Lexus Insists On Showing Sport Concept In Its Electrified Ads


Lexus has launched a new marketing campaign highlighting its line-up of electrified vehicles.

The campaign has launched with the release of ‘Like Attracts Like,’ a commercial that showcases individuals using electricity “in different ways to fuel their interests.” For example, it opens by showing a band jamming in a room and then cuts to a tennis player practicing their hits with an electric ball machine.

This new commercial also showcases a dancer wearing a light-up suit while cables can be seen trailing down each stage “as a metaphor for human electricity generating the power behind Lexus innovation,” or so the company says in its press release.

Read: Lexus Is Developing A Manual Gearbox For EVs

Four important electrified models from Lexus are featured in the commercial, namely the new RZ 450e, RX 500h, NX 450h+, and the Electrified Sport Concept.

Lexus is also partnering with The Atlantic to sponsor a reporting project and live event series covering modern progress and the forces shaping the future, dubbed ‘Progress.’ The new ‘Like Attracts Like’ commercial will air on primetime, cable, and sports and be supported through digital, audio streaming, social media, print, and out-of-home media.

Of the four vehicles featured in the commercial, the Lexus Electrified Sport Concept is perhaps the most intriguing. While it is a concept, it previews an all-electric successor to the iconic LFA supercar. While it is unclear just when the production model will hit the market, it could apparently do so with advanced solid state batteries, ensuring that it offers excellent range and rapid charging speeds. Lexus is also working on a simulated manual transmission for the EV, aiming to replicate the feeling of a traditional stick shift in a car that has just a single gear.

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Stellantis To Build Archer’s Midnight Electric Flying Taxi In Georgia


Stellantis is “significantly” expanding their partnership with Archer Aviation as the two companies will work together to put the Midnight into production.

The Midnight is an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which has been designed to carry four passengers and a pilot. While the model only has 100 miles (161 km) of range, the companies noted the aircraft has been “optimized for back-to-back short distance trips of around 20 miles (32 km), with a charging time of approximately 10 minutes in-between.”

Under the terms of the latest agreement, Stellantis will contribute “advanced manufacturing technology and expertise, experienced personnel, and capital to the partnership.”  The automaker will also work with Archer to “stand up” a manufacturing facility in Covington, Georgia where the Midnight is slated to go into production in 2024.

More importantly, the announcement revealed Stellantis’ goal is to “mass produce Archer’s eVTOL aircraft as its exclusive contract manufacturer.”  As a result, Stellantis is becoming an aircraft manufacturer.

Also: FCA Jumps Onto Electric Aircraft Bandwagon, Announces Partnership With Archer

If that wasn’t interesting enough, Stellantis will provide up to $150 (£124 / €141) million in equity capital to Archer.  The latter firm can draw on those funds, at its discretion, in 2023 and 2024, but the money is contingent on them hitting certain milestones.  Furthermore, Stellantis intends to purchase Archer stock in the future.

Stellantis said the moves will “enable the rapid scaling of aircraft production to meet Archer’s commercialization plans, while allowing Archer to strengthen its path to commercialization by helping it avoid hundreds of millions of dollars of spending during the manufacturing ramp up phase.” Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares added, “Deepening our partnership with Archer as a strategic investor with plans for growing our shareholding demonstrates how Stellantis is pushing the boundaries to provide sustainable freedom of mobility, from the road to the sky.”

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Holon Reveals Its Pininfarina Designed Autonomous People Mover At CES


Pininfarina has tried its hand at designing an autonomous shuttle for the new mobility company, Holon, and the results are pretty much the same as everyone else’s. A toaster with wheels, the Holon Mover does, at least, include a number of features to make it more accessible than the majority of other vehicles.

Holon and Pininfarina say the Mover was designed “from the ground up to be inclusive.” That means that, in addition to featuring autonomous technology, it also has a ramp to help passengers with mobility issues in and foldable seats with locks in the floor designed specifically to secure wheelchairs.

The interior has also been designed to feature braille wherever necessary, to help the seeing impaired. After years of listening to automakers claim that autonomous vehicles will be the saviors of the differently abled, it’s nice to finally see someone put some actual effort into reducing a vehicle’s physical barriers, not just its operational barriers. In addition to being accessible, the Mover is also intended to be comfortable, says Silvio Pietro Angori, the CEO of Pininfarina.

