NYC Mayor Eric Adams slams handling of migrant crisis as 'a real embarrassment' on a national level

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, D, said Tuesday the migrant crisis in the U.S. was a “real embarrassment” and added that it was “unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation.”

Adams joined the host of local radio affiliate WABC’s “Sid and Friends in the Morning,” Sid Rosenberg, on Tuesday. Rosenberg asked about the status of the migrant crisis in New York. 

“It’s a real embarrassment, I believe, on a national level, and we must have an appropriate response. We have had conversations around the issues on migrants for decades. This is a national issue. It must have a national response,” Adams said. 

The radio host also noted Adams had asked President Biden for $1 billion in emergency funding to help deal with the influx of migrants in New York City. 

New York Mayor Eric Adams speaks during a news conference at City Hall in New York City Jan. 24, 2022. 

New York Mayor Eric Adams speaks during a news conference at City Hall in New York City Jan. 24, 2022. 
(REUTERS/Brendan McDermid)


“This is a Biden issue, a Democrat issue that now folks like you have to deal with. To be specific and fair, that’s just the truth,” Rosenberg said. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent several buses full of migrants to New York City in the last few months.

Adams said the president had an obligation to deal with the “immediate concerns” but that Congress needed to act as well.  

“But when we talk about immigration, it is going to take a combination of the executive and the legislative body. We have to address this,” Adams said. 

The New York City mayor added that no city should have to decide between providing for their citizens and dealing with an “onslaught of migrants and asylum seekers.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams during a New York State Financial Control Board meeting Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. The New York State Financial Control Board discussed the Fiscal Year 2023 adopted budget and financial plan. 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams during a New York State Financial Control Board meeting Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022. The New York State Financial Control Board discussed the Fiscal Year 2023 adopted budget and financial plan. 
(Photographer: Stephanie Keith/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


“This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation. We’ve done our job. There’s no more room at the end, but we are compelled by local laws here that we must provide shelter and continue to move in the right direction,” he said. 

A bus from Texas carrying migrants arrives in New York City.

A bus from Texas carrying migrants arrives in New York City.
(Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)


New York City was struggling to find shelter for over 30,000 migrants in December and sent the emergency funding request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 

Adams declared a state of emergency due to the crisis in October. 


Ex-Waffle House employee recalls fighting 'extremely drunk' customer in viral brawl: 'Adrenaline and instinct'

A former Austin, Texas Waffle House employee, who became a viral online sensation after coolly deflecting a chair that was chucked at her during a melee, told Fox News Tuesday that her superiors rewarded her by writing her up for property damage, and she has since been blacklisted by the restaurant chain.

“Waffle House” was trending on Twitter last week after a video of a female employee catching and slapping down a chair during a brawl at one of the chain’s restaurants in Austin, Texas surfaced online.

Halie Booth, dubbed the “Waffle House Wendy” for her quick reflexes and impressive deflection, spoke out in an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Tuesday, offering her side of what went on that night and how she was treated by the chain in the months following the incident.


Waffle House Employee Halie Booth catches the chair hurled at her.

Waffle House Employee Halie Booth catches the chair hurled at her.

In a video posted online, Booth said that the brawl began when a large group walked in and sat in a section of the restaurant that was closed off. After being told that the section was closed off, the customers continued to sit there and started demanding service, she explained.

As the only cook on site that night, Booth was struggling to keep up with the influx of orders coming in, she told Carlson. The group, she said, appeared to be “extremely drunk” and rowdy.

“All I know is they were extremely drunk, or at least intoxicated, and it was a slow night,” she recalled. “I was the only cook. And there was about 30-40 people in there that I had to cook for by myself. It was moving slow. Drunk and impatience creates a volatile situation.”

A Waffle House in the area of Conway, South Carolina. A Waffle House employee at the location fended off two armed attackers with a pistol, police said. 

A Waffle House in the area of Conway, South Carolina. A Waffle House employee at the location fended off two armed attackers with a pistol, police said. 
(Google Maps)

Booth said the girls started “hollering” and demanded employees take their orders, and after a while, she told the customers they could leave. However, they chose not to leave, she explained, and instead demanded that she, “the White girl,” cook their food. As the demands continued, the tensions grew with one girl wearing leopard patterned clothing throwing silverware, kicking plates and kicking food, Booth said.


After Booth threw the sugar shaker at the woman, the customer climbed onto the counter and fell onto the other side. She was then removed from the cooking area, at which point she grabbed a chair and threw it at Booth. That is when Booth calmly caught the chair with one hand, smacking it down to the ground.

“It all happened so fast. It was mainly a pure rush of adrenaline and instinct that had me going,” Booth told Carlson.

Instead of applauding her composure at the moment, Booth said her boss came in to watch the security footage and wrote her up for throwing the sugar shaker, which she said amounted to “destruction of property.”

