An Orthodox Christmas offensive can set conditions for winning the Ukraine war

Just In | The Hill 

The time is now for Ukraine to conduct a winter shaping operation to set conditions for an offensive next summer to end the war on terms favorable to Ukraine and its Western benefactors.  

Building on its successful fall operations in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions, Ukraine must take advantage of the winter freeze to put itself in a position to deliver a decisive blow to the Russian invasion in the summer and force Russia into a disadvantaged negotiating position. That blow should come in Crimea, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky repeatedly has stated, but Ukraine’s military is not yet in position to threaten Crimea directly.  

A winter offensive in the south can put Ukraine in a position to make good on Zelensky’s vow to recapture Crimea. However, Ukraine cannot successfully carry out a winter operation, let alone a major summer offensive, without a commitment and substantial ramp-up of military and financial assistance by the U.S. and its allies now. 

Ukraine cannot afford to postpone operations until spring, because further delay will enable Russia to fully integrate its mobilized reservists, acquire more munitions and hardware, and prepare for its own spring offensive while the destruction of Ukrainian energy and water infrastructure and its devastating impact on the Ukrainian population continues unabated.  Furthermore, Western resolve and assistance may wane after next summer. Thereafter, the conflict likely will become frozen until Russia has recovered its military capacity to continue the hot war. 

Eventually, all wars end in negotiations. This war will end in a negotiated settlement, but as with any war, the facts on the ground vastly shape the decision for negotiations and eventual settlement. Military theorist Carl von Clausewitz wrote in “On War” that since “war is controlled by its political object, the value of this object must determine the sacrifices to be made for it in magnitude and also in duration.” Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin has no intention of giving up his objective to subjugate Ukraine, despite the incomprehensible losses of manpower and materiel Russia has suffered in the war.

Yet, short of the unrealistic complete destruction of the Russian army, the surest path Ukraine has to dissuade Putin from his objective is to convincingly threaten or recapture his prize — Crimea — which may make his already damaged domestic position untenable. 

The West’s incremental assistance to Ukraine, by design, has prevented the war’s escalation into broader war with NATO but has not decidedly hastened Russia’s defeat. In some respects, this policy has lengthened the duration and destruction of the war without a durable and better peace in sight. According to the recently released U.S. National Security Strategy, America and its allies are “helping to make Russia’s war on Ukraine a strategic failure”; however, the level of Western assistance to Ukraine seems to merely offer Russia a strategic setback. Time will tell, but time is short. A decisive Russian military defeat in Ukraine could certainly make Russia’s strategic failure in Ukraine possible.   

In the near term, the Western allies must provide intelligence and operational planning support to the Ukrainian army for a winter offensive and future operations. They must provide the Ukrainians a combination of advanced and tactical drones and counter-drone capabilities.  Already months late, the recent announcement by the U.S. to deliver advanced air defense systems, such as the Patriot missile system, will take some of the destructive pressure off the Ukrainian energy infrastructure and help shield Ukrainian army forces for a winter offensive. 

In the intermediate term, the West must provide equipment and training to the Ukrainian military to prepare it to conduct a sustained, combined arms offensive in the south next summer to force Russia to abandon their objective of subjugating Ukraine. Reports have at once praised and decried the U.S. for failing to deliver the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and extended-range munitions known as Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), which would allow Ukraine to strike targets as far as 300 kilometers away. The point is not about the system or munition, but about the critical Ukrainian need to reliably target deep to enable its close fight — without which a large summer offensive is not likely to succeed. 

The Ukrainian army has demonstrated an aptitude for exercising combined arms maneuver using a variety of equipment sets. They will need equipment and crew training for artillery, tactical and integrated air defense systems, manned and unmanned attack aircraft, light naval craft, and protected mobility in the form of tanks, fighting vehicles and sapper engineering equipment. The West should offer existing NATO equipment based in Europe, rather than continuing to trade out NATO ally-held Soviet-era equipment. It is difficult to envision a post-war Ukraine exclusively going back to antiquated Cold War equipment. German Leopard tanks and Marder fighting vehicles finally could get some use. All of this takes time to train, so the time for equipping and planning for subsequent decisive operations and training is now. 

The U.S. and its allies must apply the means to achieve the National Security Strategy’s objective for a Russian strategic failure by next summer. The West’s incremental military support to Ukraine so far has balanced two competing strategic interests: Ukraine’s sovereign right to defend against and repel Russian imperial aggression, and the prevention of a NATO-Russia war that might lead to nuclear escalation. 

This winter is the moment to shape a decisive operation to end the war in the summer on terms favorable to Ukraine and the West. Typically, the ground in southern Ukraine along the approaches to Crimea freezes around the beginning of January, making cross-country maneuver feasible before the spring melt in early March. The Orthodox Christmas occurs on Jan. 7, which seems about right to start a winter shaping operation for the summer.   

Bob Ashley Jr. is a retired lieutenant general who served over 36 years in the U.S. Army as an intelligence officer. He was the 21st director of the Defense and Intelligence Agency (DIA) from October 2017 until November 2020. He previously served as the Army G2 and the Commandant of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center. He works as a private consultant for defense and security affairs.

Dan Soller is a retired colonel who served over 31 years in the U.S. Army as an intelligence officer, including more than 12 years in Europe beginning in the era of the Soviet Union’s collapse. He has worked with the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He works in the commercial space industry. 

The authors’ views expressed in this article are their own and do not represent the U.S. government’s position. 

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America's 'most dangerous law' goes into effect

Illinois law enforcement is preparing new ways to best serve and protect law-abiding citizens as the state’s new sweeping criminal justice reform bill takes effect Sunday, a local sheriff said. 