Read: Hyundai Mobis Unveils M.Vision TO And M.Vision HI Autonomous Concepts

“The vehicle design combines two character traits—friendly and inviting as well as technologically advanced and clear. That goes for both the exterior and interior. It immediately makes the Holon mover a design icon,” said Angori. “Every detail of the vehicle is designed to make passengers feel more comfortable and safer than in any other mode of transportation.”

The Mover’s autonomous functionality will be based on Mobileye Drive. Filled with redundant sensors, innovative mapping technology, and advanced driving software, the company promises that the Holon Mover will always make the right decision on the road.

Holon says that it already has its first pilot project lined up in Hamburg with Hochbahn, Germany’s second-largest mass transit company. It will also work with Beep in the U.S., which will put the first Movers on the road there. In addition, it’s looking for other customers, such as airports, campuses, and national parks.

Our Mover is an answer to social megatrends: Urbanization, climate change, demographics – mobility needs to change,” said Marco Kollmeier, Holon’s managing director. “With our mover, we are proving that emission-free, safe, comfortable and inclusive passenger transportation is possible. And thus provides the answer to traffic problems that are becoming prevalent in cities. We are delighted to unveil the vehicle to the global public today.”

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How To Make Time for Actual Self Care When You’re a New Parent


It’s hardly uncommon for New Year’s resolutions to center self care. Think: resolving to lower your stress levels, pencil me-time into your schedule, or get outside once each day. But while all of such goals are worthy and warranted, being able to actually practice them is often a different story—particularly for new parents who may feel time-strapped to care for their child or children, much less themselves. And yet, paradoxically, that’s one reason why it’s so important for new parents to actively carve out time for self care. Experts say doing so stands to make you better equipped mentally and emotionally to care for a child.

Framing self care in this way can help you see it more clearly for what it is: a necessary and supportive element of daily life, rather than a luxury reserved for people with extra time or resources. “While I think we now understand, on a logical level, that self care isn’t selfish, we have a lifetime of messaging from culture, society, and often our families of origin that told us that self care should come secondary to the needs of our children,” says therapist and parent Kaitlin Soule, LMFT, author of A Little Less of a Hot Mess: The Modern Mom’s Guide to Growth and Evolution. “It takes time for the truth to travel from our heads to our hearts.”

There are also the countless mental and logistical factors of new parenthood that can draw your attention away from self care (despite even the best of intentions to practice it). “Your thoughts are likely occupied with making sure your baby survives, and every waking—and sleeping—hour is filled with feeding, burping, comforting, changing, and cleaning your newborn,” says therapist, children’s book author, and parent Christina Furnival, LPCC. The process can quickly become all-consuming, she adds.

“It can take some time to get grounding around who you are within and outside of your parental role.” —Kaitlin Soule, LMFT, therapist

The onset of parental responsibilities can also contribute to a deemphasis on your pre-parent identity, including interests and passion points. “When your child is born, you are also born anew and different,” says Furnival, of the steep transition to parenthood. And caring for yourself can fall even further by the wayside while you’re in the midst of identity limbo. “It can take some time to get grounding around who you are within and outside of your parental role and, from there, to figure out how to care for yourself with less time and more responsibility, too,” says Soule.

To that end, carving out the time for self care requires first understanding what actually constitutes effective self care for you, as both a person and a new parent, and then collaborating with those in your sphere to make practicing it possible. Below, mental-health practitioners with kids of their own share their best advice for doing just that.

4 ways new parents can make time for effective self care, according to therapists who have children

1. Expand your personal definition of self care

It’s an act of self care, in and of itself, to let go of any strict definition for what self care should or needs to be. “Rigid rules and routines don’t tend to serve new parents well in a season full of sleep deprivation and intense change,” says Soule.

If the things that come to mind when you initially picture “self care” aren’t things you actually want to do, then they certainly don’t need to be part of your personal practice. “When we no longer buy into the notion that self care is just about bubble baths, wine nights with girlfriends, or walks around the block, we’re free to take a deeper look at what it is we actually need to take care of ourselves,” says Soule.

