How will artificial intelligence affect elections in 2024?

Scott Warren has answers for you about how artificial intelligence will affect this year’s election cycle.

Nearly half the world’s population are expected to vote in 2024 as more than 60 countries around the globe hold elections. Looming over those votes is the potential use of artificial intelligence to disrupt campaigns and elections.

Warren, a visiting fellow at the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University and a visiting fellow at the German Marshall Fund (GMF), recently attended a convening of global election officials held in Brussels. There, he heard about their efforts to prepare for an AI-fueled election season.

Last year, Warren and the SNF Agora Institute partnered with the R Street Institute to develop a set of conservative principles for building trust in elections, and he notes the use of artificial intelligence has come up in those conversations as well.

Here, Warren explains how AI could transform elections this year:


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