“We’ve spent a lot of time trying to prepare for what’s coming,” Franklin County Sheriff Kevin Bacon told Fox News. “Trying to sift through a thousand pages to determine where our role is and what’s going to change and how we can best serve the citizens that we protect has been first and foremost for us.”

Illinois’ Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T) Act, which went into effect Jan. 1, overhauled Illinois’ justice system with provisions like limiting when defendants can be deemed flight risks and allowing defendants under electronic monitoring to leave home for 48 hours before they can be charged with escape. It was also supposed to eliminate cash bail, but the state’s Supreme Court stayed that portion hours before the law was set to take effect.



In a previous interview, Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau told Fox News: “When I said that this is the most dangerous law I’ve ever seen, I believe that.” 

Bacon, who was elected sheriff in November, said he has sat through “what feels like hundreds of hours of training and discussion” on the new reforms. “And there’s just so many questions that still exist.” 

“My focus has been to ensure that the people that commit certain crimes, that they can remain in jail,” he told Fox News. “We work very hard to provide the best services we can, and sometimes we feel like we’re paddling upstream.”

Concerned Illinoisans like Bacon received a win Thursday when Circuit Judge Thomas Cunnington ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit brought by several prosecutors and sheriffs around the state. The class-action lawsuit, which dozens of counties across the state signed onto, argued the pre-trial release and bail reforms in the SAFE-T act are unconstitutional.



“Today’s ruling affirms that we are still a government of the people, and that the Constitutional protections afforded to the citizens of Illinois – most importantly the right to exercise our voice with our vote – are inalienable,” Kankakee County State Attorney Jim Rowe, one of the lead plaintiffs in the suit, said in a statement.

Illinois’ high court, as a result, blocked the elimination of the cash bail as the state appeal’s the decision, though the rest of the bill remains in effect.

The SAFE-T Act also dropped trespassing from a Class A misdemeanor to Class B. As result, police won’t be able to arrest non-violent trespassers and can instead only issue them a citation. 

“If someone’s trespassing on your property, we’re going to remove them from your property,” Bacon said. “Maybe we can’t arrest them, maybe we can’t place them in the county jail, but we’re not going to leave them there.” 


The sheriff said that while officers will continue to work within the requirements of the law, “there is also common sense and discretion, and we’re going to utilize that.”

“Law enforcement officers — their loyalty remains to victims of crime,” he added. 

Sheriff Kevin Bacon said law enforcement's loyalty remains to victims of crimes, as the SAFT-T act will increase the number of criminals released to the streets. 

Sheriff Kevin Bacon said law enforcement’s loyalty remains to victims of crimes, as the SAFT-T act will increase the number of criminals released to the streets. 
(AP Newsroom)

Franklin County, located in southern Illinois with a population of roughly 37,000, experiences high numbers of drug-related burglaries, the sheriff said. 

“It’s nonstop,” Bacon told Fox News. “Everyday.”

The sheriff said from what he can tell of the SAFE-T act, “there’s not a drug offense other than one involving a firearm or a high-level drug offense that is detainable.”


As a result, he fears that not only will the high volume of these crimes continue, but low-level criminals abusing drugs may also not receive opportunities to get clean if they’re released immediately after being arrested. 

“It’s a snowball effect if the drug issue leads to these deaths and burglaries that we experience,” Bacon said. “They are a struggle for rural departments to keep up with.”

“Simply booking someone and sending them out before they’re even sober, I don’t see a great benefit,” he told Fox News. “I hope I’m wrong, but it’s concerning.”

Fox News

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North Korea’s Kim orders ‘exponential’ expansion of nuke arsenal

US Top News and Analysis 

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meets troops who have taken part in the military parade to mark the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, in this undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) April 29, 2022.
KCNA | via Reuters

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered the “exponential” expansion of his country’s nuclear arsenal and the development of a more powerful intercontinental ballistic missile, state media reported Sunday, after he entered 2023 with another weapons launch following a record number of testing activities last year.

Kim’s moves are in line with the broad direction of his nuclear program. He has repeatedly vowed to boost both the quality and quantity of his arsenal to cope with what he calls U.S. hostility. Some experts say Kim’s push to produce more nuclear and other weapons signals his intention to continue a run of weapons tests and ultimately solidify his future negotiating power and win greater outside concessions.

“They are now keen on isolating and stifling (North Korea), unprecedented in human history,” Kim said at a recently ended key ruling party meeting, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. “The prevailing situation calls for making redoubled efforts to overwhelmingly beef up the military muscle.”

During the six-day meeting meant to determine new state objectives, Kim called for “an exponential increase of the country’s nuclear arsenal” to mass produce battlefield tactical nuclear weapons targeting South Korea. He also presented a task to develop a new ICBM missioned with a “quick nuclear counterstrike” capability — a weapon he needs to strike the mainland U.S. He said the North’s first military reconnaissance satellite will be launched “at the earliest date possible,” KCNA said.

“Kim’s comments from the party meeting reads like an ambitious — but perhaps achievable — New Year’s resolution list,” said Soo Kim, a security analyst at the California-based RAND Corporation. “It’s ambitious in that Kim consciously chose to spell out what he hopes to accomplish as we head into 2023, but it also suggests a dose of confidence on Kim’s part.”

Last month, North Korea claimed to have performed key tests needed for the development of a new strategic weapon, a likely reference to a solid-fueled ICBM, and a spy satellite.

