Colorado plans to send more migrants to New York

“We were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado is now stating that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York and Chicago,” Adams said during a radio appearance. “This is just unfair for local governments to have to take on this national obligation.”

An aide to Adams said the mayor’s administration was told about the influx Monday evening.

Like many major cities around the country, Denver has been struggling to provide services for a surge of people who have fled their home countries in Central and South America, crossed the southern border and sought asylum in the United States. Over the past month, more than 3,500 migrants have arrived in Denver, according to the city, and each night around 1,800 asylum seekers have sought shelter in the city.

In response, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock declared a state of emergency and later appealed to the local Catholic archdiocese for assistance. He and Polis — both Democrats — also launched a fund to raise money to support services for migrants.

In total, Polis said the state has recently made $5 million available to assist with expenses. And while roughly 70 percent of asylum seekers who arrive in Denver are traveling to other destinations, the cost of helping them purchase bus tickets constitutes a fraction of the overall pot of cash.

In light of the recent winter storm that snarled holiday travel — with Southwest Airlines’ logistical meltdown leading to a rush on bus tickets — the Denver mayor’s office reached out to the Adams administration to let them know that more migrants than usual may be arriving by bus, according to Polis, who expected levels to moderate within a week or two.

“There is a lot of pent-up demand right now and a lot of frustration among our migrants who have been trapped for a week or two in a place they didn’t want to be through no fault of their own,” he said.

On Tuesday, Polis announced a partnership including the state, the city and local nonprofits designed to beef up transportation services for asylum seekers trying to get out of Colorado — an initiative welcomed by Hancock’s office.

“I appreciate [Polis] and the State for leaning in to support those coming to our city to reach their preferred destinations, and to help reduce the number of people in our shelters and more quickly connect them with community supports and other options,” Hancock said in a statement Tuesday. “I’ve talked with other mayors around the country and we’re united in our call for Congress to work with the Biden Administration to provide the assistance we need to manage this situation.”

Thousands of migrants have attempted to cross into the U.S. from the southern border in recent weeks, in part because a Trump administration border policy, known as Title 42, was set to expire in December. The Supreme Court last week blocked the lifting of the policy, which allows the U.S. to expel migrants to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott over the spring and summer bused thousands of migrants from the border to blue strongholds like New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, while Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis flew nearly 50 mostly Venezuelan migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard. He claimed it was to bring attention to the border situation.

But in recent weeks, the dilemma at the border has become worse. El Paso’s Democratic mayor, Oscar Leeser, declared a state of emergency in December after migrants began pouring into the city. Abbott also deployed hundreds of Texas national guard and state troopers to the border to stop people from entering the U.S.

The migrants are coming to Colorado on buses from border towns including El Paso, Texas though it’s unclear whether any government officials have paid for those trips north.

A spokesperson for Abbott said in an email, “We are still only busing to DC, NYC, Chicago, and Philadelphia.” The El Paso mayor’s office similarly said they had not coordinated any travel to Denver, though a host of entities, from the county to individual nonprofits, are all involved in assisting migrants with transport out of Texas.

Polis said that most officials dealing with an influx of migrants have been acting in good faith.

“Too many people, in our opinion, view this through a political lens or as playing politics — and it’s terrible that in some places, people have been used as political props,” he said. “But what we are doing here is just honoring our values by treating people with dignity and respect.”

Adams said Tuesday around 30,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City since the spring in need of food, shelter and education — a surge that has has stretched the city’s social service infrastructure to the breaking point and opened up huge risks for the municipal budget. Adams, along with the two Colorado leaders, have called on the federal government to provide assistance to localities dealing with the influx.

“No city should have to make a decisions if they’re going to provide for their citizens — particularly coming out of Covid — or if they’re going to deal with an onslaught of migrants and asylum seekers,” he said.

David Kihara contributed to this report.


Florida alleged burglars call 911 for help 'moving their belongings,' get caught by owners: sheriff

Law enforcement officials in Florida arrested two alleged burglars after they called 911 to ask for help “moving their belongings” from a home that wasn’t theirs.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.

Deputies said that the couple was in the residence because they were looking for a place to sleep for the night.

“Post Miranda, Martin stated on a recorded statement he did commit the burglary at the Dollar General because he needed to get items to sell it to make money,” an arrest affidavit states. “Martin stated he knew what he did was wrong, but needed the money. Martin stated he knew the residence was not his and did not have permission to be in, but had to get inside to get out of the cold.”