“I actually didn’t get any bonus of it. The only thing that I did get from the fight was a write-up for breaking the sugar shaker. You know, telling them – them telling me, you know, hey, we’re going to write you up for the sugar shaker, but you did a good job protecting the store, making sure that you were all right,” she said.

However, when Booth tried to get a job at a Waffle House restaurant in a different state two months later, she was told she had been blacklisted from the restaurant chain, she told Carlson.


“Two months after the fight, my relationship was getting more serious, so I moved out of the city. They had told me I’m always welcome back at that store, you know, we’re glad to have you back, you always have a place here. And about six months later, when I went to apply at another Waffle House in North Carolina, I found out that I was blacklisted and on the do not hire list.”

Still, Booth told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” she did not believe the brawl had anything to do with her alleged blacklisting but was more of a “if we can’t have you, no one can” scenario. She has started a new Twitter page called “The Real WWendy,” or Waffle House Wendy, under the user @WitchDragon5 to discuss the experience.

A GoFundMe page was also set up for her, quickly surpassing its $5,000 goal for Booth to use “however she wants.”

She said she chose not to press charges against the woman who assaulted her with the chair.

Fox News’ Greg Whener contributed to this report.


Florida alleged burglars call 911 for help 'moving their belongings,' get caught by owners: sheriff

Law enforcement officials in Florida arrested two alleged burglars after they called 911 to ask for help “moving their belongings” from a home that wasn’t theirs.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.

Deputies said that the couple was in the residence because they were looking for a place to sleep for the night.

“Post Miranda, Martin stated on a recorded statement he did commit the burglary at the Dollar General because he needed to get items to sell it to make money,” an arrest affidavit states. “Martin stated he knew what he did was wrong, but needed the money. Martin stated he knew the residence was not his and did not have permission to be in, but had to get inside to get out of the cold.”


The Polk County Sheriff's Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.
(Polk County Sheriff’s Office)

Roldan-Oscasio told deputies that she called 911 in order to have law enforcement move items from the house which they burglarized, the sheriff’s office said.

“Deputies DID help them with their belongings, and DID give them a ride, but it wasn’t to the airport … it was to the Polk Pokey,” the sheriff’s office said. “And they are welcome to stay there all weekend long. The Polk Pokey is much better than New York anyway.” 


Roldan-Oscasio was charged with burglary of a residence and Gonzalez-Garcia is being charged with burglary and theft as well as burglary of a residence.

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JESSE WATTERS: 'Mini-Madoff' took millions in 'rat poison' and fed it to Joe Biden

Fox News host Jesse Watters warns Sam Bankman-Fried is in “trouble” if there is any similarity between his case and Bernie Madoff’s scheme involving the mob’s money on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”

A new Netflix documentary says Bernie Madoff was taking millions of dollars in from criminals – everybody from drug cartels to Russian mobsters. And when they all came knocking on Bernie’s door to have it back, he didn’t have it. Instead of paying up, the documentary says Madoff pled guilty to 150-year prison sentence so he wouldn’t get whacked. Remember, Madoff just confessed, said I did it, said send me away. If Madoff for years was able to get away with taking in mob money, drug money, right under the nose of the feds, just imagine what’s going on in crypto, the currency notorious with mobsters, sex traffickers and hackers. Warren Buffett’s right-hand man calls it “rat poison.” 


Sam Bankman-Fried leaves Federal Court in New York City on Thursday, December 22, 2022. The former CEO of FTX and Alameda has been released on $250M bail.

Sam Bankman-Fried leaves Federal Court in New York City on Thursday, December 22, 2022. The former CEO of FTX and Alameda has been released on $250M bail.
(Charles Guerin/Abaca for Fox News Digital)

The Democratic Party must love them some “rat poison” because Sam “Mini-Madoff” took millions in rat poison and fed it to Joe Biden. Did drug money buy the Democrats the Senate? Oh, just look for yourself. $41 million right into the Democrats’ dirty war chest. Where’d the stolen crypto money come from? Well, if we’re learning anything from Bernie Madoff’s story, it’s that this is a lot of dirty, stolen money and people are dying over it. 


In the past few months, there’s been a slew of crypto executives dropping dead. Yeah. One died in his sleep, another died from a helicopter crash and the other one died drowning in Puerto Rico. Is this all a coincidence? Well, we don’t know. But we do know if Mini’s investors were cartels and mobsters, Mini’s in some trouble and so are all the other crypto brokers who lost the mob’s money.

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New York Times mocked for essay on short people being better for the planet: 'Ridiculous'

Fox News host Dana Perino called out the New York Times after it published an op-ed insisting that shorter people are better for the climate and mating with them will potentially save the planet.