Kim’s identification of South Korea as an enemy and the mention of hostile U.S. and South Korean policies is “a reliable pretext for the regime to produce more missiles and weapons to solidify Kim’s negotiating position and concretize North Korea’s status as a nuclear weapons power,” Soo Kim said.

Later Sunday, South Korea’s Defense Ministry reiterated a warning that any attempt to use nuclear weapons by North Korea “will lead to the end of the Kim Jong Un government.” The U.S. military has previously made similar warnings.

“The new year started but our security situation is still very grave,” South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol told top military officers during a video conference. “Our military must resolutely punish any provocation by the enemy with a firm determination that we dare to risk fighting a battle.”

Senior diplomats from South Korea, the U.S. and Japan spoke by phone and agreed that provocations by North Korea would only deepen its international isolation and prompt their trilateral security cooperation. They still reaffirmed that the door to dialogue with North Korea remains open, according to the South Korean Foreign Ministry.

Since his high-stakes summitry with then-President Donald Trump collapsed in 2019 due to wrangling over U.S.-led sanctions, Kim Jong Un has refused to return to talks with Washington and taken steps to enlarge his arsenal. Some observers say Kim would eventually want to make North Korea a legitimate nuclear power so as to win the lifting of international sanctions and the end of the regular U.S.-South Korean military drills that he views as a major security threat.

“It was during his 2018 New Year’s speech that (Kim) first ordered the mass production of warheads and ballistic missiles, and he’s doubling down on that quantitative expansion goal in the coming year,” said Ankit Panda, an expert with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Panda said the reference to a new ICBM appears to concern a solid-propellant system, which could be tested soon. He said a satellite launch could take place in April, a month that includes a key state anniversary.

Worries about North Korea’s nuclear program have grown since the North last year approved a new law that authorized the preemptive use of nuclear weapons in a broad range of situations and openly threatened to use its nuclear weapons first. During last week’s party meeting, Kim reiterated that threat.

Earlier Sunday, South Korea’s military detected a short-range ballistic missile launched from the North’s capital region. It said the weapon traveled about 400 kilometers (250 miles) before falling into the water between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command said that the U.S. commitments to defend South Korea and Japan “remain ironclad.”

North Korea test-fired more than 70 missiles last year, including three short-range ballistic missiles detected by South Korea on Saturday. The testing spree indicates the country is likely emboldened by its advancing nuclear program. Observers say the North was also able to continue its banned missile tests because China and Russia have blocked the U.S. and others from toughening U.N. sanctions at the Security Council.

KCNA confirmed Sunday that the country conducted the test-firings of its super-large multiple rocket launcher on Saturday and Sunday. Kim Jong Un said the rocket launcher puts all of South Korea within striking distance and is capable of carrying a tactical nuclear warhead, according to KCNA.

“Its recent missile launches were not technically impressive. Instead, the high volume of tests at unusual times and from various locations demonstrate that North Korea could launch different types of attack, anytime, and from many directions,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul.

Animosities between the rival Koreas have further deepened since early last week, when South Korea accused North Korea of flying drones across their heavily fortified border for the first time in five years and responded by sending its own drones toward the North.

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Historic term begins in Michigan as Whitmer, others sworn in

Top News: US & International Top News Stories Today | AP News 

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer addresses the crowd during inauguration ceremonies, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2023, outside the state Capitol in Lansing, Mich. (AP Photo/Al Goldis)

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was sworn in for a second term as the state’s 49th governor on Sunday, pushing a message of unity and working together during her remarks on the state Capitol. (Jan. 1)

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was sworn in for second term as the state’s 49th governor on Sunday, pushing a message of unity and working together during remarks on the state Capitol steps as Democrats took full control of the state government for the first time in 40 years.

Whitmer, who was first elected in 2018 after serving as a state lawmaker for 14 years, won reelection in November by defeating Republican Tudor Dixon by nearly 11 percentage points. Alongside her on Sunday were other top Democratic leaders, including newly reelected Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Attorney General Dana Nessel and Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II.

During her inauguration address, Whitmer pledged to pursue “common sense” gun reform, continue investing in K-12 education, improve worker rights, lower taxes for the state’s retirees and tackle climate change, adding that she would provide more specifics in her upcoming State of the State speech.

“For the next four years, our task is to ensure that every Michigander, present and future, can succeed,” Whitmer said to the nearly 1,000 people in attendance. “And our message is simple: We’re putting the world on notice that your future is here in Michigan.”

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With a newly powerful Democratic caucus, Whitmer faces a test of delivering on years of promises in a swing state where Democrats must appeal to more than just their base or risk losing their majorities when the Legislature is up for grabs again in two years.

Whitmer acknowledged several Republican legislative leaders and promised throughout her speech to work across the aisle and with “anyone that wants to solve problems and get things done.”

Sen. Aric Nesbitt, the new Republican leader in the state Senate, congratulated Whitmer following the inauguration and said in a statement that he hopes she “actually follows through on her repeated promises of bipartisanship.”

The inauguration ceremony comes days after two men were sentenced to lengthy federal prison terms after they led a plot to kidnap Whitmer in 2020 ahead of the presidential election. Whitmer has previously blamed Republican leaders for stoking violent rhetoric and making light of the plot to kidnap and assassinate her.

Michigan Democrats officially took control of the state House and Senate at noon Sunday after winning slim majorities and flipping both chambers in November’s election.

Newly selected Democratic leaders in the Legislature, Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks and House Speaker Joe Tate, joined the governor in stressing the importance of bipartisanship during their speeches.

