I used to be ambitious, but now striving at work seems pointless. Is there something wrong with me?

Business Insider 

The past three years have been heavy and more than enough to weaken even the hardest of chargers.

Insider’s latest work-advice column is about learning the limits of your professional ambitions.
Feeling a lack of drive is normal, especially three years into a pandemic. 
To get your mojo back, experts advise seeking meaning and purpose. 

I’m in my mid-30s, and I work in a creative and competitive field. I earn decent money, and I like my job just fine.

My problem is that lately I don’t feel like I’m “living up to my potential.” I’ve long thought of myself as ambitious. Succeeding as a professional person was something that I considered important in life. This idea was instilled in me from a young age. After I graduated from college, I assumed I’d always approach my career with guns blazing, and that I’d forever be striving for the next promotion or raise or job.

Now, I’m not sure that’s true. I don’t know if it’s pandemic stress, getting older, my job, or what — but these days, I’m not motivated. On one hand, I’m fairly content with where I am. On the other hand, my lack of drive is haunting me. I’m supposed to work hard and make the most of my career, but I don’t think I have it in me.

What can I do to regain my ambition? Or should I come to terms with its limits?

Your letter raises important — and pertinent — questions. In a culture that venerates individual success and achievement, ambition has long been considered a virtue. 

But today, nearly three years into a pandemic, the workforce is engaged in a, shall we say, “collective questioning” of that ethos. Is constant striving sustainable, let alone worthwhile?

Lots of people don’t think so. In a November survey of more than 3,000 workers and managers by Qualtrics, the software firm, 36% said their overall career ambitions had declined over the past three years, compared with 22% who said their ambition had risen, according to a recent story in the Wall Street Journal. Roughly 40% said work had become less important to them in the past three years.

So, cut yourself some slack. The past 32 months have been heavy and more than enough to weaken even the hardest of chargers. You don’t need to “regain your ambition” or “live up to your potential” right now. Appreciate that getting by is an accomplishment unto itself. 

That said, it would be unwise to ignore the little voice inside your head. Ron Carucci, a cofounder of Navalent, a leadership and consulting firm, and the author of nine books, including “To Be Honest,” told me that even before the pandemic, he coached numerous people who slumped into middle age feeling a similar sense of malaise. 

“Many people go on a conveyor belt at 22 and wake up at 45 with the same story: languishing, lonely, and with an accumulation of unacknowledged desires,” he said.

From what you describe, it seems like you’re experiencing not so much a loss of ambition as a crisis of meaning and purpose. “We long to feel like we matter and like we belong,” Carucci added. “Those things are oxygen to our souls.”

When they’re missing, we feel off and out of whack. And the outward status symbols of achievement — salary bumps and big-time job titles — are hollow replacements. 

How do you get your mojo back?

Strive for a sense of purpose at work.

Some introspection is in order.

Start by thinking back on times in your career and your life when you felt you were thriving, learning, and making a difference — when you felt proud. Reflect on the people who surrounded you, the circumstances, and what specifically you were doing. The goal of this exercise is to identify patterns of when and where you were at your pinnacle and brainstorm some ideas to return.

These ideas don’t need to involve work necessarily, nor do they need to be income-generating. You might find that taking a class, volunteering in your community, or participating in a team sport is enough to reignite your ambition.

And yet, unless you have a hefty trust fund, you do have to work. You say you’re content with your job, but that word belies your ambivalence. 

Research shows that the keys to engagement at work are using your strengths, connecting with others, and feeling like you’re effective. So seek ways to do those things, advised Susan Peppercorn, a career-transition coach and the author of “Ditch Your Inner Critic at Work.” 

Your mindset needn’t be C-suite or bust, she said. Start small. “Look around for problems that need solving. Ask to take on new responsibilities. Find out if you can take a course in an area that interests you to stimulate new thinking.”

If those tactics fail to cultivate a baseline level of motivation, it could mean that your job is the problem, and that it’s time to explore your options. The new year offers a chance for a fresh start. Update your LinkedIn profile. Dig into job listings. Network

No need to be rash or impulsive: Don’t leave for the sake of leaving. But you shouldn’t resign yourself to boredom either, especially when you have such a long runway ahead of you. Good luck.

This story originally published on January 20, 2022.

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