DANA PERINO: I think that the things in The New York Times is ridiculous. Remember, this is a company that ran The New York Times editorial editor out of a job. Michael Bennet’s brother, Senator Michael Bennet’s brother, James Bennet, because he dared to allow Senator Tom Cotton to have an op-ed in The New York Times. That is valuable, coveted journalism space and The New York Times falls for it every time it does something like this. But I clicked because I was curious. I wanted to know about it. 


And I just told the story earlier this morning, but I’ll tell it again for the viewers at home. On our trip, we were staying in a very nice hotel and the bathroom had a motion light, right? So when you walk in it’s supposed to… well, it couldn’t detect me. 


So whenever I walked in, I had to wave my arm around, but it would turn off every 30 seconds. So every 30 seconds I had to lean my arm out of the shower. And I’m still here. I’m still here. So, you know, it’s not all that great for the “shorts” yet. 

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Farmers slam Biden over latest eco regulation targeting businesses: 'Federal overreach'

Organizations representing American farmers slammed a recent Biden administration regulation repeals a Trump-era action regarding how natural water sources in the U.S. are protected.

The groups argued that the rule would increase uncertainty and pose regulatory roadblocks for farmers. On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the rule change, redefining which “waters of the United States” are federally protected under the Clean Water Act. 

EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the regulation change “safeguards our nation’s waters, strengthens economic opportunity, and protects people’s health.” But critics of the move said it would lead to increased federal scrutiny of how farmers and other landowners treat water sources on their property such as ravines and creeks, creating additional costs.

“AFBF is extremely disappointed in the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers’ new Waters of the United States Rule,” said Zippy Duvall, the president of the American Farm Bureau Federation. “Farmers and ranchers share the goal of protecting the nation’s waterways, but they deserve rules that don’t require a team of attorneys and consultants to identify ‘navigable waters’ on their land.” 


Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan speaks in Greensboro, Nort Carolina, on April 14.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan speaks in Greensboro, Nort Carolina, on April 14.
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

“EPA has doubled down on the old significant nexus test, creating more complicated regulations that will impose a quagmire of regulatory uncertainty on large areas of private farmland miles from the nearest navigable water,” Duvall continued.

He added that the regulation would threaten progress that has been made on natural resource management and “will make it more difficult for farmers and ranchers to ensure food security” for American families.


The battle over how to define protected water sources in the U.S. stretches back nearly a decade. During the Obama administration, the EPA issued a rule broadly defining waterways in an effort to reduce water pollution. Then the Trump administration reversed the rule and highlighted which water sources — such as puddles, groundwater, many ditches, farm and stock watering ponds and waste treatment systems — that it wouldn’t consider in need of federal protection.

The Biden administration largely restored the pre-Trump regulations.

A stock image of a farmer inspecting corn in the field.

A stock image of a farmer inspecting corn in the field.

“The EPA’s latest rule on defining ‘waters of the United States’ is a statement of federal overreach that ignores states’ authority to regulate intrastate water quality and the Clean Water Act’s statutory mandate for cooperative federalism,” Ted McKinney, the president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, said in a statement. 

“In turn, although we recognize EPA’s attempt at clarifying through a roster of exemptions, its rule ignores the voices of nearly all in American agriculture who have long been seeking clarity on this issue, especially regarding the debate over what is and is not a navigable water.”


The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) has similarly argued that while its members and farmers broadly are in favor of protecting water sources, drainage and water features that are distant from relatively permanent flowing tributaries shouldn’t be subject to the regulations.

“We are disappointed that EPA moved ahead with its final rule when the Supreme Court will soon render a decision on this matter,” NCGA President Tom Haag said in a statement shared with FOX Business. “The Court’s ruling could negate major elements of this WOTUS rule and will create even more uncertainty for farmers.”

“As farmers, we are the ones who will feel the impact of this rule,” he continued. “Yet, it appears that our comments fell on deaf ears.”

The group also noted that the EPA decided to issue its rule ahead of a key Supreme Court case related to the issue.


“The National Association of Wheat Growers is deeply concerned that the EPA and U.S. Army Corps rushed to get this revised definition out prior to the end of the year instead of waiting for the decision in the Sackett case before the Supreme Court,” Chandler Goule, the CEO of the National Association of Wheat Growers, added. 

“While we continue reviewing the final rule, since the rulemaking process was announced last year, NAWG has stressed that farmers need clarity regarding jurisdiction, recognize important agricultural water features, and more long-term certainty from the courts and administrations,” Goule said.

FOX Business reporter Greg Wehner contributed to this report.


Incoming California congressman to be sworn in on Superman comic

U.S. Rep.-elect Robert Garcia was to be sworn into Congress on Tuesday where he said he would promise allegiance to the Constitution not on a Bible, but a rare “Superman” comic book. 