Doing that means asking yourself the deceivingly simple but often skipped question of what makes you feel grounded, satisfied, or at peace, says therapist and parent Dayna Kurtz, LMSW. “The answer could include the same activities as before you had a child, different ones, or a combination of both.” For example, it might be something like taking a yoga class or going for a walk, but it could also be having someone else take over the laundry or being able to listen to a podcast episode start to finish, without interruption, she adds.

There are no wrong answers here—other than “nothing,” that is. And if you’re struggling to come up with something, consider using the question above as a writing prompt rather than just asking yourself in your head, adds Kurtz: “Writing can stimulate a different part of the brain and may offer access to answers of which you were not fully aware.”

Once you land on one or two things you actually look forward to doing for yourself, you’ll be far more motivated to add them to your calendar and make a point of doing them in just the same way you’d knock out any other parental to-do.

2. Find community with other parents who get it

Becoming a parent can be isolating because it distinguishes you from both who you were pre-parenthood and the non-parent people in your world. (Not to mention the literal isolation of safely existing with a newborn in these quasi-pandemic times.) In this frame of mind, former self-care practices may not carry the same soothing benefits they once did.

Connecting virtually or IRL with other new parents who can relate to your new reality—through a mommy-and-me group or similar recurring activity—can alleviate feelings of loneliness and allow you to “feel a sense of community with other parents in the thick of it,” says Furnival.

Even if you have your baby in tow, this type of socializing can also double as self care by reminding you that you’re not, in fact, alone, and by introducing you to a network of people on whom you may be able to lean for support in the future. This type of commitment also makes you accountable to others, whether it’s through a formal class or informal gathering, so you may feel more compelled to stick to it than with solo forms of self care.

3. Delegate early and often

The simple truth of combining parenting with self care is that one thing often has to give a little for the other to take. In other words, it’s not just okay, but necessary to delegate some of your parenting responsibilities to a partner, or other willing family member or friend in order to create time for yourself.

“It’s not uncommon for parents, especially first-time parents, to feel that they need to be able to handle everything, but you’re not supposed to handle it all on your own.” —Christina Furnival, therapist

“It’s not uncommon for parents, especially first-time parents, to feel that they need to be able to handle everything, but you’re not supposed to handle it all on your own,” says Furnival. After all, they don’t say, “It takes a village” for nothing.

Accepting offers of help from loved ones isn’t weak; it’s a responsible decision for your own health. And if you feel as though you’re on a parenting island, it’s essential to start the conversation about what kind of support you need from those in your sphere. “It can be hard to have these kinds of conversations with your partner or support system, but when you frame [their support] as an opportunity to better yourself and increase your own capacity for care and connection, people are likely to get on board,” says Soule.

Specifically, you can outline to a partner how they can best help you (for example, planning set times when you will get a shower, a break, or a nap, or when they will take on certain household duties), and you can arrange for understanding family or friends to visit, bring over meals, or take care of an errand, suggests Furnival. If you’re part of a community of new parents (per above), you can also look to them for support, offering to care for a fellow parent’s child on one night in exchange for them doing the same for your child on another. Remember: The more you’re able to delegate in a way that feels right to you, the more time you get back to care for yourself.

4. Tap a mental-health professional with expertise in postpartum care

Though it might feel like something you don’t have time to do, if you can financially afford it, seeking the support of a postpartum doula or a therapist or coach with expertise working with new parents can be worthwhile. Doing so can help you treat self care as something important enough to warrant a regular meeting on your calendar (because it is).

“Therapy can be a designated and reliable time and space each week to sort through many of the challenges inherent in new parenting,” says Kurtz. “In my practice, for example, sessions are sometimes the only time during the week when my clients can put the focus solely on themselves and their own needs.” That’s valuable, in and of itself. But of course, the benefits of an expert’s guidance extend beyond the time you’re devoting to yourself. A practitioner in this space can help you figure out “how to cope with the often mixed and complex feelings that come with being a parent and how to better share the parenting load,” says Soule.

If you aren’t able to hire outside support, Soule suggests seeking the support or advice of loved ones or friends in your life who have older kids, and who have stood before in your shoes. Hearing the ways they managed to create time for themselves while being a new parent can inspire similar or different ideas for how you might do the same.

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Chevrolet Shows Silverado EV Towing, Truck Now Has 170k Reservations


The electric truck war is heating up and Chevrolet has released additional details about the 2024 Silverado EV.