The Polk County Sheriff's Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office says that 23-year-old Martin Gonzalez-Garcia and 22-year-old Ashializ Roldan-Oscasio were in the process of burglarizing a home on Dec. 29, 2022 when one of them called 911 and asked for help with moving some of their belongings.
(Polk County Sheriff’s Office)

Roldan-Oscasio told deputies that she called 911 in order to have law enforcement move items from the house which they burglarized, the sheriff’s office said.

“Deputies DID help them with their belongings, and DID give them a ride, but it wasn’t to the airport … it was to the Polk Pokey,” the sheriff’s office said. “And they are welcome to stay there all weekend long. The Polk Pokey is much better than New York anyway.” 


Roldan-Oscasio was charged with burglary of a residence and Gonzalez-Garcia is being charged with burglary and theft as well as burglary of a residence.

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‘Romeo & Juliet’ stars sue for more than $500M over 1968 film’s teen nude scene

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Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting, who played the titular roles in 1968’s “Romeo and Juliet,” have sued Paramount Pictures for more than $500 million over a nude scene in the film shot when they were teenagers, new court documents show.

Hussey, then 15 and now 71, and Whiting, then 16 now 72, filed the suit in Los Angeles County Superior Court Friday alleging sexual abuse, sexual harassment and fraud after the nude scene was included in the film, despite alleged reassurance from Director Franco Zeffirelli nudity would not be shown.

Zeffirelli, who died in 2019, allegedly told the two young actors that they would wear flesh-colored undergarments in the bedroom scene and would use camera angles to obscure the nudity, the suit alleges.

According to the suit, the scene was shot on the final days of filming and ignored those previous assurances.


Whiting, who played Romeo, and Hussey, who played Juliet, said they were filmed in the nude without their knowledge, in violation of California and federal laws against indecency and the exploitation of children, the suit says.

The two stars said Zeffirelli told them they must act in the nude “or the Picture would fail,” the suit said. He also suggested their careers would be hurt, it added. So, the actors “believed they had no choice but to act in the nude in body makeup as demanded,” the suit said.

The scene in question, which comes near the end of the film, briefly showed Whiting’s bare buttocks and Hussey’s bare breasts.


“What they were told and what went on were two different things,” said Tony Marinozzi, a business manager for both actors, according to Variety. “They trusted Franco. At 16, as actors, they took his lead that he would not violate that trust they had. Franco was their friend, and frankly, at 16, what do they do? There are no options. There was no #MeToo.”

The film was an international sensation at the time and was nominated for four Academy Awards. In the 55 years since its release, it has been widely shown to high school students who study the Shakespeare play.

Hussey and Whiting said they suffered emotional damage and mental anguish for decades and their careers did not reflect the success of the movie, according to the suit.


“Nude images of minors are unlawful and shouldn’t be exhibited,” said Solomon Gresen, the actors’ attorney, Variety reported. “These were very young naive children in the ’60s who had no understanding of what was about to hit them. All of a sudden they were famous at a level they never expected, and in addition they were violated in a way they didn’t know how to deal with.”

Fox News Digital reached out to representatives of Paramount, but a response was not immediately returned.

The lawsuit was filed under a California law temporarily suspending the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, which has led to a host of new lawsuits and the revival of many others that were previously dismissed.

In 2018, Hussey described the controversial scene as “very taboo” in America but seemed to defend its use in the European-set film as it was “done very tastefully.”


“I think because it was done very tastefully,” she told Fox News. “And in Europe, it was very different. In America, it was very taboo. But in Europe a lot of the films had nudity. Nobody really thought much of it. But it was just the fact that I was 16 that got a lot of publicity… The large crew we worked with was whittled down to only the very basic people, a handful of people. It was done later in the day when it wasn’t busy. It was a closed set.”

Despite being unclothed, Hussey described being at ease on set.

“If you see it, the reality is these two young kids married against their parents’ wishes and have this one night together and then they die… And it wasn’t really banned in any country… And we shot it at the very end of the film. So by that time… we’ve all become a big family… It wasn’t that big of a deal. And Leonard wasn’t shy at all! In the middle of shooting, I just completely forgot I didn’t have clothes on,” she said at the time.

According to the suit, the actors are seeking damages of more than $500 million.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Where We Stand Tonight in the Speaker’s Race

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As we always say, it’s about the math. And the math is a moving target as the Speaker’s vote moves into a second day.