The incoming California Democrat, who previously served as the mayor of Long Beach, also had a copy of the founding document, a photo of his late parents and his citizenship certificate for his swearing into the House of Representatives.

“Will be proudly sworn-in to Congress on the U.S. Constitution,” Garcia tweeted Tuesday. “Underneath the Constitution will be 3 items that mean a lot to me personally. A photo of my parents who I lost to covid, my citizenship certificate & an original Superman #1 from the @librarycongress.”


Incoming Congressman Robert Garcia of California on Tuesday said he would take his oath of office with several items, including a rare "Superman" comic book.

Incoming Congressman Robert Garcia of California on Tuesday said he would take his oath of office with several items, including a rare “Superman” comic book.
(Robert Garcia / Twitter)

In a statement to the New York Post, Garcia’s spokesperson said he learned to read and write English reading comics about the Man of Steel. 

“Congressman Garcia learned to read and write in English by reading Superman comics so it’s especially exciting he was able to borrow this rare copy from the kind folks at the Library of Congress,” Sara Guerrero, a spokeswoman for Garcia, told the newspaper. 

Fox News Digital has reached out to Garcia’s office. 

The comic Garcia held was published in 1939 and was placed next to other sacred texts used by incoming members of Congress as they took their oaths. The very first comic featuring “Superman” is considered to be a collector’s item. In April, a copy of Superman No. 1 sold at auction for a record-breaking $5.3 million, according to the Post. 

In November, Garcia tweeted images of two “Superman” comics with the caption: “I’m going to have a hard time deciding which one to check out first.”

Robert Garcia, a Democrat, will serve in the House.

Robert Garcia, a Democrat, will serve in the House.
(Roger Garcia / Twitter)

That same month, he tweeted with excitement at the prospect of having access to the Library of Congress. 


“Ok y’all I’m freaking out,” he wrote. “This is the Congressional members reading room in the Library of Congress. I can pull any comic book from what is the largest public comic collection in the country and read them here. Let’s go!”

New members of Congress weren’t sworn in Tuesday when the House adjourned following three rounds of votes without selecting a new speaker. A speaker must be chosen before any new members are inaugurated or business is conducted. 

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Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, and more real-life celeb couples who sizzle on screen

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are one of Hollywood’s most enduring on and off-screen couples.

The actor and the actress, both 66, first met on the set of the sitcom “Bosom Buddies” in 1981. Though Hanks was married at the time, the pair hit it off instantly and became friends.

However, sparks flew when the pair played lovers in the 1985 buddy comedy “Volunteers,” with the “Forrest Gump” star later telling GQ that they immediately had chemistry.

“Rita and I just looked at each other and — kaboing — that was that,” Hanks told outlet, per People magazine . “I asked Rita if it was the real thing for her, and it just couldn’t be denied.”

LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 16: Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks attend the "A Man Called Otto" VIP access photocall at the Corinthia hotel on December 16, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images )

LONDON, ENGLAND – DECEMBER 16: Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks attend the “A Man Called Otto” VIP access photocall at the Corinthia hotel on December 16, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan/Getty Images )
(Dave J Hogan/Getty Images)

Hanks and Wilson have now been married for 34 years and share sons Chet, 32, and Truman, 27. The two-time Academy award winner is also father to son Colin, 45, and daughter, Elizabeth, 40, whom he shared with his late ex-wife Samantha Lewes. 


In addition to maintaining a rock-solid marriage, the two have also continued to collaborate professionally. They were reunited on-screen in the 1993 hit romantic-comedy “Sleepless in Seattle,” though Wilson played Hanks’ sister while Meg Ryan portrayed his character’s love interest.

The two have also enjoyed a successful behind-the-scenes partnership. They produced the hit 2002 romantic comedy “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and its 2016 sequel “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.”

Hanks and Wilson also served as executive producers for CBS sitcom “My Big Fat Greek Life,” in which the actress also made a cameo appearance. 

The two recently joined forces again as producers of the upcoming movie “A Man Called Otto,” which also starred Hanks.

Directed by Marc Forster, the comedy-drama is based on Fredrik Backman’s 2012 novel titled “A Man Called Ove.” During an interview with Gold Derby last month, Wilson told the outlet that the couple had been looking for the right project for Hanks to make his return to the comedy genre for the first time in years.

The “It’s Complicated” star explained that a light bulb went off when they viewed the 2015 Swedish film adaptation of Backman’s novel.

Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks during the filming of "Volunteers" (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis via Getty Images)

Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks during the filming of “Volunteers” (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis via Getty Images)
( Aaron Rapoport/Corbis via Getty Images)

“After 20 minutes, I had that panic moment of like, ‘This is the one. This is the one!’” Wilson told the outlet.

“The next day, we made the call to come and have a meeting or figure out a way to get the rights to it, because I just thought this is the perfect world for him.”