“A stunning opportunity stands before us to work together like never before across legislative chambers and alongside the executive branch,” said Brinks, who was selected as the Senate’s first female majority leader in December.

The new legislative session is required to begin the second Wednesday of January. The state’s budget will be among the priorities lawmakers tackle as they carry a nearly $6 billion surplus into the new year.

History was also made Sunday on the state’s Supreme Court as Kyra Harris Bolden was sworn in as the first Black woman to serve on the high court after Whitmer appointed the former state representative in November to replace retiring Justice Bridget McCormack. Bolden also administered Whitmer’s oath of office.


This story corrects that Kyra Harris Bolden was a state representative, not a state senator, in the final paragraph. It also corrects an earlier version that stated Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was the first female governor when elected in 2018.


Joey Cappelletti is a corps member for The Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.


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Santos should consider resigning, veteran GOP lawmaker says

Top News: US & International Top News Stories Today | AP News 

FILE – Republican candidate for New York’s 3rd Congressional District George Santos campaigns outside a Stop and Shop store, Nov. 5, 2022, in Glen Cove, N.Y. Weeks after winning a district that helped Republicans secure their razor-thin House majority, the congressman-elect Santos is under investigation in New York after acknowledging he lied about his heritage, education and professional pedigree as he campaigned for office. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

Demonstrators in Long Island, New York urged incoming U.S. Congressman George Santos to resign, after he acknowledged lying about his heritage, education and professional experience. (Dec. 30)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Even as the House GOP leadership keeps silent, a veteran Republican lawmaker said Sunday that George Santos should consider resigning after the congressman-elect from New York admitted to lying about his heritage, education and professional career.

Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, a former House Ways and Means chairman who has served in Congress for 25 years, told “Fox News Sunday” that Santos would have “to take some huge steps” to regain trust and respect in his district. Santos is set to be sworn in Tuesday when the new Congress begins.

“This is troubling in so many ways. Certainly, he’s lied repeatedly,” said Brady, who is retiring from the House. “He certainly is going to have to consider resigning.” Brady said a decision about whether Santos steps down is one “to be made between he and the voters who elected him.”

In November, Santos, 34, was elected in the 3rd Congressional District, which includes some Long Island suburbs and a small part of the New York City borough of Queens. He became the first non-incumbent, openly gay Republican to win a seat to Congress. But weeks after helping Republicans secure their razor-thin House majority, Santos is now under investigation for fabricating large swaths of his biography. His campaign spending is also being scrutinized.

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He has shown no signs of stepping aside. Last week, Santos was asked on Fox News about the “blatant lies” and responded that he had “made a mistake.”

The top House Republican, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, who is running to become House speaker now that the GOP will hold the majority, has not said what action, if any, he might take against Santos.

Brady said if he headed a committee that Santos was set to serve on, “right now, he would not be on the committee.”

The congressman also said that “we’re a country of second chances. And when people are willing to turn their life around and own up to this and do what it takes and earn respect and trust again, you know, we’re willing to do that.” Brady said he was hopeful that Santos “chooses the right path here.”

Questions were raised about Santos last month when The New York Times published an investigation into his resume and found a number of major discrepancies. Since then, Santos has admitted lying about having Jewish ancestry, lying about working for Wall Street banks and lying about obtaining a college degree.

Democrats are expected to pursue several avenues against Santos, including a potential complaint with the Federal Election Commission and introducing a resolution to expel him once he’s a sitting member of Congress.


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2022’s most memorable recalls: Are they still in your home?

Latest & Breaking News on Fox News 

Product recalls in the U.S. this year reportedly reached a 20-year high, 

According to Sedgwick, a provider of technical and business information, at the end of September there were 1.22 billion units involved in recalls across the five sectors it tracked: automotive, consumer products, food and drink, medical devices and pharmaceutical. 

That total surpasses the previous record of 1.20 billion set in 2018 – although the numbers then were for the whole year and the U.S. hit that milestone in just three quarters. 

The first quarter, the report noted, experienced the highest number of units recalled in a single quarter over the past two decades.


Compared to the quarterly averages in 2018 for recall events, the year-to-date numbers are lower this year for every sector except consumer products. 

A Dec. 1 release from Sedgewick said that the overall rise had been driven primarily by increases in the average recall size for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. 

Here are some of the year’s most memorable recalls:

In February, Abbott recalled three brands of baby formula after infants became sick. 

Nearly a year after a nationwide shortage, parents are still not able to find formula on store shelves.

“We have been getting less powder, Nutramigen. So, whatever I have, I’m kind of like, can I just feed him less? But then it’s like, you can’t feed a child less because that’s not fair to them,” mother Ellie Johnston told FOX Business. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned in November that one person had died and 13 others had been hospitalized due to a multistate listeria outbreak linked to deli meats and cheeses. 

Seven of the 16 illnesses were found in New York, according to agency data. 


In October, several brands of brie and camembert cheeses made by Old Europe Cheese, Inc. were recalled over a listeria outbreak.

BrandStorm Inc. issued a voluntary recall in July for two lots of its Natierra Organic Freeze-Dried Blueberry pouches “because of the presence or potential presence of lead above the FDA’s recommended limits; per the serving size specified on the nutritional facts panel,” according to the recall. 

Meal service delivery company Daily Harvest temporarily discontinued its French Lentil + Leek Crumbles product in June after several customers posted online that they became severely ill and even went to the emergency room after consuming it.

“At this time, we have identified tara flour as the cause of the issue,” Daily Harvest CEO Rachel Drori said in a July blog post. “We have only used this ingredient in French Lentil + Leek Crumbles and we are no longer sourcing from this producer who does not provide any ingredients for our 140+ other items.”