Here’s the problem: Fox is hearing rumblings that at least two GOP members may need to be absent later this week. Absences on either side start to alter the math of the equation to win the Speakership.

The House began at 434 members today. Republicans have 222 members. But 20 support Rep.-elect Jim Jordan (R-OH). So, the number of members who currently support Rep.-elect Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is 202. However, Fox is told that number could dwindle – both in terms of attendance and GOPers who don’t believe McCarthy can ever pull it out. There are starting to be serious conversations around the Capitol now about vote attrition for McCarthy. Don’t forget that McCarthy failed to get the votes to succeed former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) in October, 2015. What we are witnessing now is a fight which was delayed by seven years and is now playing out in full few, blocking the entire Congress from electing its Constitutional officer for the legislative branch of government.

Thus, the total number of members voting and voting for McCarthy could change.


Here’s another phenomenon to watch for: McCarthy’s biggest help and hindrance right now are the 20 GOPers voting for someone else by name. Voting for Jordan by name helps McCarthy stay in the game for now. But it obviously prevents him from securing the Speakership. However, the danger is lurking if McCarthy opponents were to switch their vote to “present.” Voting “present” doesn’t count against the overall vote total. Thus, it lowers the total number of lawmakers voting for someone by name. Prospective House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) outpolled McCarthy on every single vote, capturing the ballots of all 212 Democrats.

The doomsday scenario for McCarthy and Republicans is if some McCarthy supporters start to disappear or vote “present.” Under such circumstances, Jeffries is inching close to winning an outright majority of those casting ballots by name. Jeffries outpaced McCarthy by nine to 10 votes on each tally today.


House Democratic leaders did not respond to a question at a press conference this evening as to whether they were telling their members to stay close to the floor. If Democrats have more members on hand that GOPers, this gets to be a problem. Keep in mind that Democrats have a defined leadership team at this moment. Republicans do not. That counts for a great deal in these rocky circumstances.

Also, there are no objection or demand for a roll call vote when Rep.-elect Tom Cole (R-OK) moved for the House to adjourn at the conclusion of the third roll call vote tonight. It’s possible that McCarthy opponents – teaming with Democrats – could demand a recorded vote on a motion to adjourn and block the House from adjourning.

McCarthy and his supporters needed the breather tonight. So it’s probably good from their perspective that the House isn’t continuing to vote and is adjourned. That’s because continued, repeated votes runs the risk of having people stray from the chamber. This is important the longer this goes on. A vote AGAINST an adjournment and keep the House in session, round the clock. This could work against McCarthy. Or, if the right mixture of his opponents and Democrats were absent on subsequent Speaker votes, it’s possible that the continued votes could help McCarthy.

Keep in mind that there is precedent in both 1849 and 1856 for the House to take a vote to lower the threshold for someone to win the Speakership from an outright majority of all members voting for someone by name versus a plurality. The House could approve such a resolution to help McCarthy. But, if the House were to do that now, you know you has a plurality? Hakeem Jeffries.


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[World] US FDA clears path for pharmacies to sell abortion pills

BBC News world 

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A two-drug regimen is commonly used to induce abortions

Retail pharmacies in the US can dispense the abortion pill mifepristone for the first time, under a new rule change by the Biden administration.

Patients currently obtain mifepristone – part of a two-drug regimen that is safe and effective in inducing abortion – in person from a health provider.

A prescription is still required under the new rule, but patients can now pick up the pill in-store or by mail order.

The move could significantly expand access to abortion through medication.

Abortion pills have become more sought after in the wake of last year’s Supreme Court decision overturning the federal right to abortion, with several states banning or sharply restricting access to abortion.

More than half of US abortions are already done with pills rather than by surgery, according to the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute.

In December 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had said it would permanently lift the requirement for patients to obtain a prescription in person via a healthcare provider, as part of its pandemic-driven move toward telemedicine.

On Tuesday, the FDA updated its website with the new requirements, saying the drug “can be dispensed by certified pharmacies or by or under the supervision of a certified prescriber”.

Danco Laboratories and GenBioPro, the two US companies who make the drug, confirmed in separate statements that the agency had informed them of its decision.

The move has been hailed as “an important step” forward by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

“Although the FDA’s announcement today will not solve access issues for every person seeking abortion care, it will allow more patients who need mifepristone for medication abortion additional options to secure this vital drug,” the organisation said in a statement.

