Biden ‘complicit with the attacks’ from Hamas, given his behavior toward Iran: Sen. Tim Scott

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Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott called out what he considered “complicity” from President Biden following Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, after the Palestinian terror group launched assaults across the Gaza border that included armed militants on hang-gliders.

Scott, a South Carolina senator, told FOX News that Biden’s overtures toward Iran – which is suspected of liability in the attacks by-proxy via its funding of Hamas – are the connection in that regard.

On “The Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham asked Scott how he would characterize the Biden administration’s “efforts to kind of downplay what Iran has done” in regard to Hamas.

“It makes them complicit,” Scott replied. “You think about the fact that [Biden’s] weakness invited the attacks without any question. His negotiations – the $6 billion he gave to Iran helped to fund the attacks.”


“And his first statements out of the administration was telling them to refrain from responding. That is insanity. But it also makes Biden complicit with the attacks.”

Shortly after Palestinian insurgents began murdering Israelis, the Jerusalem-based U.S. Office for Palestinian Affairs put out a statement condemning the attacks of “Hamas terrorists and the loss of life” but also urged “all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks.”

The message was later deleted after the latter part was met with swift backlash, and it was replaced with one saying it is “monitoring the security situation.”

In an NBC News interview over the weekend, Secretary of State Antony Blinken notably said in-part he didn’t have “anything that shows us that Iran was directly involved in this attack.”

On FOX News, Scott said the entire situation makes him concerned of a “mass plan” on the radical left:


“When you think about our southern border: wide open, insecure and unsafe, you think about the funding that they send over to Iran. You put all that together. What do you see? You see ‘The Squad’ out there with their anti-Semitism. You see all the strategies coming together for one purpose: The purpose is power. There is something sinister in nature in the midst of all this.”

Scott’s fellow Republican senator, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, similarly told FOX News on Sunday that Biden’s handling of Iran sanctions, and the aforementioned $6 billion in a South Korean account being released under earmark for humanitarian purposes, has amounted to appeasement to a regime now potentially responsible for funding terror attacks on civilians.

Scott later told Ingraham that other Biden administration officials are projecting American weakness toward our adversaries.


He cited Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s recent trip to China, saying she did not bring up any major issues to the Xi government.

“We want to just get along. And Joe Biden is singing ‘Kum Ba Yah’. That is a wrong strategy,” he said, adding America needs a stronger president to stand up against threats like China and Hamas.

He said China’s purchases of U.S. farmland and recent aerial incursions by the CCP are not a depiction of Chinese strength, but Biden’s own weakness.

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