Nearly 130,000 wall beds that were on the market for about eight years were recalled in April after one fell on a 79-year-old woman in 2018 and killed her, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). 

The company also received 60 reported incidents “resulting in bruising and other injuries from the wall beds detaching and hitting consumers,” according to the recall. 

Fox Business’ Kayla Bailey, Anders Hagstrom, Daniella Genovese and Reuters contributed to this report.


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Have a spy on your phone? Take steps now!

Latest & Breaking News on Fox News 

I read every single note from people like you who need a hand with something digital. Many people ask how to remove their information on creepy people search sites. Tap or click here for a list of sites where you should delete details like your home or cellphone number, email address and physical address.

What about all the info that pops up when you Google yourself? Google will remove some for you, but there are other methods for info you want to hide. Tap or click for a guide to take back your privacy.

What could you do with $500? You could win a $500 Amazon Gift Card on my site. Enter now at!

One common theme lately is from people worried someone is spying on their phones. If that rings true, keep reading. You can drop me your questions on my site here

With iOS 16, Apple introduced Safety Check. This robust security setting lets you quickly stop sharing your information or review and update sharing with people and apps.

You may have shared access to certain things with someone in the past — or they could have given over access without you realizing it.

You can use Safety Check to:


Another helpful Safety Check tool is Manage Sharing & Access. You can review and reset information you’re sharing with people, review and reset the information apps have access to, and update your device and Apple ID security.

Here’s how to use Safety Check to review the information you’re sharing:

To stop sharing information with other people:

Tap Continue, then do any of the following:

From there, tap Done. You’re all set.

Emergency Reset is another tool within Safety Check. Use it to stop sharing everything immediately. It also allows you to review and reset settings associated with your Apple ID.

This excellent option if you are in a dangerous or abusive relationship or need reassurance that your phone is locked down quickly.

Here’s how to use Emergency Reset:

Got locked out of your Apple ID account? Tap or click here for instructions to recover it.

Do a factory reset

If your phone is infected with spyware or other malware watching what you do, your best bet is a full factory reset. Tap or click here for steps to do that on an iPhone, Google Pixel or Samsung model.

How do you know if malware is to blame? There are warning signs like your device heating up when you’re not using it, more data usage than usual, and unexplained activity in your accounts. Tap or click here for red flags you’re being watched.

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Plus, fast charger secrets, the feds crack down on social media censorship, how to find the best router, and the best way to keep your cellphone number private. 

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Is Pete Buttigieg’s political future grounded forever after Southwest holiday travel disaster?

Latest & Breaking News on Fox News 

The Christmas travel nightmare involving Southwest Airlines left a wide wake of destruction with long-lasting implications. From frustrated travelers on the nearly 16,000 canceled flights to the reputation of the once-popular airline to the political future of Pete Buttigieg – it’s been a tough week for all involved.

Americans’ memories tend to be short, but this fiasco will leave behind serious scar tissue. Those passengers who missed family gatherings will always remember this episode, especially after the last two holiday seasons were curtailed by the pandemic. 

Southwest and its leadership will face tough questions about their outdated technology and misplaced priorities. At the top of that list is their obsession with going green and shoveling millions of dollars toward “carbon neutrality” to appease the woke crowd. No word yet on how many emissions were saved this week amid the mass grounding of flights. 

For Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, the headaches are only just beginning. Critics are questioning the credentials of a 40-year-old former mayor of a city of 100,000 residents to oversee an agency with nearly 60,000 employees.


Already, he has become a pinata within his own party. For an ambitious and talented politician with his eye on higher office, this spells trouble. The Bernie Sanders-aligned wing of the party has been especially noisy. Nina Turner, who co-chaired Sanders’ 2020 campaign, accused Buttigieg of “failing up.” 

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., another co-chair, accused Buttigieg of ignoring his warnings, tweeting, “this mess with Southwest could have been avoided.”

Some Republicans have piled on with their own criticism – largely focused on the $7 billion dollars Southwest received from taxpayers in COVID aid – but the more pointed critiques have come from Buttigieg’s left, which makes sense. 

Having exceeded all expectations in 2020, Buttigieg is viewed as a rising star, a name to watch in the coming years. His move from deep red Indiana, where Democrats are going extinct, to neighboring blue Michigan only fueled that speculation.


Initially, Buttigieg’s cabinet position was seen as a stepping stone to higher office. Like Vice President Kamala Harris, it has become a political lead balloon.

The Southwest fiasco was not the first blemish on his resume. It was the latest episode in a growing pattern of events. In 2021, the term “supply chain” morphed from an esoteric term in a textbook to real life pain for frustrated consumers waiting for goods that used to be readily available. This year it was revealed Buttigieg was vacationing in Portugal while back home heated rail contract negotiations veered toward a strike.


Meanwhile, the current standard bearer of the Democratic Party, an 80-year-old Joe Biden, faces ongoing questions about his ability to wage another national campaign. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll found that just 8% of respondents called 66-80 years old an ideal age for a president.

Yes, Biden’s Democrats enjoyed a far more successful midterm election than anyone expected, but his approval rating remains stuck closer to 40 than 50. Should he run again, Biden won’t have the cover of COVID to keep him out of the spotlight.

To be sure, Buttigieg remains a talented politician in a political party with an exceedingly shallow bench in desperate need of some younger faces. It’s not out of the question he could spin this entire episode into a net positive. 

But one thing is clear: he will need to take it head-on. For almost every Democrat (and sadly too many Republicans), the federal government is the immediate scapegoat to every problem under the sun – even in the private sector. Gone are the days of free markets and letting consumers punish Southwest by choosing other airlines.