Mifepristone is taken in combination with a second drug called misoprostol, typically taken within 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy to induce what is known as medication abortion. Misoprostol, which is commonly used for miscarriage management, is not a restricted drug and can easily be obtained at pharmacies via prescription.

Pharmacies – from large chains to corner drugstores – can now apply for certification to distribute mifepristone, which will allow them to directly service customers with a prescription from a certified prescriber. Drug chains CVS and Walgreens have both said they are reviewing the new requirements.

But the political landmines surrounding abortion are likely to influence whether or not, and where, pharmacies will offer the pill.

Women in the more than dozen states where abortion has been banned will also likely need to travel to other states to obtain medication abortion.


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Colorado woman killed in hit-and-run crash after rideshare driver kicks her out for being ‘ill’

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A woman was killed in a hit-and-run crash on a Colorado interstate on New Year’s Day after her rideshare driver made her exit the vehicle for allegedly becoming ill.

According to Thornton Police, the woman and her friends got out of the car on the side of Northbound I-25 about 11 miles north of Denver after she “became ill in the vehicle” just after midnight on Sunday.

The woman then walked out into the roadway and was sideswiped by a truck that continued driving, police said.

Another vehicle struck the woman as she was lying in the roadway, but that driver pulled over and remained at the scene.


The highway was closed for several hours that morning as authorities investigated the incident.

Adam Wooley, 33, the driver of the truck that sideswiped the woman, turned himself in on Monday. He was charged with a hit-and-run involving death, and his vehicle was impounded.

Police later made contact with the rideshare driver, who fully cooperated. Thornton police Officer Jesus Mendez told The Denver Post that the rideshare driver is unlikely to face charges.


“I do know that is not the cause of the accident,” he said. “It’s not that a vehicle ran off the side of the road and struck them. This person walked out into the roadway and was struck.”


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Russia says their troops were killed in a devastating HIMARS strike because some soldiers were using cell phones and gave their location away

Business Insider 

A damaged building in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, on January 2, 2023.

Russia said a Ukrainian HIMARS strike in the occupied Donetsk region in Ukraine killed dozens of its soldiers. 
The Russians say 89 soldiers were killed, and blamed their own troops for using cell phones.
According to the Russians, these cell phone signals gave their soldiers’ locations away.

The Russian Ministry of Defense says so many of its troops died in a recent Ukrainian attack in the Donetsk region, because soldiers were using cell phones and gave their location away. 

On New Year’s Eve, Russian troops came under attack in the Russian-occupied Ukrainian city of Makiivka. The Russians say they were struck by Ukrainian troops equipped with US-provided High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers.

But in a statement posted on the defense ministry’s Telegram channel on Tuesday, the Russians blamed their own soldiers for “allowing the enemy to locate and determine the coordinates of the location of military personnel for launching a missile strike.”

“It is already obvious that the main reason for what happened was the switching on and massive use — contrary to the prohibition — by personnel of mobile phones in a reach zone of enemy weapons,” the statement from the Russian defense ministry read. 

On Tuesday, Russia said 63 of its soldiers died in the New Year’s strike by Ukrainian forces. The defense ministry’s statement on Telegram reported a later death toll of 89. 

Ukraine’s military reported a higher number of Russian casualties from the attack — around 400 — but this figure has not been independently verified.

The use of cell phones on the battlefield by Russian soldiers has become a risk for Russian soldiers. But it’s been a boon for Ukraine, which has used intercepted calls to locate Russian troops since the start of the war.

An investigation from the New York Times released last month found that Ukrainian forces discovered upticks in frantic calls from foreign numbers and used them to pinpoint the location of Russian troops. 

“We listened to the Russian soldiers as they panicked and called their friends and relatives,” a Ukrainian official told The Times. “They used ordinary phones to make decisions about their further moves.”

Representatives for the Kremlin did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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California man intentionally drove Tesla off cliff with another adult, 2 kids in car: authorities

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A man who injured himself and three others, including two children, after driving his Tesla off a cliff in California on Monday is now facing multiple charges after authorities said the plunge was intentional.

California Highway Patrol in San Francisco on Facebook said Dharmesh A. Patel, of Pasadena, was arrested for attempted murder and child abuse Tuesday. After talking to witnesses and gathering evidence at the scene, investigators believe “this incident was an intentional act.” 

