Maine senators speaking with Biden admin on mass shooting ‘literally all night’


Both Maine senators say they have been in constant touch with the Biden administration, including the president himself, as officials work to track down the mass shooting suspect who allegedly killed 18 people Wednesday night.

“Secretary Mayorkas called me early this morning to say that they have special units of border patrol agents that are trained to track down people,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). The state shares its northern border with Canada.

The suspect, who has been identified as Robert Card, is still at large and authorities are actively searching for him. Collins, who was in the Capitol Thursday, said she’s “been talking with administration officials literally all night.”

Heading into Thursday morning votes, Collins also said she’d just gotten off the phone with the attorney general and the FBI.

A spokesperson for Independent Sen. Angus King said he is in Maine today with the governor and local authorities. In a statement, King said he’s also been in touch with Biden, who offered “any federal assistance he can provide to help the people of Maine.”

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