Rubio: the only language radical regimes understand is ‘strength’

Just In News | The Hill 

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he believes people in the West are “incredibly naïve” for thinking agreements can be made with “radical Islamic regimes” in the wake of the deadly Hamas attack.

Referencing the Iranian government and the militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah, Rubio said they do not value life “the way we do.”

“We think that you can sit down with them and reach an agreement on any misunderstanding. You cannot, not with these people” Rubio said. “The only language they understand is strength.”

Rubio alluded to recent talk surrounding the U.S. deal with Iran that allowed $6 billion in previously frozen assets to return to the country in exchange for the release of five Americans.

“Iran will use every dollar we give them to sponsor terrorism,” he said. “If God forbid they ever get a nuclear weapon, they will use it. Not to … threaten Israel, but to destroy it.”

The frozen assets were set to be given back to Iran, but the money has not yet been touched. The Biden administration has stated that there is no clear indication that Iran aided in Saturday’s attacks by Hamas on Israel.

In a press conference Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken pointed to the “long relationship” between Iran and Hamas but said there isn’t any evidence as of yet that Iran directed the attacks.  

Rubio has posted online consistently saying the attacks were done by the “Iranian-backed Hamas.”

​International, News, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, palestine, Senate Read More