Biden will meet with families of Americans held hostage in Gaza

International News | The Hill 

President Biden said he plans to meet virtually with families of Americans held hostage in Gaza.

“I think they have to know that the president of the United States of America cares deeply about what’s happening, deeply,” Biden said in a clip from a “60 Minutes” interview released Friday. “We have to communicate to the world this is critical. This is not even human behavior.”

“It’s pure barbarism. And we’re gonna do everything in our power to get them home if we can find them,” he continued.

The full interview is set to air this weekend.

The administration faces trouble in trying to free American hostages, however. The U.S. designates Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that took the hostages, as a terrorist organization and has no direct relations with it. Gaza is also being targeted by Israel in airstrikes.

Biden confirmed that Americans were among the over 100 hostages taken Saturday.

He has taken a strong pro-Israel stance in the conflict, supporting Israel’s right to respond with force.

“In this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel,” Biden said in remarks Tuesday from the State Dining Room. “And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself and respond to this attack. There’s no justification for terrorism. There’s no excuse.” 

The death toll in the conflict is over 2,800 lives on both sides. A ground offensive in Gaza by Israel is expected, which could bring further casualties for the two sides. 


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