For a Democratic Party soon in search of its next leader, Christmas 2022 could be a make-or-break moment for one of the potential contenders.



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Biden’s “Diplomacy” in Yemen Means Taking Saudi Arabia’s Side — and Could Spark All-Out War

The Intercept 

When Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., called for a vote on a war powers resolution that would block U.S. support for the Saudi-led war effort in Yemen, the Biden administration immediately pushed back. The resolution, the White House warned, would upset diplomatic efforts and bring about the war it was trying to end.

“The Administration strongly opposes the Yemen War Powers Resolution on a number of grounds, but the bottom line is that this resolution is unnecessary and would greatly complicate the intense and ongoing diplomacy to truly bring an end to the conflict,” read White House talking points circulated privately. “In 2019, diplomacy was absent and the war was raging. That is not the case now. Thanks to our diplomacy which remains ongoing and delicate, the violence over nearly nine months has effectively stopped.”

The White House’s claims that its diplomacy is working, however, are undercut by its own political moves and the reality on the ground. President Joe Biden’s envoy for the conflict has consistently sided with the Saudi coalition against the Houthi movement that controls much of the country. And though a ceasefire during the spring and summer provided a respite in civilian casualties due to bombings, the ongoing Saudi blockade and economic warfare against Yemenis perpetuates the humanitarian crisis in the country — which the United Nations has deemed the worst in the world.

Without taking an even-handed approach to the conflict in search of a political solution and the mitigation of the humanitarian crisis, the Biden administration’s machinations can hardly be considered good-faith efforts at diplomacy, critics of U.S. policy in the conflict said.

“There’s been no diplomatic progress whatsoever,” Jamal Benomar, the U.N. special envoy for Yemen until 2015, told The Intercept. “There’s been no political process, no negotiations, or even a prospect of them. So an all-out war can resume at any time.”

“There’s been no diplomatic progress whatsoever. There’s been no political process, no negotiations, or even a prospect of them.”

The divisions in Yemen — with the Saudi coalition controlling southern oil fields and ports, and the Houthi-led government controlling territory in the north that houses some 80 percent of the country’s 30 million residents — are only growing more entrenched. Instead of asking concessions of its allies in the Saudi coalition, the administration’s one-sidedness has contributed to the breakdown of diplomacy.

Though violence has not returned to earlier levels since the expiration of the ceasefire in October, fighting continues along some of the war’s frontlines. The Houthis have warned that their restraint won’t last long amid the current impasse and continued blockade of fuel imports; if the embargo is not eased, they said, they will reciprocally blockade a nearby waterway crucial to the global oil markets. The situation is only growing more explosive.

“There’s been a lull in the fighting, but since there was no concerted effort to move the political process forward, the lull is a temporary one and all sides are preparing for the worst,” said Benomar. “The situation is extremely fragile because Yemen has fragmented now and you have different areas of Yemen under the control of different warlords.”


The largely diplomatic push cited by the White House in opposing the Sanders war powers resolution — a so-far ineffective push that gives Saudi Arabia room to maneuver — follows a pattern it has held since early in the administration, when Biden pledged to work toward ending “offensive operations” to the Yemen war, and Saudi Arabia engaged in its most aggressive bombing campaign under the rubric of “defensive operations.”

Under such conditions, progress toward a treaty has remained elusive. While the Houthi movement has steadily gained territory — and political support in the country — the Saudi-backed government and other allied militia groups maintained control of oil-rich areas and ports in the south, enabling the punishing blockade. Biden balked at calls to pressure Saudi into easing the blockade when it sparked the worst fuel crisis in Yemeni history. Instead, when administration officials have commented, they have avoided naming the Saudis, calling instead on “all parties” to allow unhindered import of fuel.

As the blockade continued and the fuel crisis worsened, the Houthis attacked the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in late January 2022 in two separate attacks, with one reaching a U.S. military base. In March, the Houthis targeted a storage site belonging to the Saudi national oil company, marking the second boldest attack against Saudi oil facilities. Instead of convincing the Saudis to deescalate, the Biden administration pledged to defend Riyadh and Abu Dhabi against what they’ve called the “terrorist” attacks.

Yet the threat to the global oil supply was becoming clear, a risk the White House was uninterested in running amid both a midterm election and a war between Russia and Ukraine. A week after the attack on Saudi’s oil infrastructure, the United Nations, backed by the U.S., managed to have all parties agree on a truce that would allow for talks on a settlement to the yearslong conflict. “The Saudis accepted the truce after belatedly realizing that they were losing in an expensive quagmire,” said Bruce Riedel, a veteran CIA analyst and Brookings Institution senior fellow, in an email. “Biden’s team helped get them to that point along with a lot of help from the UN and Oman.”

The two-month truce allowed for a halt to all Saudi airstrikes and ground fighting and an ease on fuel imports to north Yemen, in return for a halt to Houthi missile and drone strikes on Saudi Arabia.

No Renewal

The ceasefire largely held up and kept getting renewed until October 2, when the Houthi government refused to renew it again.

The Houthi government laid blame with Riyadh and the U.S. for avoiding the issue most important to the Houthi-led coalition: monthly salary payments of the state employees. Since 2016, the Saudi-backed government relocated the Central Bank of Yemen to territory it controls, accusing the Houthi government of diverting the bank’s funds to the war effort, a charge international observers and aid groups found baseless. The Saudi-backed government promised to keep the bank’s policy of paying all public servants, estimated at 1 million employees who support around 10 million others, but it broke its word, denying millions of Yemenis their only source of income.