“For 365 nights, I slept with the producer to get the part,” Hanks joked during a Q&A at a screening of “A Man Called Otto” in Los Angeles last month, per People magazine.

In addition to serving as a producer, Wilson also wrote and performed an original song “Till You’re Home” for the movie’s soundtrack. The pair’s son Truman also made his acting debut in the film, playing a younger version of his father.

“A Man Called Otto” follows a grumpy widower who is contemplating suicide until his new neighbor Marisol (Mariana Treviño) barges into his life and makes him a part of her family.

Later this year, Hanks and Wilson will once again appear on the big screen together as part of the star-studded ensemble cast in Wes Anderson’s  romantic comedy “Asteroid City.”

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Hanks shared his thoughts on the key to their marital success.

“The success of our relationship was a matter of timing, maturity and our willingness to have an intimate connection,” Hanks said. When I married Rita, I thought, ‘This is going to require some change on my part.’ I won’t deny that providence was part of us finding each other, but our relationship isn’t magic — the way it’s shown in movies.”

The “Toy Story” star continued, “In real life, our connection is as concrete as me sitting here. Not that marriage doesn’t come close to being hell in a handbasket sometimes. But we both know that no matter what, we’ll be with each other — and we’ll get through it.”

Wilson reflected on the secret to the couple’s long-lasting union in a 2019 interview with Us Weekly.

“We got married, we committed to each other, we love each other and we work hard at our relationship,” she said.

“Not only do we love each other, we really like each other, and we like being together, and we support each other and we keep the communication channels open. That’s always important.”

Here’s a look at five other longtime celebrity couples who sizzle on and off-screen.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

BEVERLY HILLS, CA - NOVEMBER 03:  Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell attend Goldie's Love In For Kids at Ron Burkle's Green Acres Estate on November 3, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California.  

BEVERLY HILLS, CA – NOVEMBER 03:  Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell attend Goldie’s Love In For Kids at Ron Burkle’s Green Acres Estate on November 3, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California.  
((Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images))

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have enjoyed one of Hollywood’s most storied romances over their 39 years together. 

The 77-year-old actress and the 71-year-old actor have also acted together in five films, during which their sparkling chemistry was on full display.

The duo first met in 1966 when they co-starred in the comedy musical western “The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band.”

At the time, Hawn was 21 and Russell was 16.  In 2012, the “Death Becomes Her” star told the BBC Radio 4 that she thought Russell was “adorable, but much too young.” 

However, the pair’s relationship eventually turned romantic when they co-starred in the 1983 film “Swing Shift.” They memorably teamed up a few years later in the beloved romantic comedy “Overboard.”

“We met up again, and I remembered that I liked him very much when I first met him,” Hawn recalled. “We both said we would never go out with another actor so it just shows you never can tell.”

The couple are parents to son Wyatt, 35, and “Escape From New York” star helped raise Hawn’s daughter Kate, 43, and son Oliver, 46, from her previous marriage to actor Bill Hudson, 73. Russell also shares son Boston, 42, with his ex-wife Season Hubley, 71.

Despite their decades-long union, Hawn and Russell have both expressed that they never felt the need to tie the knot.

LOS ANGELES - OCTOBER 1987:  While shooting the movie "Overboard", actors Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell pose for a portrait in October 1987 in Fort Bragg, California. (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES – OCTOBER 1987:  While shooting the movie “Overboard”, actors Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell pose for a portrait in October 1987 in Fort Bragg, California. (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/Getty Images)
(Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/Getty Images)

“A lasting relationship isn’t about marriage. It’s about compatibility and communication. And you both need to want it to work,” “The First Wives Club” actress told Porter magazine in 2015. 

She continued, “If one person does not want it to work, it isn’t going to work. Intention is the key. It’s also about not losing yourself in each other. Being together, two pillars holding up the house and the roof, and being different, not having to agree on everything, learning how to deal with not agreeing. Everything’s a choice.”

Russell spoke glowingly of his wife when they received their side-by-side stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2017.

“To you, I owe my wonderful life. Simply put, Goldie, I cherish you,” the Massachusetts native said during the ceremony. “All of the stars in the sky or the boulevard couldn’t hold a candle to that. There’s no one else I’d rather be next to.”

In 2018, they co-starred in Netflix’s The Christmas Chronicles film series, playing Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, and went on to reprise their roles in the 2020 sequel The Christmas Chronicles 2.

“A new way of being together, which was great,” Hawn said of co-starring with her husband in the sequel during a 2020 interview with Fox affliate WSVN.

She continued, “And we had a fantastic time where we were off stage and on. And it was almost like a honeymoon, to tell you the truth, and working together was really fun.”

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill spoke about Loretta Lynn on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill spoke about Loretta Lynn on stage at the Grand Ole Opry.
(Larry McCormack/Variety via Getty Images)

Country superstars Faith Hill and Tim McGraw celebrated 26 years of marriage last October.