Earlier on Tuesday, CHP Officer Mark Andrew said investigators did not believe the Tesla was operating in autopilot or full self-driving mode at the time. 

Authorities echoed that statement on Facebook later in the day and added the car’s driving mode “does not appear to be a contributing factor” in the crash.


California Highway Patrol officers responded to the incident Monday around 10:50 a.m. after 911 callers reported a car went over the ‘Devil’s Slide’ cliff south of the Tom Lantos tunnels on State Highway 1.

At the scene, first responders saw a white Tesla approximately 250-300 feet down the cliff. Multiple agencies responded to the scene to rescue the passengers after noticing movement from the car. 

“We go there all the time for cars over the cliff and they never live. This was an absolute miracle,” Brian Pottenger, a battalion chief for Coastside Fire Protection District/Cal Fire, said.

Firefighters rappelled down the cliff while another rescuer was lowered from a helicopter to assist in the extrication and rescue amid rainy and windy conditions.


First responders had to use the “jaws of life” tools to cut the passengers out of the car. An earlier Fox News Digital report said the children – a 4-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy – were pulled out of the back window while the adults were hoisted from the water’s edge and transferred to a waiting Stanford Life Flight helicopter.

Patel and the second adult reportedly suffered traumatic injuries and the two children were rushed to the hospital by ambulance with musculoskeletal injuries.

Authorities did not say if the passengers are related to Patel or not.

Patel is being treated for his injuries at an area hospital and will be booked into the San Mateo County Jail upon his release.

California authorities said no further information will be released at this time, but the investigation remains active. Additional witnesses are asked to call the CHP – San Francisco Area at 415-557-1094.


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US House Lawmakers to Vote on New Speaker After 3 Failed Ballots for McCarthy

USA – Voice of America 

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives meet again Wednesday with the task of selecting the next speaker of the House, a day after Republican Kevin McCarthy’s bid for the job was met with rare opposition in a series of votes that saw him thwarted by his party’s most conservative members.

Tuesday’s session marked the first time in 100 years that neither a Republican nor Democrat won the House speakership on the first round of voting to become the leader of the 435-member chamber.

McCarthy failed to win the speakership in three rounds of voting, with 20 Republicans opposing him in the latest round. With a fourth round of voting on tap, it was unclear whether enough of McCarthy’s opponents would abandon their opposition to him, or whether new candidates might emerge.

Republicans will hold a narrow 222-212 majority in the House, with one current vacancy, requiring McCarthy, a California lawmaker for 16 years, to win at least 218 votes to claim the speakership. Under a provision in the U.S. Constitution, he also would become second in the line of succession to the U.S. presidency.

But 19 Republicans, many of them in recent weeks expressing the view that McCarthy was not conservative enough to lead House Republicans, voted for other Republican lawmakers in the first round of voting, including Representatives Andy Biggs of Arizona and Jim Jordan of Ohio, two vocal opponents of Democratic President Joe Biden.

In the third round of voting, 20 dissident Republicans voted for Jordan, even though he nominated McCarthy as his choice to lead the majority Republican caucus in the new two-year House session.

Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries of New York, with all 212 Democrats voting for him, led the voting for the speakership although he has no chance of winning because no Republicans plan to vote for him. On the latest ballot, 202 Republicans voted for McCarthy, 16 short of the 218 he needed.

The 57-year-old McCarthy, a staunch conservative himself, has sought for years to lead the House. Over the past several weeks, he has met repeatedly with his Republican foes to secure their support for his speakership bid.

McCarthy offered to change the House’s governing rules in several ways, including to permit snap votes to declare the speakership vacant and select someone else if they did not like his policy stances or how the party caucus was conducting its promised investigations of Biden and his administration.

Whoever the Republicans eventually elect, McCarthy or someone else, will replace outgoing Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who remains a House member and cast her votes for Jeffries.

Democrats, who have been locked in a 50-50 split with Republicans in the Senate the past two years, gained an edge in the nationwide congressional elections nearly two months ago and will hold a 50-49 majority in the upper chamber, even after onetime Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema announced she is now an independent but would not change her voting philosophy. She usually has voted with the Democratic lawmakers and Biden.

Choosing a House speaker occurs even before representatives are sworn into office for their two-year terms. Lawmakers called out the name of their choice for House speaker from the floor of the chamber, and the same scenario will play out in the fourth round of voting, and possibly beyond that.

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