This time they’re highlighting the Work Truck (WT) variant and Chevrolet’s Catherine Scales told us they’re “busy validating” the model, and have been focusing on the towing experience.  The latter is important as 87% of reservation holders have indicated that they intend to tow with their pickup.

With that in mind, the company released a new video of the Silverado EV WT towing a 7,700 lbs (3,493 kg) Keystone Cougar travel trailer.  While that’s approaching the truck’s maximum towing capacity of 8,000 lbs (3,629 kg), Silverado EV chief engineer, Nichole Kraatz, was impressed by the overall performance and said “It’s so important for full-size truck customers to be able to tow, haul, and do everything that they can do in a traditional pickup truck.”

Also: 2024 Chevrolet Silverado EV Debuts With 400 Mile Range And The Avalanche’s Midgate

Besides the towing footage, Chevrolet released a new picture of a pre-production model and announced additional specifications for the WT and RST. While we’ll have to wait a little longer for full details, the Silverado EV measures 233.1 inches (5,920 mm) long and has a 145.7 inch (3,700 mm) wheelbase.  To put those numbers into perspective, the EV is 1.2 inches (30 mm) longer than the Silverado Crew Cab with the 5’ 8” bed, but has a 1.7 inch (43 mm) shorter wheelbase.  That being said, the extra length isn’t too surprising as the Silverado EV features a 5’ 11” bed with an available Multi-Flex Midgate.

Chevrolet also said the EV has 8.9 inches (227 mm) of ground clearance as well as approach and departure angles of 21.7 and 22.9 degrees.  However, if you’re planning to go off-roading, you’ll probably want to wait for the Trail Boss variant which has rugged styling, red recovery hooks, and unique wheels wrapped in meaty tires.  Chevrolet hasn’t said much else about the model, but we wouldn’t be surprised if the truck was equipped with an adaptive air suspension.

Other noteworthy specs include a front eTrunk that can hold up to 10.7 cubic feet (303 liters) of cargo.  Buyers will also find a more accommodating cabin as the EV sports an extra 0.3 inches (8 mm) of front seat legroom as well as an extra 0.9 inches of legroom (23 mm) in back.  However, headroom is mostly down except in the RST which sports an extra 0.9 inches (23 mm) of room up front.

The Silverado EV WT is aimed at fleets and is slated to have 510 hp (380 kW / 517 PS) and 615 lb-ft (832 Nm) of torque.  The model is also expected to have a range in excess of 400 miles (644 km).

Shortly after the Work Truck’s launch, the Silverado EV RST First Edition will arrive in the fall with 754 hp (562 kW / 764 PS) and 785 lb-ft (1,063 Nm) of torque. This will enable the truck to accelerate from 0-60 mph (0-96 km/h) in less than 4.5 seconds.

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Tesla’s Grip On The EV Market Loosens As Buyers Start To Look Elsewhere In 2023


More buyers than ever are considering an EV in 2023, and that may be especially good news for traditional automakers, because shoppers aren’t all interested in a Tesla, a new study from insurance comparison service, Jerry, has found.

Although Tesla is still the most popular choice for people interested in buying a new EV in 2023, the preference for the brand is waning among customers. Two thirds of owners and lessees surveyed for Jerry’s 2023 State of the American Driver Report said their top choice would not be a Tesla, and instead pointed to EVs from other brands as their top choice.

Electric vehicles from Ford, Chevrolet, and Hyundai were the most popular options among respondents, after Tesla. Indeed, those brands introduced new EVs such as the Ford F-150 Lightning and the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and 6 in 2022, while Chevrolet’s second-wave of EVs have been unveiled and is coming soon.

Read: Tesla Delivered A Record 405,000 Vehicles In Q4 And 1.3 Million In 2022

Interest in other brands’ EVs comes as the desire for electric vehicles is high. Nearly half (49 percent) of respondents to Jerry’s survey said they were interested in getting an EV as their next vehicle, up from 39 percent a year earlier.

The record-high gas prices experienced across the country were the most commonly cited reason for the interest in electric vehicles. Indeed, gas prices soared to a national average of more than $5.00 per gallon in the summer of 2022. Although prices are expected to fall in 2023, tax incentives being introduced by the federal government may help make up for that.