The singers, both 55, first met in 1994 when they were both romantically involved with other partners. However, they subsequently ended their relationships and began dating while on the first of their many tours together in 1996. The two, who tied the knot in 1997, share daughters Gracie, 25, Maggie, 24, and Audrey, 21.

In 2021, the pair delighted fans when they starred together as husband and wife James and Margaret Dutton in the “Yellowstone” prequel, “1883.”

Hill told Smooth Country Radio that the couple decided not to rehearse together or discuss their scenes before filming.

Pictured: Tim McGraw as James and Faith Hill as Margaret of the Paramount+ original series 1883. Photo Cr: . All Rights Reserved.

Pictured: Tim McGraw as James and Faith Hill as Margaret of the Paramount+ original series 1883. Photo Cr: . All Rights Reserved.
( Sarah Coulter/Paramount+ © 2021 CBS Interactive)

“We do everything together,” the “This Kiss” hitmaker said. “We raised three daughters. They’re all out of the house. Tim has been in many films.”

She added, “So for me, it was important that we did not run our lines together – ever. We did not even talk about the scenes that we were going to be doing together. That was a rule.”

“You know, if it was brought up – no, we’re not going there. Because we know one another so well. The only way for it to be truly authentic – I want to be surprised.

“I want to be surprised as to how he may react to something I say, or vice-versa. And the only way to do that was to… on set – “Action”. That’s the first time I met James [Dutton].”

For his part, McGraw told the Associated Press that he loved McGraw loved the idea that the pair had the opportunity to work together in “something this epic, this big and this strong” at this point in their lives.

“We were just awe-inspired by it,” the “It’s Your Love” crooner added.

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt fell in love after meeting through a friend in 2008.

However, the 38-year-old actor and the 39-year-old actress didn’t share the screen together until 10 years later when they co-starred in the 2018 hit horror film “A Quiet Place,” which was also directed and co-written by Krasinski. 

The two, who married in 2010 and share daughters Hazel, 8, and Violet, 6, reunited once again for the movie’s 2021 sequel “A Quiet Place II.”

At the 25th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards in January 2019, Blunt brought her spouse to tears when she thanked him while accepting the award for outstanding actress in a supporting role for her performance in the sequel.

“I’m going to share this completely with my husband John Krasinski because this entire experience of doing this with you has completely pierced my heart directly,” she said as Krasinski became teary-eyed.

“You are a stunning filmmaker, I’m so lucky to be with you and to have done this film with you,” she added.

 “Thank you for giving me the part, you would have been in major trouble if you hadn’t, so you didn’t really have an option, but thank you,” Blunt said with a laugh.

Warren Beatty and Annette Bening

Warren Beatty had a reputation as one of Hollywood’s most notorious playboys before falling head over heels for actress Annette Bening when he cast her in 1991 biographical crime movie “Bugsy.”

The 85-year-old actor and the 64-year-old actress, who played a married couple in the film, tied the knot a year later. The two share four children together— Stephen, 30, Ben, 28, Isabel, 25, and Ella, 22. 

After more than 30 years together, they have been considered one of Hollywood’s most successful power couples.

The pair played on-screen lovers year again in the 1994 romantic drama “Love Affair.” After a 15-year hiatus from acting, Beatty returned to the screen in the 2016 romantic-comedy drama “Rules Don’t Apply,” where he reunited with his real-life wife.

In 2016, Beatty told Entertainment Weekly that he felt a special spark between himself and Bening from the very beginning.

“When I met Annette over lunch for “Bugsy,” I felt immediately that this was going to change my life,” the Academy Award winter said. “I remember losing interest in the garlic chicken I was eating within 20 seconds. And the garlic chicken had been very good!”

Bening shared her thoughts on the secret to their successful marriage in a 2019 interview with Us Weekly.

“There is no secret as anyone who’s been married knows,” she said.

“We have an incredible family, we have beautiful children. We’ve been through a lot. It’s the center of life. It’s the most important thing. It’s everything.”

Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem

Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem are one of the entertainment industry’s most prolific on and off-screen couples, having starred in nine films together.

The 48-year-old actress and the 53-year-old actor met on the set of their first movie together “Jamón Jamón” in 1992. However, they didn’t embark on a romance until many years later as Cruz was only 16 at the time.

“There was obvious chemistry between us,” Javier told GQ UK in 2017. “I mean, it’s all there on film; it’s like a document of our passion. One day we’re going to have to show the kids – imagine! ‘Mummy, Daddy, what did you do in the movies together?’”

He continued, “‘Well, my children, you should celebrate this movie as you’re here because of it!’ It was a very sexy film. It still is. Penélope’s parents were brave to allow her to do that film – if my daughter at 16 came to me with a script like that I’d have said no f***ing way!”

