Rubio: Next GOP president will be under ‘tremendous pressure’ to indict Biden 

Just In News | The Hill 

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Tuesday that the next Republican president will be faced with “tremendous pressure” to indict President Biden.

“You think this ends here? The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure to bring charges and indict Joe Biden, his family, his crackhead son, whoever,” Rubio said Tuesday on Fox News. “The pressure is going to be extraordinary.”

Rubio’s comments come as former President Trump was arraigned Tuesday on 37 federal charges for allegedly mishandling classified documents and attempting to keep the government from recovering the documents. Trump pleaded not guilty to all the charges, and is set to head to New Jersey later in the day to give remarks in the evening.

The Florida senator also claimed that the country was undertaking a “cultural hysteria,” pointing to a transgender activist filming herself topless during an event celebrating Pride Month at the White House. The White House condemned the transgender activist’s behavior as “inappropriate” and “disrespectful” after she filmed herself topless and posted a video to TikTok.

“I mean, we can do whatever we want, can be as decadent as we want in our society, in our culture,” Rubio said. “We can break our politics. We can take our institution and weaponize them for political purposes on both sides.”

“And now reality is catching up and it’s hurting us badly,” he said. “And today is frankly just a symptom of a much bigger problem which we’ll talk about here and that is we no longer live in that world.”

Trump on Monday vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden if he wins the election in 2024.

“I will appoint a real special ‘prosecutor’ to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the USA, Joe Biden, the entire Biden crime family, & all others involved with the destruction of our elections, borders, & country itself!” he wrote in all capital letters in a Truth Social post.

​Senate, News, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, President Joe Biden Read More 

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