Rosendale, Waters name check one another on House floor

Just In | The Hill 

Reps. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) called one another out by name on the House floor Thursday during the ninth Speaker ballot.

Rosendale, in nominating Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) for Speaker, claimed in his speech that the rules changes for which Republicans are pushing will help empower lawmakers — including Waters.

“Last summer we began to negotiate — a group of us, in good faith — a list of changes, amendments, to the rules of this body. Not to empower ourselves, not to bring personal benefit to ourselves, but to empower you and you and you, Maxine, and you, and you, and everyone sitting in this chamber equally,” Rosendale said.

The comment sparked calls for order in the chamber.

One person was then heard shouting “no rules” — the House has yet to adopt a rules package since it cannot conduct legislative business unless it elects a Speaker.

“There’s no rules, I did not use anyone’s name,” Rosendale said after, despite mentioning the Florida Democrat’s last name moments before. “Excuse me, Maxine Waters.”

The House clerk then asked that remarks be directed to the chair.

“I will, madam chair, thank you, thank you,” he responded, prompting applause.

Waters shot back at Rosendale when it was her turn to vote on the ninth ballot.

When her name was called by the clerk she stood up and said “this is the ninth vote, Hakeem Jeffries; Matt Rosendale get it together,” leading to calls for order in the chamber.

“Matt Rosendale,” she repeated. “You call my name, I’ll call his name.”

Waters sat back down in her seat while smiling, and other Democrats around her were spotted laughing.

​House, Matt Rosendale, Maxine Waters, Speakership vote Read More 

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Mychael Schnell