The two began dating after reuniting on-screen as ex-spouses in Woody Allen’s 2008 film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” Cruz and Barden secretly married in 2010 and share son Leo, 11, and daughter Luna, 9.

Other movies which the two have starred included “The Counselor,” “Loving Pablo,” “Escobar” and “Everybody Knows.”

In a 2019 interview with Glamour, Cruz opened up about the pros and cons of working with her real-life husband.

“Obviously we can’t choose parts just for logistical reasons, like, ‘Oh, let’s work together more often because it’s easier,'” the “Vanilla Sky” star told the outlet.

She continued,  “No. In fact, it’s not something we want to do that often, partly out of a desire to protect what we have. On the one hand, it’s easier because you know that person, he knows you, and the way you work is very similar.”

“On the other hand, the idea of it happening every year is kind of scary. You never know if that might mix things up too much. My instinct is that it would. I think it’s better for it to just be once in a while, even though they’ve been very good experiences.” 

Cruz went on to say,  “Or if we do work together, we wouldn’t want to always play a couple. For instance, in “Everybody Knows,” they have a past, but they’re not together. In “Loving Pablo” they are, but then they’re also a very different couple, which helps.”

In an interview with Fox News Digital, celebrity matchmaker and dating expert Alessandra Conti shared her thoughts on real-life couples who also enjoy sizzling on-screen chemistry. 

“Not every Hollywood couple can translate their off-screen chemistry into an on-screen romance, so when it does happen successfully, there is nothing better as a viewer,” Conti said.


She continued, “As a professional matchmaker, I can affirm that while two people can be objectively attractive, ‘chemistry; between two people is difficult to manufacture. When two actors fall in love off-screen and experience that organic chemistry, it takes a different skill set entirely for them to work together and portray that connection on-screen.”

“Non-actors can think of this as working at the same company that your spouse also happens to work at too.  Most professional actors see acting as their job; for a majority of my former clients who are A-list actors, they explicitly expressed that it is imperative for them to have a strong boundary between their work and their romantic life.  Typically, they have a strong preference for not dating another actor.”

Conti went on to say that while a number of celebrity couples have “successfully mixed business with pleasure,” it is important for them to maintain “strong boundaries between their work-life and their professional life.”

She said, “Setting these directives prior to accepting a joint role is imperative to the success of the relationship. The old adage of ;what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ can apply to these professional relationships as well; what happens on set stays on set.”

“Any normal couple will experience the ups-and-downs of monogamy, but separating the two has been the secret sauce for many of these couples’ blockbuster success.”

Conti explained that many successful on and off-screen pairings have been open about how they make it work. She also shared her own advice for celebrity couples.

“There are so many different ways that these couples can keep sizzling on and off screen: from maintaining a “date night” where work/film/set talk is off limits, to setting a specific hour in the day to discuss work matters, to even only discussing work in a specific room in their home or only at the office/on-set are all secrets to work/romance balance for celebrity couples.



2024 speculation grows after DeSantis speech: 'Sure sounds a lot like the launch of a Presidential campaign'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’, R., second-term inauguration speech inspired praise and speculation about a 2024 presidential run Tuesday. DeSantis, who won his re-election bid this past November by a whopping 19.4 percentage points, is seen as a top contender for the White House and an alternative to former President Trump.

“DeSantis’ Florida inauguration speech sure sounds a lot like the launch of a Presidential campaign,” Tim Young, a conservative commentator, tweeted. 

During his second inaugural address, the Republican governor contrasted his record with that of Democrat-run states. He called Florida the “promised land of sanity,” and said the sunshine state is where “woke goes to die.”


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, left, waves with his wife Casey and their children Mason, left, Madison, center, and Mamie, right, as he does a run through in preparation for his inauguration in Monday, Jan. 2, 2023, at the Old Capitol, in Tallahassee, Fla. DeSantis will be sworn in for his second term as Florida Governor Tuesday.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, left, waves with his wife Casey and their children Mason, left, Madison, center, and Mamie, right, as he does a run through in preparation for his inauguration in Monday, Jan. 2, 2023, at the Old Capitol, in Tallahassee, Fla. DeSantis will be sworn in for his second term as Florida Governor Tuesday.
(AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

“The opportunity to be part of the best team in the country, working for a leader who diligently and steadfastly fights for Floridians every day, has been the honor of a lifetime. I will never forget this day! #FLInauguration2023 #TheFreeStateOfFlorida” Christina Pushaw, a political aide to DeSantis, tweeted.


Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis after taking the oath of office waves to those in attendance at his second term inauguration in Tallahassee, Florida, U.S. January 3, 2023.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis after taking the oath of office waves to those in attendance at his second term inauguration in Tallahassee, Florida, U.S. January 3, 2023.
(REUTERS/Octavio Jones)

Others pointed out that former Florida governor and former 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush was present at DeSantis’s inauguration. 