Those incentives will likely be crucial, because many owners are struggling with the high prices of vehicle ownership. A quarter of people surveyed said that they spent more than 15 percent of their take-home income on car payments, and two-thirds said they were being forced to cut down on other expenses (including groceries in some cases) in order to be able to afford their vehicle.

Despite that, a majority of Americans (51 percent) say they have no interest in buying or leasing an electric vehicle. The inconvenience of charging and the price premium associated with the new technology are the most frequently cited reasons for buyers’ lack of interest.

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‘I’m an Esthetician, and This Is the One Tea I Recommend to Every Person Struggling with Hormonal Acne’


My period loves to drop hints that it’s coming days before it arrives. The cramps begin, tears flow with greater ease, and my chin becomes home to a few new pimples. Maintaining a consistent skin-care routine can help work wonders in combatting hormonal acne, but if you want to add a little extra oomph to your arsenal, Derek Davenport, a licensed esthetician and Reiki Master in Wichita, Kansas, says to give licorice root tea a try.

“Internal health is the biggest ‘helper’ when it comes to hormonal acne,” says Davenport. “I love licorice root because its benefits date back to ancient healing. It has a host of antioxidant support and reduces inflammation,” and inflammation is what gives pimples their red, angry appearance. Plus, a small 2004 study found licorice root to have antiandrogenic properties, meaning that it could theoretically help to reduce the bad estrogens and testosterone that cause acne.

With his clients, Davenport has seen success when they drink it daily a few days before their cycle and then during it. He recommends making it in big batches and drinking it cold during the summer months or warming it up in the winter. “With our skin being the largest organ, it is simply a mirror into what is going on inside, and the first place we physically see this will be on the skin,” he says. “By treating internally to externally, we can hit hormonal acne from two angles.”

It’s worth noting that though Davenport swears by licorice tea for treating hormonal acne and the research around it seems promising, Ivy Lee, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Pasadena, California, isn’t totally convinced. “The evidence for licorice having any significant effect on hormones is weak at best,” she says. “Licorice’s impact on the hormonal axis deserves further exploration.”

With that in mind, if you want to add licorice tea into your routine—which certainly can’t hurt—your best bet is to use it to supplement the rest of your regimen. The most proven ways to manage hormonal acne include regularly using retinoids to prevent clogged pores and reduce inflammation and using medications like antiandrogenic spironolactone or hormonal contraceptives to regulate hormones that contribute to acne. Additionally, Dr. Lee recommends “following a heart-healthy diet and drinking lots of water for optimal skin health.”

Ready to give it a try? Davenport has three licorice root teas that he loves. Learn about and shop them below.

Aveda Comforting Tea — $10.00

The Aveda Comforting Tea is great if a client likes a more “sweet” tea,” says Davenport. It blends licorice root with peppermint to calm your senses.

Republic of Tea Get Probiotic #18 — $15.00

“Get Probiotic #18 by Republic of Tea has been a favorite for years,” says Davenport. It blends licorice root with rooibos leaf, cinnamon bark, black limon fruit, chicory root, and stevia leaf.

Apothecary Tinctura Be Well — $8.00

“Lastly, Apothecary Tinctura out of Colorado has a beautiful Be Well tea that I found two years ago and love,” says Davenport. It’s a blend of echinacea purpurea root, elderberry, elderflower, marshmallow, fennel, ginger, orange peel, licorice, and cinnamon.

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Act fast: Flights to Hawaii for as low as 12,000 miles one-way

The Points Guy 

Are you ready to escape the perpetual winter storms plaguing most of the country this season and say ‘aloha’ to the sun in Hawaii? If you’re a United MileagePlus member, you’ll want to jump at this offer right now.

For just 12,000 United mileage points, plus $5.60, you can fly to Honolulu and Maui this winter. This deal expires tonight, so act quickly if you want to experience warm island breezes this February.

Deal basics

Airline: United.

Routes: New York City, Miami, Los Angeles and more mainland cities to Honolulu and Kahului.

How to book: Directly with the airline.

Travel dates: Select dates between Jan. 18 and March 5.

Book by: 11:59 p.m. CT tonight.

Here’s the deal: You can book coach award flights to Hawaii for 12,000 miles one-way if you have elite status and a United card; or, you can book for 15,000 miles one-way if you have elite status or a United card. Flights normally go for 22,500 miles each way. Thanks to DansDeals for bringing this one to our attention.

