations, told CNN in a statement. “We’re working with egg suppliers to increase our offer in other types of eggs.”

Countdown, another major grocery retailer, said while it did not currently have limits on egg sales, it would encourage customers to “only buy what they need” to ensure enough supply for everyone.

An egg vendor setting up her stall before dawn at a farmers market in 2020 in Auckland. New Zealand is currently undergoing a major egg shortage, squeezing businesses and sparking a rush in demand for pet chickens.

Other businesses have been forced to switch things up.

Van Til, the bakery owner, said his team had swapped out fresh eggs in recipes for alternative ingredients.

The longtime owner of Rangiora Bakery has seen wholesale prices for fresh eggs shoot up about 50% compared to four months ago, leading him to buy more dried eggs instead.

Van Til also pointed to changes at other local eateries, saying some cafes had started taking certain dishes off their menus so “instead of having five breakfast items [with] eggs, you might only have two.”

“And the customer hopefully will pick up pancakes or waffles,” he added. “Or whatever other offerings you come up with.”
