Lions avoid humans unless resources get scarce

Lions will avoid human-dominated areas unless they’re facing food scarcity and habitat fragmentation, a new study shows.

Humans and wildlife, including large carnivores, interact at an unprecedented scale as they increasingly share the world’s landscapes.

The new findings, published in the journal Communications Biology, suggest that expanding human land use, along with the effects of climate change, could increase the risk of human-lion conflict, which in turn threatens lion populations.

A lion lays down and rests its head on a tree root.
A member of a lion pride lounges in the shade near Moremi Game Reserve in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. (Credit: Kirby Mills)

“Our study found that understanding the complex responses of wildlife to human disturbance—such as agricultural land or towns—is a key first step in fostering coexistence between humans and wildlife,” says Kirby Mills, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Global Change Biology.

“In human-dominated landscapes, wildlife have to balance the tradeoffs between hunting prey and the potentially lethal risks of encountering humans. This is particularly true for large carnivores that often try to kill livestock, because threats to livestock can prompt retaliatory killing of large carnivores, which is a leading cause of large carnivore population declines around the world.”

As almost half of the current range of lions lies outside of protected area boundaries, the carnivores are required to regularly navigate degraded human-dominated landscapes. Yet research addressing the tradeoffs the lions must make—between available prey and risks from humans—is rare, especially at very large spatial scales.

The researchers aimed to contribute to a better understanding of lion responses to human disturbance by reviewing previously published data from 31 study sites spanning 40% of lion ranges worldwide. They found that at more than two-thirds of study sites, lions avoided areas of human activity or hunted primarily at night, particularly in locales dense with cattle ranches.

These behavioral adaptations, however, can affect entire ecosystems.

“Increasing nocturnal activity to avoid human encounters can influence competition between species, predator-prey dynamics, and ecosystem function,” says Neil Carter, associate professor at the School for Environment and Sustainability.

“Avoiding human-dominated areas altogether effectively limits the amount of habitat that lions can use and can increase competition, contribute to heightened risks of regional extinction, restructure wildlife community dynamics, and, ultimately, reduce biodiversity.”

The study also found that lions are more likely to forage in higher risk areas when seasonal vegetation cover—which predicts prey availability—or human presence is more variable, indicating that lions may be less likely to avoid humans when food is more limited or their habitats are more fragmented.

Contributing to all these factors is the unpredictable effects of climate change.

“Climate change across Africa is projected to exacerbate resource stress for humans and wildlife alike, but the effects of climate change are too rarely emphasized in wildlife conservation,” says Nathan Sanders, professor and chair at the ecology and evolutionary biology department.

“Our findings reinforce what many others have called for, things like dedicating adequate funding and management capacity to protected areas where lions live, while engaging with and empowering local communities.

“Successful conservation of large carnivores depends on sustainable coexistence with empowered and supported local communities, especially as the planet gets ever warmer and resources become increasingly limited.”

Source: University of Michigan


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