Sample flights

Given the limited time available to book this offer, it’s best to start searching immediately and lock in whatever you see ASAP. We’re seeing good availability from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in February, as well as some flights from Miami International Airport (MIA) and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Here are a few examples.









Maximize your purchase

Use a card that earns bonus points on airfare purchases, like The Platinum Card® from American Express (5 points per dollar on airfare booked directly with the airline or through American Express Travel, on up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year), Citi Prestige® Card (5 points per dollar on airfare), Citi Premier® Card, Chase Sapphire Reserve (3 points per dollar on airfare), American Express® Gold Card (3 points per dollar on airfare when booked directly with the airline or through Amex Travel) or the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card (2 points per dollar on travel). See this post for more on maximizing airfare purchases.

The information for the Citi Prestige Card has been collected independently by The Points Guy. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Bottom line


These are some of the best miles redemptions on United for flights to Hawaii, especially during the peak winter months. Take advantage of this short-time offer and you’ll be soaking up the sun soon.


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Winnebago Teases New Electric RV Concept Based On The Ford E-Transit


Winnebago will present the world with its second all-electric RV concept on January 18, 2023, at the Florida RV SuperShow in Tampa. Although the zero-emission prototype is still heavily camouflaged, a shot of the interior—specifically the Ford-badged steering wheel—reveals that this new RV concept will be based on the blue oval’s platform.

The Ford badge on the exterior, though, has been replaced by Winnebago’s own W logo, which rests in the center of a hexagonal grille, and above a charging port. Both elements are located in similar locations as the standard E-Transit’s, though higher on the grille, which also appears to differ slightly from the factory Ford’s.

The headlights, too, are different from the Ford E-Transit’s. Thanks to the LED light ring around their perimeter, they look more like the Ford Puma’s lights. Similar lighting elements were seen on a preproduction version of the 2024 Transit Courier small van testing in Europe in September.

Read: The Winnebago e-RV Concept Previews The Electric Motorhome Of The Future

While it’s unclear what all of this means, what is clear is that this new Winnebago will mark an update over the concept RV that it revealed at the Florida RV SuperShow in 2022. That model was equipped with an 86 kWh battery pack that was capable of taking holidayers up to 125 miles (201 km) on a charge.

Although that might not sound like a lot, Winnebago argued last year that it was enough to cover the needs of around 54 percent of RV buyers, who prefer to make drives of less than 200 miles (322 km) per day.

That concept included a rooftop air-conditioner, a shower, a marine-grade refrigerator, a bathroom, residential-grade Wi-Fi, and more. This new model, though, looks like it will attempt to improve the camping experience with a roof-mounted solar array that’s likely to help handle some of the electrical load while the RV is parked.

If you’re looking forward to seeing what new technology Winnebago has planned for the electric future of RVing, check back in with us on January 18 for full details when they become available.

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10 Unique Planners for Every Habit You Want To Build In 2023 (No, It’s *Not* Too Late To Get One)


Whether you set resolutions, goals, or intentions, suffice it to say that the glimmering promise of the new year has inspired us all to embrace some form of change, big or small, in 2023. And if you’re the kind of person who lives by lists and planners, you’re probably in the process of swapping out your outdated stationery in favor of fresh, blank pages. But before you add that run of the mill planner to your cart, consider how your new planner can help you stick with new habits more effectively. It’s not about what you can write in your planner, but what your planner can do for you.

Say you want to start budgeting this year, for example. A planner with financial tracking sections for daily expenses, bills, and savings goals would serve you way better than the typical daily, weekly, or monthly calendar layouts found in most planners. If 2023 is the year of reprioritizing you, get yourself a planner that puts self care first. If you want to order less takeout, there are food-specific planners that’ll help you plan meals at home and drop some essential cooking tips along the way. And if you want to hit a fitness goal or just work more movement into your daily routine, there are planners for that too. (Pro-tip: You can also follow our Renew Year 2023 plan to help you achieve some of these goals as a W+G community!)

To save you the trouble of having to find all of these amazing planners yourself, though, we scoured the web to find the best planners for every habit you want to build in the new year.