The Houthi-led coalition put the salary payment issue as a condition to renew the deal, but the Saudis agreed only on paying workers in the health and educational sectors. The Houthis maintained that the revenues from oil exports in areas under the Saudi-backed government, which would account for nearly 70 percent of Yemen’s budget, should be allocated for the pay of all public servants. No Biden-led diplomacy — intense, delicate, ongoing, or otherwise — could persuade the Saudis to stop diverting Yemeni public-servant money back to Riyadh.

Little progress has been made on the question of paying public servants. The U.N. Security Council, Britain, the European Union, and the U.S. called the Houthi government demand to pay all public servants “unrealistic” and “maximalist.” During a congressional hearing in December, Biden’s Yemen envoy Tim Lenderking blamed the Houthi government for the current impasse, slamming “the last-minute Houthi demand that the Yemeni Government divert its limited oil export revenues to pay the salaries of active Houthi combatants.”

What the U.S. deemed unrealistic has in fact been a demand of Democrats on Capitol Hill. What Sanaa demanded as a condition to renew the deal wasn’t impossible or even unrealistic. A group of 16 senators — along with many aid groups — called on Biden in May 2021 to end the Saudi blockade. While the Biden administration angled to keep the blockade as leverage in negotiations, the senators said the embargo “must end today and be decoupled from ongoing negotiations.”

For critics, the Biden administration’s stance — considering the payments to Yemeni public servants too great a cost for establishing a new ceasefire — isn’t a serious approach to ending the war.

“These demands benefit ordinary Yemeni workers, not the Sana’a government itself,” said Shireen Al-Adeimi, an assistant professor at Michigan State University and a nonresident fellow at the Quincy Institute, referring to the Houthi government in the capital of Sana’a. “What’s ‘unrealistic’ and even cruel, however, is to continue denying millions of public servants their salaries for multiple years and to derail ceasefire negotiations because of a humanitarian, not a political or military, demand.”

Diplomacy to Nowhere

The relative calm in fighting and a halt to bombing witnessed since April has been rare. Its impact on the most vulnerable, however, has been small. Much of the Yemeni suffering has been caused by the blockade and other economic warfare tactics, not the bullets and bombs.

The status quo leaves the Houthis little incentive to maintain a truce that delivers misery to the population it governs without any serious concessions around the blockade or payments to public-service employee payments. In return, the Houthi government has offered to cease its bombings of Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners. Saudi, emboldened by White House support, agreed on only easing restrictions on fuel imports.

Late last month, Omani negotiators were back in northern Yemen, urging the Houthis to sit down with the Saudis to discuss both issues. Abdulmalik al-Houthi, the Houthi movement’s leader and the one calling the shots, rejected the offer as another Saudi bid to evade addressing the economic crisis first, which he and his aides stressed should be decoupled from any other issues being negotiated. The Houthi message was simple, according to a source briefed on the talks: Pay the salaries of all public servants, lift the blockade on the northern port of Hodeidah and Sanaa airport, and then the parties can sit together to negotiate other terms.

The Saudis and the Emirates, however, seem unlikely to budge. So far, they have only granted concessions in the face of violence directed at Abu Dhabi and at Saudi oil fields, not through Biden-led negotiations.

That may be the dynamic at the heart of the White House’s opposition to the Sanders war powers resolution: Without U.S. support for its warplanes, the Saudis would be effectively grounded, perhaps emboldening the Houthis, who are poised to relaunch strikes and send global oil markets spinning to win an end to the blockade. So far, Houthi attacks intended as warnings have dissuaded tanker captains from offloading millions of barrels of crude oil that would have otherwise benefited the Saudi-backed government.

Facing the reality of the Houthis escalating their attacks, the Biden administration could dig in and refuse to meet reasonable Houthi demands while fending off congressional opposition to the war. Or the White House could pressure the Saudis into a genuine end to the war. In fighting the Sanders resolution, the White House has chosen to dig in. The Biden administration diplomacy is “ongoing,” but it’s not clear it’s going anywhere — making a resurgence of violence now seem inevitable.

The post Biden’s “Diplomacy” in Yemen Means Taking Saudi Arabia’s Side — and Could Spark All-Out War appeared first on The Intercept.

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Georgia ends national championship drought and more headlines that topped college football in 2022

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When you spend your life watching sports, you begin to understand exactly what each sport brings to the table.

The NBA brings a connection to the youth of today, of being consistently introduced to the next batch of above-the-rim stars as 19-year-olds take over the league.

Major League Baseball is nostalgic, reminding you of the simpler times – when “baseball was life” and the only thing that mattered was the bat, ball and the glove. 

The NFL is deeply rooted, with fandom passed on from father to child regardless of the pain it may bring. 


And then there’s college football.

It’s the sport that brings us back to our best days each Saturday during the fall. When our adult lives were just getting started, our eyes wide with innocence as the world was splayed in front of us, ripe for the picking.

You see, college football provides the deepest connection with its fans.

Fans either attended the university they cheer for or they have a family or regional tie so deep that the school is part of their soul.

Since each collegiate roster gets a fresh crop of players every four years, the allegiance is not really to the players. It’s to the colors, to the college town that holds such a special spot in our souls. 


College football allows us to see the different parts of our beautiful country that make the United States the best darn country in the history of mankind.

From the Pacific Northwest to The Plains, down through the bayou and into the Deep South, each weekend of college football gives us a glimpse into a different culture.

Each corner wonderfully American in its own way.

Each with a unique tie to college football.

