Kinzinger rips Trump Jr. over ‘We the People’ Bible sales

Just In | The Hill 

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) slammed Donald Trump Jr. on Monday over his endorsement of a “We the People” Bible, calling on “good” pastors and priests to denounce it. 

“Oh the irony. The fact that some Christians dont see the problem here is more affirmation that it’s not the GOP that has failed Christians, it’s the church,” Kinzinger tweeted. “Good Pastors and Priests rise up and call this out.” 

Kinzinger made the comment in a retweet of a video of Trump Jr. promoting the book. 

In the video, Trump Jr. encouraged people to buy the “We the People” Bible, which he said is made, printed and assembled in the United States. 

“With American Judeo-Christian values under attack, there could be no better time than to re-up our commitment to America and to the Christian values that this country was founded on,” Trump Jr. said. 

The website for the Bible also includes a comment from Trump Jr. recommending it. 

“Faith is being targeted and our country’s founding beliefs are being targeted. The ‘We The People Bible’ is restoring what there is an attempt to remove. Preservation of Faith, preservation of America,” he said. 

The website states that the King James version of the Bible also includes copies of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Pledge of Allegiance.

The Bible is being sold for $69.99.

The “We the People” Bible is the latest example of some in the GOP blurring the lines between church and state.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said in July that the GOP should embrace being “Christian Nationalists.”

“We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists,” she said.

​House, Adam Kinzinger, Donald Trump Jr., We the People Bible Read More