Rashida Tlaib’s top campaign fundraiser accuses Israel of wanting to ethnically ‘cleanse’ Palestinians

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A progressive consultant who acts as the top fundraiser for Rep. Rashida Tlaib has consistently projected anti-Israel viewpoints on social media platforms and recently said she believes they intend to ethnically cleanse Palestinians, Fox News Digital has found.

The Michigan Democrat’s committee has paid $42,000 to Unbought Power for “fundraising consulting” this year, with the most recent payment of $7,000 coming in August, her new filings show. Unbought Power is a Florida-based consulting and advocacy firm owned and managed by Rasha Mubarak, a Palestinian-American Muslim activist. Mubarak also acts as treasurer of Tlaib’s leadership PAC, Rooted in Community Leadership, which has also paid her company over the past two years.

Like Tlaib, Mubarak has regularly made comments critical of Israel. Weeks before Hamas’ terrorist attack on innocent civilians, Mubarak accused Israel of “ongoing ethnic cleansing.”


“The layers of grief that Palestinians experience can be difficult to contextualize – especially – when a large part is how normalizing the ongoing ethnic cleansing has grossly transcended,” Mubarak wrote on X in September. “Forfeiting red lines generates the false idea that this is the fate of the Palestinian [people].”

Following Hamas’ attack this month, Mubarak amplified several pro-Palestinian messages on her social media account, particularly of rallies across the United States.

One of the messages Mubarak reposted after the Oct. 7 attack called for halting money to Israel and ending the “siege in Gaza.”

“Congressmen, this is a start. It is beyond time that you use your position that we elected you into to take action,” says the reposted message from the Florida Palestine Network in response to Democrat Florida Rep. Maxwell Frost. “We demand that you condemn Israel’s violence against Palestinians, vote against sending [money] and arms to Israel, [and] call for an end to the siege in Gaza.”

Mubarak did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment. Instead, she locked down her social media account. Tlaib’s campaign also did not respond to a request for comment.

Mubarak has sent out anti-Israel messages for several years. She previously said they are “intent” on committing genocide against Palestinians.


“An Israeli occupation tank attacks the entrance of a hospital – their genocide is clear, their intent to ethnically cleanse Palestinians is immeasurable, the impact is 75 years and counting,” Mubarak tweeted in early July.

Mubarak also has a history of criticizing Israel over what she calls its “state-sanctioned violence.”

“These aren’t clashes – it’s an ongoing occupation,” the Palestinian activist tweeted in May 2021. “These aren’t evictions – they are forced expulsions. This isn’t a conflict – it’s settler colonialism, it’s ethnic cleansing, it’s oppression, it’s apartheid.”

“Say it loud. Say it clear. Palestine will be FREE,” she added.

Additionally, Mubarak previously took aim at Jewish Florida Democrat Rep. Ted Deutch in September 2021 after he had pushed back against Tlaib when she labeled Israel an “apartheid state.” 

“Oh look it’s [Deutch] throwing another tantrum,” Mubarak tweeted. “He used his time to attack [Tlaib] for underscoring facts also made by Human Rights Watch [and B’Tselem] – Israel is indeed an apartheid state.”

“He’s flustered [because] how else does one rebuttal the truth?” she added. “Bullying [and] disparagement.”

Mubarak’s thoughts, meanwhile, align with Tlaib’s. Tlaib has routinely accused Israel of committing “ethnic cleansing” against Palestinians and argued that Israel is an “apartheid state.”

Tlaib also recently came under fire for flying a Palestinian flag outside her Capitol Hill office. The flag has been there since at least January, but observers were outraged that the flag remained following Hamas’s attack on Israelis.


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