So, let’s take a dive into the wonderful ride that was the 2022 college football season.

It was finally time for the student to defeat the teacher.

After suffering its first defeat of the season to Nick Saban and Alabama in the SEC Championship Game, Kirby Smart won the only game that mattered, defeating Alabama 33-18 in the national championship game.


Former walk-on Stetson Bennett threw for 224 yards and two touchdowns, and the Bulldogs snapped a 40-year championship drought.

“How about this university? How about these fans? This is a special moment for the University of Georgia, a special moment for this team,” Smart said in his postgame interview.

It was Smart’s first win against Saban and just the second time the seven-time national champion had been defeated by a former assistant.

With name, image and likeness taking over college football, it was inevitable that feelings were going to be hurt.

Texas A&M had a monster offseason, with Jimbo Fisher bringing in the top-ranked class of 2022.


The grumblings began early that A&M was “buying” its players, a rumor that Nick Saban seemed to get behind.

At a May conference, Saban said Texas A&M “bought every player on their team.”

Fisher didn’t appreciate the accusation and called a press conference in order to refute the claim and blast Saban in the process.

“Some people think they’re God. Go dig into how God did His deal. You may find out about a guy, a lot of things you don’t want to know. We build him up to be this czar of football. Go dig into his past or anybody who’s ever coached with him. You can find out anything you want to find out what he does and how he does it,” Fisher said.

“I don’t cheat. I don’t lie. If you did my old man slapped me across the face. Maybe someone should have slapped him (Saban),” Fisher said.

The two reportedly put the spat behind them, but it sure did make for some offseason fun. 

UCLA playing at Rutgers? USC taking on Penn State in Happy Valley? 

It may sound strange, but it’s time to get used to the two West Coast programs playing in the middle of the country each year. 

The Trojans and the Bruins announced that they will join the Big Ten in August 2024, leaving the Pac-12 to wonder what will become of West Coast football. 

It had been nearly 16 years and six coaches since Tennessee last beat Alabama.

But on a beautiful fall day in Knoxville, the Vols finally vanquished their Nick Saban demons. 

In a game that will go down as one of the great regular season college football games of all time, No. 6 Tennessee beat No. 3 Alabama 52-49 at Neyland Stadium. 


After a wild four quarters, Tennessee kicker Chase McGrath nailed a 40-yard field goal as the clock expired and Neyland Stadium emptied onto the field. 

“This is college football at its absolute best,” Vols coach Josh Heupel said. “We were the best team on the field tonight. That’s all we can control.”

Tennessee had been 0-15 against Saban since he took over at Alabama in 2007, and the win catapulted the Vols to the No. 1 spot in the CFP rankings for the first time in program history.


Two weeks later, it all came crashing down in Athens as Georgia handled quarterback Hendon Hooker and Tennessee. 

Two weeks after that, South Carolina ended Tennessee’s national championship hopes by hanging 63 points on ol’ Rocky Top. 

But the verdict was already in – Tennessee is back. And college football is better for it. 

It took a few months of negotiating, but the College Football Playoff will expand to 12 teams starting in the 2024-25 season. 

The College Football Playoff Board of Managers voted to expand the playoff to 12 teams in September, with an eye on the 2026 season for the first year with the expanded field. 


But the Rose Bowl’s decision to amend its contract for the 2024 and 2025 seasons allows the CFP to expand from four teams to 12 officially in 2024. 

There are certainly going to be those who oppose the new format, as it’s nothing more than a money grab for the schools and conferences. 

But will anyone be complaining when there are more meaningful playoff games in December? It’s doubtful. 

It was only a matter of time before an FBS school gave Deion Sanders a shot. 

After going 27-6 at FCS Jackson State, Sanders will look to revitalize the once-proud program in Boulder as he becomes the next head coach at Colorado


The Colorado program has fallen on hard times, firing head coach Karl Dorrell after an 0-5 start to the season. The Buffs ended their 2022 campaign 1-8 in the Pac-12 and were blown out by Utah in their final game, 63-21. 

Sanders’ arrival in Boulder has already brought energy to the program, with Prime Time getting two 2023 ESPN 300 recruits and the commitment of his son, quarterback Shedeur Sanders. 

The college football world was devastated on Dec. 12 when it learned that Mississippi State head coach Mike Leach died of complications from a heart condition. 

Leach, known affectionately as “The Pirate,” was one of college football’s most eccentric personalities. 

Leach spent 21 years as a head coach, with stops at Texas Tech and Washington State before becoming the head coach in Starkville in 2020. 


He went 158-107 in his 21 seasons, going 8-9 in bowl games. 

Well known for the “Air Raid” offense, Leach has an impressive coaching tree, with Arizona Cardinals’ Kliff Kingsbury, USC head coach Lincoln Riley, TCU’s Sonny Dykes, Tennessee’s Josh Heupel, and Houston’s Dana Holgorsen all coaching under Leach. 

“There’s a ball game going on right now in heaven,” former Oklahoma head coach Bob Stoops said at Leach’s memorial. “And can’t you just see Mike? It’s 4th & 2, he’s on his own 40, and you know he’s going for it.”

No. 1 Georgia was matched up against No. 4 Ohio State, while No. 2 Michigan went up against No. 3 TCU – the newcomer to the CFP – on New Year’s Eve. 


The Bulldogs got the opportunity to become the first to win back-to-back national championships since Alabama did it in 2011-12. 

It’s been a wild ride in college football since January 2021, and it isn’t close to being over. 

Enjoy bowl season. There’s nothing better than being a college football fan. 


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