Jake Lahut, a reporter for the Daily Beast, tweeted “A Jeb(!) sighting at the DeSantis inauguration.”

“DeSantis looks like he’s pondering the question, ‘How in the hell do I escape the coming photo ops of me being in the same frame as ‘Jeb!'” Hillbilly Progeny, a conservative writer, tweeted.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a victory speech after defeating Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rep. Charlie Crist while his wife Casey DeSantis looks on during his election night watch party.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a victory speech after defeating Democratic gubernatorial candidate Rep. Charlie Crist while his wife Casey DeSantis looks on during his election night watch party.
(Getty Images)

Aaron Navarro, a CBS News reporter, contrasted DeSantis’s success to national Republicans’ struggles. 

“Today – Republicans in DC are in distress, but Republicans in Florida are celebrating,” he tweeted.

Steve Deast, a BlazeTV host, struck a similar tone. 

“Contrast the Republican Party in DC, who can’t decide which ‘muh Ukraine’ flag waver to make Speaker, with the scene and themes of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ second inauguration in Florida. It’s like these aren’t even the same political parties,” he tweeted.


In his speech, DeSantis railed against far-Left ideologies, global elites, and government overreach.

“Now, fighting for freedom is not always easy because the threats to freedom are more complex and more widespread than they have been in the past,” DeSantis said. “The threats can come from entrenched bureaucrats in D.C., jetsetters in Davos, and corporations wielding public power. But fight we must. We embrace our founding creed, that our rights are not granted by the courtesy of the state, but are endowed by the hand of the Almighty.


Nevada school district sued for ‘pornographic’ assignment that was barred from being read to school board

A school district in Nevada is being sued by two parents after their children were allegedly required to read a “pornographic” monologue that was barred from being read at a school board meeting, according to the lawsuit.

Candara Evans and Terrell Evans, both parents of children attending Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, are suing the district’s superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara, the district, and the teacher, alleging that they were involved in “unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor” which included “pornographic material,” according to KTSM.

The student, who is 15, wasn’t identified in the lawsuit.

According to the lawsuit, the teacher assigned students to write a monologue, which was followed by another student performing it. The assignment given to the student “contained explicit, obscene and sexually violent material,” according to the lawsuit, which adds that “[The teacher] helped the other student edit their obscenely violent pornographic monologue knowing that it would then be provided to another student to read, memorize and perform in front of the class.”


Candara Evans and Terrell Evans, both parents of children attending Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, are suing the district's superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara, the district, and the teacher, alleging that they were involved in "unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor" which included "pornographic material," according to KTSM.

Candara Evans and Terrell Evans, both parents of children attending Las Vegas Academy of the Arts, are suing the district’s superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara, the district, and the teacher, alleging that they were involved in “unlawful grooming and abuse of a minor” which included “pornographic material,” according to KTSM.
(Google Maps)

The lawsuit states that one monolauge edited by the teacher contained explicit language:

“I don’t love you. It’s not you, it’s just (looks down) your d***. I don’t like your d*** or any d*** in that case. I cheated Joe. We were long distance and I’m in college and me and this girl, my roommate, started having some drinks and you know, I thought it was a one-time thing but then we started going out for coffee, and started sleeping in the same bed. I never thought it would get this far but God, it was like fireworks, and made me realize that with you it was always like a pencil sharpener that keeps getting jammed. I’ve tried to look at it from all different perspectives, but the truth is, I’m a f***** lesbian. I’ll never love you or any man, or any f****** d***. I hope you find a nice straight girl because that’s not me, and I’m tired of pretending that it is,” the monolauge allegedly states.

Candara Evans spoke with an administrator about the assignment in April 2022, according to the lawsuit.


“[The administrator] empathized with them that he would be very upset if he found out that assignment had been given to his daughter,” the lawsuit states. “He told them that plaintiffs were handling the issue better than he would and that it would not be swept under the rug. He promised he would make sure that it never happened again. Further, he agreed that [the teacher] should have stopped [the teenager] as soon as she heard the first line of the monologue.”

The lawsuit states that an administrator met with the student, and Candara asked for another meeting with staff. During that meeting, according to the lawsuit, staff members “defended the obscene monologue and then blamed [the student] for reading it.”

During a Board of Trustees meeting on May 12, according to the lawsuit, Candara’s microphone was cut off when she began reading the monologue.


“I am going to read you an assignment given to my 15-year-old daughter at a local high school,” Candara Evans said during the meeting. “This will be horrifying for me to read to you but that will give you perspective on how she must have felt when her teacher required her to memorize this and to act it out in front of her entire class.”

The school district didn’t give a comment to the outlet, citing ongoing litigation.