The best planners if you want to…


Save money

Clever Fox, Budget Planner — $22.00

If you want to take charge of your finances this year, this Clever Fox Budget Planner will help you do it. The user-friendly planner has everything from pages to list your financial goals, expenses, savings, and debt trackers, to monthly budget charts and yearly spending recaps. What’s more, it has over 19,900 5-star ratings on Amazon, so it’s clearly delivering. Reviewers love the comprehensive instructions that make filling it out easy, and the motivating stickers (that highlight important due dates, pay days, and financial milestones) that make tracking your finances fun.

“What I love about this journal is that it has just enough structure to be helpful, but enough flexibility to use it the way that works best for you,” wrote one Amazon shopper in a 5-star review. Another shopper says she bought hers as part of a 2020 New Years resolution, and has been using it ever since! “I needed something that would really make me think about how I spend my hard earned money and make goals about how I was going to achieve better spending habits. This book does exactly that.”

Boost productivity at work

Smart Planner, Smart Planner Pro — $17.00

Originally $35, now $17

For folks with a steadily growing to-do list, the Smart Planner Pro will help you boost productivity and get the absolute most out of your work day. The non-dated, hard cover planner includes weekly and monthly layouts that break down even the most hectic of work days into manageable chunks. The monthly layout provides space to brainstorm, take notes, set affirmations, and keep track of looming deadlines; while the weekly section delivers plenty of space to track daily habits and to-dos, highlight priority projects, and keep an hourly schedule. What’s more, it comes with four sticker sheets that add color to your work week and block off important events like meetings and PTO.

Among the 800 5-star reviews, the Smart Planner’s straightforward layout and durable, high-quality feel are key standouts. “I love how I can see my entire week on a single spread, and each day broken up by hour,” wrote one shopper in a 5-star review. “It has REALLY helped me stay on top of meetings, appointments, homework and project deadlines throughout my graduate program. I recommend this planner to everyone who notices it, and will continue to get these forever!”

Level up your fitness

Cossac, Fitness Journal & Workout Planner — $19.00

If you’re looking to improve your fitness level in the new year, consider this Cossac Workout Planner your newest gym bag essential. The hardcover spiral planner has 140 day’s worth of exercise logs—where you can record your exercises, sets, weights used, and more—motivating goal sheets, monthly calendar pages to track the frequency of your workouts, and spaces to record your own personal fitness stats to better understand your progress. The flexible, fitness-forward layouts are whatever you make them, making this workout planner a must for anyone who wants to get more movement in this year, regardless of their unique goals or fitness level.

“I am on my 3rd one!” wrote one Amazon shopper in a 5-star review. “I have been using fitness journals for years, but wanted a change to fit my own needs. This one does it, and it is sturdy and nice-looking as a bonus.”

Cook more

Poketo, Food Planner — $28.00

Whether you’re trying to order less takeout, improve your cooking skills, or just be more mindful about what you eat in 2023, this design-forward food planner is thoughtfully designed to help you do it. Between its gorgeous, graphic covers, you’ll find 128 high quality pages with layouts that include open-ended prompts (like “what was the best thing you ate this year?”), shopping lists, recipe pages, an open dated weekly calendar to help plan out meals, and an always useful measurement guide that’ll save you time in the kitchen.

“I work as a chef and this planner has changed the game for me,” wrote one Poketo customer in a 5-star review. “This little gem has everything you need to keep things organized, prevent food waste, and ensure you stay on top of the food game. I highly recommend it to anyone no matter the degree of cook you might be.”

Go on more trips

Lamare, Travel Journal — $14.00

This Lamare Travel Journal is a must for staying on top of your 2023 travel plans. Designed to accommodate six trips, the undated, hardcover planner is complete with a map page to mark your destinations, bucket list pages to jot down activities and sights to see, budget pages to help keep track of spending, and journaling pages primed for documenting the highlights of your trips, and attach photos along the way. Factor in the modern design on the cover and the spiral binding, and you’ve got yourself a travel planner you’ll want to take with you on all of your adventures this year.

“Perfect for someone who likes to track budgets, flights, packing, and memories,” shared one Amazon customer in a 5-star review. “Nice hardcover, cute design, and a good size. I think this travel book will be quite useful and fun.”

Read more

Anne Bogel, My Reading Life Book Journal — $14.00

If you set lofty reading goals for yourself this year, this Reading Journal by Anne Bogel makes for the ultimate ‘planner.’ The compact, hardcover journal has plenty of space to record your thoughts, ratings, and impressions for up to 100 books—making it the perfect place to track your 2023 reading goal with intention. There’s a habit tracker to help build up your reading cadence, fun questionnaires that help you learn more about your reading preferences, and a TBR (to be read) page fit for tracking the books you want to add to your shelf. What’s more, Anne Bogel included seasonal and genre-specific book recommendations, and useful reading tips throughout! Guaranteeing that you’ll discover something new and improve on your reading habit this year.

“Love this reading journal!” gushes one Amazon shopper in a 5-star review. “It’s wonderful to not only have a place to write about the books I read, but all the extra features are great too. The table of contents makes it easy to find each book I’ve reviewed, and the lists of suggestions are great also!”

Keep a cleaner space

Ashlem Press, Cleaning Planner — $6.00

Everyone loves a clean and tidy space, but maintaining it can take some practice. Enter the Cleaning Planner—a simple, fuss-free guide that’ll put your 2023 cleaning aspirations to paper and help make tidying up a regular part of your routine. It includes a master cleaning checklist household cleaning task you can imagine, from small daily habits like making your bed and putting away clothes, to larger monthly tasks, such as cleaning behind furniture and washing your shower curtains. The cleaning schedule pages have spots for personal cleaning goals, daily and monthly tasks, and free-writing space for notes and necessary supplies. The only thing more satisfying than a clean space is the satisfaction of checking off each task when it’s done.

“I’m not a clean freak and I get overwhelmed when I think of cleaning our entire 4 bedroom, 4 bath house weekly in addition to other things life throws at us,” wrote one Amazon shopper in a 5-star review. “This cute notebook may help bring some “fun” to it as well as help me focus on one room a day instead of looking at it all at once and getting tired before I start. It’s nice to be able to write in my own tasks so I can change it up weekly.”

Prioritize self-care, Wellness Planner — $30.00

If you’re making 2023 the year of you, this self-care guided planner by is a no-brainer. It’s split up into five sections designed to support overall wellness: intention, self-care, headspace, physical wellness, and nutrition. The daily pages have spots to set intentions, write affirmations, set priorities (and decide what can be left for later), remind yourself about calls, and jot down to-dos. But that’s not all—it’s sprinkled with gorgeously laid out pages full of helpful info and advice that’ll inspire you to take better care of you—like how to embrace growth, and build a healthy and empowering movement practice. And because every planner needs cute stickers, the Wellness Planner includes two pages full of them.

“I’m a sucker for focusing on self development and these journals make it so easy and fun,” wrote one shopper. “It takes what would normally be a stressful occurrence and turns it into something positive and helpful.”

Become a planner

Papier, Daily Planner — $29.00

Originally $32, now $29

For the person who’s not really a planner, but wants to become one in 2023, Papier’s Daily Planner is a solid choice that’ll help you get the most out of planning your days. Unlike blank planners that require some finessing to work for you, this undated,16-week planner has daily and weekly layouts and easy to follow fields that’ll take the guesswork out of planning. Want to write a to-do list? There’s a space for that. Write monthly goals? There’s one for that, too. There are sections designed to help track your progress with new habits, and even dedicated shopping list sections to make meal prep easy. What’s more, there are tons of stunning cover art designs to choose from on Papier’s site.

Be more creative

Jstory, Large Monthly Planner — $10.00

Originally $12, now $10 

Move over bullet journal, creatives are all about the Large Monthly Planner in 2023. With its simple, undated monthly calendar layout, this magazine-sized planner is a blank canvas for the artistically inclined looking to keep organized and flex their creative muscles in the new year. Every calendar month takes up a two-page spread in this oversized beauty, and the daily squares offer plenty of space for notes, to-dos, event reminders, and due dates—it’s pretty much begging to be personalized with illustrations, colorful highlights, stickers, and whatever else you can think of. Even the cover provides plenty of real estate for customization, which any budding creative will appreciate.

Amazon shoppers love the oversized design and the flexible layout. “I really like the size of the planner and the large squares. You must write the month and days yourself but that provides you an opportunity to be creative!” wrote one Amazon shopper in a 5-star review.

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